Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

I don't really care about car emissions or stuff like that but Ive been thinkin if we put in either grates on the side of the road or holes in the road that could suck up all the emmissions from cars that'd be one way to control them. At least do it in major cities
I don't really care about car emissions or stuff like that but Ive been thinkin if we put in either grates on the side of the road or holes in the road that could suck up all the emmissions from cars that'd be one way to control them. At least do it in major cities
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

This post (below) went over alot of people's heads. It's all from the show Ancient Aliens tho....

Originally Posted by lyricist343

-Franklin D Roosevelt proposed a 2nd Bill of Rights towards the end of World War 2 because he saw the direction the United States was heading into where the big corporations was taking over the little guys and the middle class was fazing out. In the 2nd Bill of Rights, he proposed Universal Health Care, Employment with a LIVING wage (Basically meaning good pay), Housing, the right of a good education and Freedom from unfair Competition and Monopolies. Unfortunately he died a year later and the plan was never put into fruition. (I know there's no theory in this post but something for ya'll to think about in relation to the US today.)
One of his most eerie quotes that resonate with the US of today: "We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made."

FDR was a crazy man towards the end of his presidency who tried to stack the supreme court to pass more government progams and have less resistance in moving along with his plans to have anything he can think of be run by the government. 
Universal Health Care is bound to fail, the amount of "unexpected Costs" that will come along with Obama care will be astronomical, and will be even more inefficient than some hospitals in the country. 

All the healthcare needs to do is have hospitals dedicated around specialties, and stop focusing on trying to be the best in everything. 

having hospitals focusing on General care, Orthopedics, Cancer treatment, and other categories will make hospitals run smoother, and eliminate the need for the government to have its hands in something else when it needs to be focusing on other things like Illegal Immigration, Mortgage and housing crisis. 

My Theories: 

The bare minimum you need to be elected president now, is a marketing campaign and be a decent public speaker. 

Obama is just a man behind some hidden agenda by people like George Soros, who pushed him into the white house so he can have the country ran the way they wanted. 
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

This post (below) went over alot of people's heads. It's all from the show Ancient Aliens tho....

Originally Posted by lyricist343

-Franklin D Roosevelt proposed a 2nd Bill of Rights towards the end of World War 2 because he saw the direction the United States was heading into where the big corporations was taking over the little guys and the middle class was fazing out. In the 2nd Bill of Rights, he proposed Universal Health Care, Employment with a LIVING wage (Basically meaning good pay), Housing, the right of a good education and Freedom from unfair Competition and Monopolies. Unfortunately he died a year later and the plan was never put into fruition. (I know there's no theory in this post but something for ya'll to think about in relation to the US today.)
One of his most eerie quotes that resonate with the US of today: "We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made."

FDR was a crazy man towards the end of his presidency who tried to stack the supreme court to pass more government progams and have less resistance in moving along with his plans to have anything he can think of be run by the government. 
Universal Health Care is bound to fail, the amount of "unexpected Costs" that will come along with Obama care will be astronomical, and will be even more inefficient than some hospitals in the country. 

All the healthcare needs to do is have hospitals dedicated around specialties, and stop focusing on trying to be the best in everything. 

having hospitals focusing on General care, Orthopedics, Cancer treatment, and other categories will make hospitals run smoother, and eliminate the need for the government to have its hands in something else when it needs to be focusing on other things like Illegal Immigration, Mortgage and housing crisis. 

My Theories: 

The bare minimum you need to be elected president now, is a marketing campaign and be a decent public speaker. 

Obama is just a man behind some hidden agenda by people like George Soros, who pushed him into the white house so he can have the country ran the way they wanted. 
Originally Posted by sircharles2ol3

Love this thread.

Is it true that some farmers are constantly spraying their vegetation with sugared water so that it tastes better?
Is it true that some farmers are constantly spraying their vegetation with sugared water so that it tastes better?
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

My Theories: 
The bare minimum you need to be elected president now, is a marketing campaign and be a decent public speaker.

Obama is just a man behind some hidden agenda by people like George Soros, who pushed him into the white house so he can have the country ran the way they wanted.

