\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Yea I'm not too an.al about my cars. Drive it and enjoy because something better will always come along

Hell nahhh.

What you had in the past:
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What came along...
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Honestly the rims on your Tesla are a much better look than that Lambo. Not feeling them at all on the Lambo, but fire on the Tesla. I don't even like Tesla but I gotta admit yours looks real nice.

Black runs would suit that Huracan alot more. Looks too aggressive and has a lot of black accents that would go well with a black rim.

Looks much better on the Tessy.
Black runs would suit that Huracan alot more. Looks too aggressive and has a lot of black accents that would go well with a black rim.

Looks much better on the Tessy.

Aventador but ya, with the black accents black rims would prob suit it more. Personally I don't like those lower black accents on the Aventador, it kind of ruins the shape for me.
I like the full body colored one mores, looks a lot sleeker that way.
Aventador but ya, with the black accents black rims would prob suit it more. Personally I don't like those lower black accents on the Aventador, it kind of ruins the shape for me.
I like the full body colored one mores, looks a lot sleeker that way.

Oh right it is, watching the game so half paying attention. :lol:

Guaranteed you would like it better if the rims were black.
Question for you guys with $100k+ cars everyday drivers. Aren’t you paranoid that some jealous j-hole is going to mess with you car\truck? I ended up selling one of my cars because I afraid someone would key it or something worse and with me being OCD a repair wouldn’t be good enough. Catching the person wouldn’t be a problem since I had a dashcam I just felt like I was always wanting to avoid the problem so I didn’t drive it much and eventually sold it.

I guess depends where you at. Rarely an issue like that, mostly a possible door ding if I get lazy and park in a crowd. I usually just park far and walk. If i park valet i tip the guy and i just park my car myself or up front.

Most issues like keying etc are rage, like an ex or pissed off employee…
Question for you guys with $100k+ cars everyday drivers. Aren’t you paranoid that some jealous j-hole is going to mess with you car\truck? I ended up selling one of my cars because I afraid someone would key it or something worse and with me being OCD a repair wouldn’t be good enough. Catching the person wouldn’t be a problem since I had a dashcam I just felt like I was always wanting to avoid the problem so I didn’t drive it much and eventually sold it.
idk where u from but out here in LA there are literally so many 100k + cars no one really blinks an eye
That looks like so much fun, goddamit. Just let it rip & flyyyy. Sucks we don't have this in NY or closeby. I would pay good $ to get a crack at this, not as wild as these guys a bit more tame as a first timer. Dude has skill on the drone...got some good *** shots & footage. You be doing these desert runs?
nah :lol:

maybe when i get some more time to invest in another hobby i will
was on the highway today i didn't realize my speed but chp came up next to me flashing their lights, i was at like 90ish and slowed down and they drove away.
whew, dodged a bullet there
cool cops are a blessing,i assume since i was doing anything erratic just going straight they let me off
where i live, its not much of an issue either. tbh, your car getting stolen/vandalized/door dinged/etc. can happen if its $100k+ or $4000.

Cars getting stolen is not an issue here either. Random acts of vandalism are an issue everywhere and it’s more a PITA when it’s something expensive that needs repairing. Someone keys your $4k Honda you might not even fix it or think twice. Then again why key a $4k Honda?
Jealously also exists everywhere. Someone you may not even know may judge and decide to do some damage.
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You must live in a different LA than everyone else.

I was speaking in terms more of car vandalism which you were referring to such as keying a car or some weird stuff like that, the article does include car break ins but tbh that doesn't really happen unless you park on the street in a hectic neighborhood. most places you go to in metropolitan los angeles will have parking structures. either way i've never experienced vandalism that i would report to the police, i'm sure the other dudes in LA in this thread could chime in too. u mostly have to just be aware of what part of the city you are in like in most major cities

even then, my point still stands corrected as in the article you posted it says lowest level in 5 years :lol:

you do gotta watch for door dings tho, thats a common threat in any city tho, not unique to LA
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Cars getting stolen is not an issue here either. Random acts of vandalism are an issue everywhere and it’s more a PITA when it’s something expensive that needs repairing. Someone keys your $4k Honda you might not even fix it or think twice. Then again why key a $4k Honda?

the point is that all it takes is an individual to feel so inclined to mess with your car. an envious person, bored teen, stumbling drunk...it can happen any and everywhere. why be paranoid about something you cant truly control?
the point is that all it takes is an individual to feel so inclined to mess with your car. an envious person, bored teen, stumbling drunk...it can happen any and everywhere. why be paranoid about something you cant truly control?
So you don’t attempt to protect and shield your things from damage or theft? I mean if it’s going to happen why not just leave your keys in your car and your doors unlocked?
I was speaking in terms more of car vandalism which you were referring to such as keying a car or some weird stuff like that, the article does include car break ins but tbh that doesn't really happen unless you park on the street in a hectic neighborhood. most places you go to in metropolitan los angeles will have parking structures. either way i've never experienced vandalism that i would report to the police, i'm sure the other dudes in LA in this thread could chime in too. u mostly have to just be aware of what part of the city you are in like in most major cities

even then, my point still stands corrected as in the article you posted it says lowest level in 5 years :lol:

you do gotta watch for door dings tho, thats a common threat in any city tho, not unique to LA

If you read the article is also says that low numbers are normal for the first quarter of the year ..down only 1.2%. It's obviously a clickbait title.
I lived just outside of Chicago all my life and the things that I experienced happened in the burbs. Keying doesnt have to make sense or have a reason.
My point being it takes the joy out of owning something nice if you continuously worry about people trying to damage it.
If you read the article is also says that low numbers are normal for the first quarter of the year ..down only 1.2%. It's obviously a clickbait title.
I lived just outside of Chicago all my life and the things that I experienced happened in the burbs. Keying doesnt have to make sense or have a reason.
My point being it takes the joy out of owning something nice if you continuously worry about people trying to damage it.
my bad musta missed that part.

but as dude above said keying is not really a concern in LA, door dings is ur main concern
Nobody just vandalizes random cars around here.

You’ll get it broken into or parts stolen though or just the whole thing stolen if you’re the idiot warming it up without a remote start and the keys in it.

New GLC looks very similar to the current gen, but does look good overall. Interior basically a C class interior but damn, sup with that steering wheel. The bottom spoke look like a struggle spoke, maybe just the pic but it looks so weird. Cant wait to see wha the 53/63 look like.
So you don’t attempt to protect and shield your things from damage or theft? I mean if it’s going to happen why not just leave your keys in your car and your doors unlocked?

what? not sure how you landed on that conclusion...if i'm eating in a restaurant and someone dings my door, what am i supposed to do? should i be paranoid the whole time i'm eating to where i dont enjoy my meal or be too concerned to even take my car out of the garage?

are you afraid of wearing your shoes bc someone might step on them? **** happens bruh. you can only do so much to be cautious without it consuming you. if you're too scared to own a car bc of what might happen to it, then dont. personally, i think thats a stupid way to live.
This dude is just a troll. I have an expensive car and like someone earlier said - more worried about a door ding or shopping cart hitting it on accident. I’ve never been worried about someone keying my **** because they are jealous or whatever.
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