Post Your Dream Jordan Colorways....

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they took off the pics
haha i did one on there but the pic didnt work and i did a cool grey VI cause it was the only color that looked right and it turned out pretty nice but yourright he never did have a chance.....and i was thinkin since you're hatin on everybodys inspiration you should give them some suggestions...just a thought
This idea comes from the Gucci, Louie and Burberry trademark pattern materials. SO WHY NOT HAVE A JUMPMANMATERIAL??? These kicks are all suede, no pattent, no mesh so I know that these are not some people's thing.....
Originally Posted by Beelzebub23

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

extremely tacky

You wasn't saying that when you was beggin' your mamma to buy Bape hoodies.......
First of all, i was NEVER into bape or any of the all over print crap. PLEASE do not act if you know me. You got all hurt because i stated myopinion. If you cant handle that then get of the internet. fall back.
Originally Posted by JumpmanJordanAddict89

^i want the hoodie
but im not feelin the kicks

You hella g@y. you was scared to say something about the kicks until someone else did and then you edit? Aye yo, Beelze, go in on both of these girls. Thisdude with 11,000 post never even posted in this thread and when he does he's talking down on one of the best guys in here
. Beelze, is one of the few people who ever tries to do anything out of theordinary in here and some general forum fly who maxes out his 50 post every day wants to %%+% on him? Y'all fools is intent on running the good people outof here and leaving the trash. GSDOUBLEU, or whatever you call yourself, if you want to talk trash, there is a 114 pages, and every one of them contains some garbage so whywould you choose to come in on this? You're a square
. I think you are a blood relative of JumpmanJordanAddict89, and everyone over here knows he's a HER. Even Masterhammy don't mess with this clown no more
^wut is your problem with me? It seems everything Beelze does u love no matter if its wack or not. I just wanna know u tell GSDoubleU to to go back 114 pageswhere were u before pg 90 huh? This thread was a lot better before u showed up with your shot taking at everybody besides Beelze.
Originally Posted by KaoriNight

Originally Posted by JumpmanJordanAddict89

^i want the hoodie
but im not feelin the kicks
GSDOUBLEU, or whatever you call yourself, if you want to talk trash, there is a 114 pages, and every one of them contains some garbage so why would you choose to come in on this? You're a square
. I think you are a blood relative of JumpmanJordanAddict89, and everyone over here knows he's a HER. Even Masterhammy don't mess with this clown no more

i dont know who Jumpmanaddict is or what the gender is, but i dont come to the jordan forum much because of clowns like you defending your BF. I just so happento click on the last page of this thread and saw that hoodie and jordans and i stated my opinion, now if you or who ever can handle an OPINION like i said tothe other dude, get of the internet. Why the hell did i come to this kids forum. *!%% isnt like it used to be

at this dude with some damn anime avy trying to talk
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