[table][tr][td]The Daily Show With Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]George Soros Plans to Overthrow America[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor & Satire Blog[/td][td]The Daily Show on Facebook[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]The Daily Show With Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]The Manchurian Lunatic[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor & Satire Blog[/td][td]The Daily Show on Facebook[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

My Theories: 
The bare minimum you need to be elected president now, is a marketing campaign and be a decent public speaker.

Obama is just a man behind some hidden agenda by people like George Soros, who pushed him into the white house so he can have the country ran the way they wanted.

[table][tr][td]The Daily Show With Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]George Soros Plans to Overthrow America[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor & Satire Blog[/td][td]The Daily Show on Facebook[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]The Daily Show With Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]The Manchurian Lunatic[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor & Satire Blog[/td][td]The Daily Show on Facebook[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by FOG

Is it true that some farmers are constantly spraying their vegetation with sugared water so that it tastes better?
[h1]How Industrial Farming 'Destroyed' The Tasty Tomato[/h1]

Florida workers harvest what they can from the DiMare Farms tomato fields, a month after the January 2010 freeze that caused a statewide crop shortage.

June 28, 2011

If you bite into a tomato between the months of October and June, chances are that tomato came from Florida. The Sunshine State accounts for one-third of all fresh tomatoes produced in the United States — and virtually all of the tomatoes raised during the fall and winter seasons.

But the tomatoes grown in Florida differ dramatically from the red garden varieties you might grow in your backyard. They're bred to be perfectly formed — so that they can make their way across the U.S. and onto your dinner table without cracking or breaking.

"For the last 50 or more years, tomato breeders have concentrated essentially on one thing and that is yield — they want plants that yield as many or as much as possible," writer Barry Estabrook tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "They also want those fruits to be able to stand up to being harvested, packed, artificially turned orange [with ethylene gas] and then shipped away and still be holding together in the supermarket a week or 10 days later."

Check out the rest of the article and listen to the interview

Originally Posted by FOG

Is it true that some farmers are constantly spraying their vegetation with sugared water so that it tastes better?
[h1]How Industrial Farming 'Destroyed' The Tasty Tomato[/h1]

Florida workers harvest what they can from the DiMare Farms tomato fields, a month after the January 2010 freeze that caused a statewide crop shortage.

June 28, 2011

If you bite into a tomato between the months of October and June, chances are that tomato came from Florida. The Sunshine State accounts for one-third of all fresh tomatoes produced in the United States — and virtually all of the tomatoes raised during the fall and winter seasons.

But the tomatoes grown in Florida differ dramatically from the red garden varieties you might grow in your backyard. They're bred to be perfectly formed — so that they can make their way across the U.S. and onto your dinner table without cracking or breaking.

"For the last 50 or more years, tomato breeders have concentrated essentially on one thing and that is yield — they want plants that yield as many or as much as possible," writer Barry Estabrook tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "They also want those fruits to be able to stand up to being harvested, packed, artificially turned orange [with ethylene gas] and then shipped away and still be holding together in the supermarket a week or 10 days later."

Check out the rest of the article and listen to the interview

man one day i want to do whatever i can do to expose as much as i can before i die...............

why?   because i do care about the future to some extent with hoping this planet can one day be a better place, not caring how long it may take.  during my time our after.

why not now?   because i want to enjoy this thing we call "life" as much as i can with trying to purposely be oblivious to the greed/selfishness/arrogance in this world.

assassinated for being to educated -Curren$y

known to man, humans are the "smartest" creatures on earth but we killed each other everyday for the "stupidest" reasons........A lot of the main reason are posted in here......

Early 1900's im pretty sure there were illnesses that kill folks everyday but nothing like in our society now. so what does that tell you the type of lifestyle we(I) should try to attempt to live today?
man one day i want to do whatever i can do to expose as much as i can before i die...............

why?   because i do care about the future to some extent with hoping this planet can one day be a better place, not caring how long it may take.  during my time our after.

why not now?   because i want to enjoy this thing we call "life" as much as i can with trying to purposely be oblivious to the greed/selfishness/arrogance in this world.

assassinated for being to educated -Curren$y

known to man, humans are the "smartest" creatures on earth but we killed each other everyday for the "stupidest" reasons........A lot of the main reason are posted in here......

