POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Tommy with the prep speech at the end was golden


Pure manipulation with truth

Solid episode
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Thought this episode was kinda sloppy

How was Knox not taken to the hospital after bleeding from the mouth like that?

Tommy placing his mom's ring at Holly's grave :smh:

Everything is setting up for Tommy to take the fall for Holly and Lobos' deaths

:lol: yeah fun episode, but it really was sloppy. Greg living and jefe running away is some old lazy cliche you pop out after writers block.
Damn that goodbye to Angie was emotional though.

For real. Felt For Ghost.

That door scene was something else....

Only way I can see this playing out after the show is over...either ghost dies...or he gets what he wants but loses everything - money, club, tommy is dead, Angela turned on him, etc
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If you think about it Ghost has only had maybe like 3 times in this show where he's truly looked "smart." I'm beggining to feel like this whole "Ghost" persona has been a mirage.

He just seems to always be out of the loop, constantly make bad decisions, be overly influenced by women, be a HORRIBLE father, overrated club owner, and constant L taker.

I mean, I'm rooting for by guy but... Is he ever going to get W's? Real ones... Not short lived W's followed up with massive L's.
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If you think about it Ghost has only had maybe like 3 times in this show where he's truly looked "smart." I'm beggining to feel like this whole "Ghost" persona has been a mirage.

He just seems to always be out of the loop, constantly make bad decisions, be overly influenced by women, be a HORRIBLE father, overrated club owner, and constant L taker.

I mean, I'm rooting for by guy but... Is he ever going to get W's? Real ones... Not short lived W's followed up with massive L's.
Hes a drug dealer.. how smart can he be. I've known drug dealers even some pretty prominent ones and they may have control over the most elaborate complex drug network and make lots of money but none of them were really ivy leaguers when it comes to intelligence. What they did have is tremendous charisma, a very cautious nature, and a knowledge of legal matters? As far as decision making.... i mean they decided to deal drugs.... RIP
Thought this episode was kinda sloppy

How was Knox not taken to the hospital after bleeding from the mouth like that?

Tommy placing his mom's ring at Holly's grave :smh:

Everything is setting up for Tommy to take the fall for Holly and Lobos' deaths

It was super sloppy to leave him gasping for air. Just shoot him in the head and finish it.

Ghost is an idiot. A DAMN WELL IDIOT.

All that talking they did to give Lobos a chance to run was irritating. Lobos usually looks drunk as **** swaying all over the place while talking but now he can outrun Ghost and Tommie handcuffed :rolleyes

Ghost didn't even show that kind of emotion when he left his kids

That's been the most infuriating part since he moved in with Angie for me. Ghost is mad selfish for some *****. He was there with his kids every day then he just bounces for his old joint and has the kids come through like its all good. Your son is caught with her gun and you make him clean some glasses at the club then try to take him to a basketball game.

I don't think Angie would turn on Ghost she loves him too much and is too far in for her to think she can turn him in and him not bring her with him. If Ghost wouldn't Tommie would.
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Someone tweeted me and I didn't think of it.....what if Lobos isn't dead? he could've been wearing a vest like Knox, no?
It was super sloppy to leave him gasping for air. Just shoot him in the head and finish it.
All that talking they did to give Lobos a chance to run was irritating. Lobos usually looks drunk as **** swaying all over the place while talking but now he can outrun Ghost and Tommie handcuffed :rolleyes
That's been the most infuriating part since he moved in with Angie for me. Ghost is mad selfish for some *****. He was there with his kids every day then he just bounces for his old joint and has the kids come through like its all good. Your son is caught with her gun and you make him clean some glasses at the club then try to take him to a basketball game.

Exactly. **** annoys the hell out of me as well
That'd be extremely contrived but very television. I can definitely see a flashback scene of Sandoval getting to Lobos just in time. That would also justify it getting dark out of nowhere. Enough hours passed for Sandoval to get the cell location to then get there and search for Lobos.

How come Tommy didn't go kill Lobos' man that was waiting for them? That's a loose end that's out there to can come back to bite him in the rear end.
@ Knox getting shot twice in the chest yet able to make it back to the police station on his own two feet.

Oh Kay
After bleeding from the mouth though.....
Excellent episode. Can't wait for my dude Kanan to reappear. Ghost is surrounded.
These new cats just seem so organized and dangerous. They make everyone else look amateurish.
It was super sloppy to leave him gasping for air. Just shoot him in the head and finish it.
All that talking they did to give Lobos a chance to run was irritating. Lobos usually looks drunk as **** swaying all over the place while talking but now he can outrun Ghost and Tommie handcuffed :rolleyes
That's been the most infuriating part since he moved in with Angie for me. Ghost is mad selfish for some *****. He was there with his kids every day then he just bounces for his old joint and has the kids come through like its all good. Your son is caught with her gun and you make him clean some glasses at the club then try to take him to a basketball game.

I don't think Angie would turn on Ghost she loves him too much and is too far in for her to think she can turn him in and him not bring her with him. If Ghost wouldn't Tommie would.

I was thinking that too

If he explained to her what happened. I mean got @ ruiz and mad him stay shut and not give up ghost

If he woulda say Angie look... I gotta go back and id rather not lie to your face but i have to. Maybe she would of understood or some ish
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