Early 1900's im pretty sure there were illnesses that kill folks everyday but nothing like in our society now. so what does that tell you the type of lifestyle we(I) should try to attempt to live today?
Originally Posted by imthekang

man one day i want to do whatever i can do to expose as much as i can before i die...............

why?   because i do care about the future to some extent with hoping this planet can one day be a better place, not caring how long it may take.  during my time our after.

why not now?   because i want to enjoy this thing we call "life" as much as i can with trying to purposely be oblivious to the greed/selfishness/arrogance in this world.

assassinated for being to educated -Curren$y

known to man, humans are the "smartest" creatures on earth but we killed each other everyday for the "stupidest" reasons........A lot of the main reason are posted in here......

Early 1900's im pretty sure there were illnesses that kill folks everyday but nothing like in our society now. so what does that tell you the type of lifestyle we(I) should try to attempt to live today?

i concur
Originally Posted by imthekang

man one day i want to do whatever i can do to expose as much as i can before i die...............

why?   because i do care about the future to some extent with hoping this planet can one day be a better place, not caring how long it may take.  during my time our after.

why not now?   because i want to enjoy this thing we call "life" as much as i can with trying to purposely be oblivious to the greed/selfishness/arrogance in this world.

assassinated for being to educated -Curren$y

known to man, humans are the "smartest" creatures on earth but we killed each other everyday for the "stupidest" reasons........A lot of the main reason are posted in here......

Early 1900's im pretty sure there were illnesses that kill folks everyday but nothing like in our society now. so what does that tell you the type of lifestyle we(I) should try to attempt to live today?

i concur
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by FOG

Is it true that some farmers are constantly spraying their vegetation with sugared water so that it tastes better?
[h1]How Industrial Farming 'Destroyed' The Tasty Tomato[/h1]

Florida workers harvest what they can from the DiMare Farms tomato fields, a month after the January 2010 freeze that caused a statewide crop shortage.

June 28, 2011

If you bite into a tomato between the months of October and June, chances are that tomato came from Florida. The Sunshine State accounts for one-third of all fresh tomatoes produced in the United States — and virtually all of the tomatoes raised during the fall and winter seasons.

But the tomatoes grown in Florida differ dramatically from the red garden varieties you might grow in your backyard. They're bred to be perfectly formed — so that they can make their way across the U.S. and onto your dinner table without cracking or breaking.

"For the last 50 or more years, tomato breeders have concentrated essentially on one thing and that is yield — they want plants that yield as many or as much as possible," writer Barry Estabrook tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "They also want those fruits to be able to stand up to being harvested, packed, artificially turned orange [with ethylene gas] and then shipped away and still be holding together in the supermarket a week or 10 days later."

Check out the rest of the article and listen to the interview

I see... So they DO mess with fresh produce
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by FOG

Is it true that some farmers are constantly spraying their vegetation with sugared water so that it tastes better?
[h1]How Industrial Farming 'Destroyed' The Tasty Tomato[/h1]

Florida workers harvest what they can from the DiMare Farms tomato fields, a month after the January 2010 freeze that caused a statewide crop shortage.

June 28, 2011

If you bite into a tomato between the months of October and June, chances are that tomato came from Florida. The Sunshine State accounts for one-third of all fresh tomatoes produced in the United States — and virtually all of the tomatoes raised during the fall and winter seasons.

But the tomatoes grown in Florida differ dramatically from the red garden varieties you might grow in your backyard. They're bred to be perfectly formed — so that they can make their way across the U.S. and onto your dinner table without cracking or breaking.

"For the last 50 or more years, tomato breeders have concentrated essentially on one thing and that is yield — they want plants that yield as many or as much as possible," writer Barry Estabrook tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "They also want those fruits to be able to stand up to being harvested, packed, artificially turned orange [with ethylene gas] and then shipped away and still be holding together in the supermarket a week or 10 days later."

Check out the rest of the article and listen to the interview

I see... So they DO mess with fresh produce
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