POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Ghost - dude has always been a beast - they made him that way to now being a Simp and one step behind. Really? How is this dude plotting murders and doing an alibied for Lobos, but showing up to Milans warehouse in his SUV? REALLY? Like did he forget this is the same people that had a tail on him and came out no where when he was about to get capped? Now that's sloppy writting.

I'm not sure they saw him at the warehouse.

Tommy told Milan that Ghost asked him where he was and Tommy told him.

Milan said Ghost wouldn't ask if he didn't know. So Milan knew Ghost knew Tommy was there.

Ghost wasn't following Tommy. He was following the train of the cigarette's I thought?

I think Milan just told him that to continue to try to divide Ghost and Tommy and escalate Tommy's mistrust.

That's how I remember it. But I been said I'm :smokin when I watch so.......

But yes, they were following him in the past. Not sure if they still are. Can't call it.
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Dre woulda been made a move on Kanan but you know the writers dragging it out to keep 50 around ...50 hanging with reek now , I can just see him killin Dre cuz he's pointless right now
Dre woulda been made a move on Kanan but you know the writers dragging it out to keep 50 around ...

This...especially that threat of his daughter. I see him letting it slide.
right , 50 woulda had to go immediately ...might have even murked him before he walked out the building :lol: ...but 4real Dre always looking for some action n he got a whole squad back in his hood just ready to get into something but he out chea playing baby sitter n acting all scared n **** :smh:
What makes that even more bizarre is that everyone pretty much thinks Kanan is dead so you could murk him easy and no one would miss him.

Except Jukebox but they don't even know her.
I'm not sure they saw him at the warehouse.

Tommy told Milan that Ghost asked him where he was and Tommy told him.

Milan said Ghost wouldn't ask if he didn't know. So Milan knew Ghost knew Tommy was there.

Ghost wasn't following Tommy. He was following the train of the cigarette's I thought?

I think Milan just told him that to continue to try to divide Ghost and Tommy and escalate Tommy's mistrust.

That's how I remember it. But I been said I'm
when I watch so.......

But yes, they were following him in the past. Not sure if they still are. Can't call it.
I really didnt hear the conversation in the warehouse - it was muffled on my end. 

However, my point wasn't about he being seen or not (I think Milan knew or thougt he was following him, he told that to Ghost). My point was/is that every single moved that Ghost has done, Milan has been one step ahead. And yet Ghost has the nerve to drive to this dudes warehouse with his SUV? Joint was mad close - like the SUV is not stealth ... LMAO. 

But you are right, he wasn't following tommy and that's the other **** I don't get. This two dudes that are like brothers can't talk **** out??? Again, thats little things that get on  my nerve but doesnt take away from the fact that Im enjoying it.
keko jones keko jones

Ghost is still a smart dude (incident with the drug raid on the other club owners). Milan is just smarter.

Ghost has been lying to everyone and putting them in danger for his own benefit. Constantly making plans that can get Tommy killed and not letting him in on it is the issue.

For example, Ruiz wearing a wire. He didn't care if information on Tommy came out, only that he wasn't mentioned in the recording. That's part of his plan to get rid of Milan (have the cops arrest him). He still ain't tell Tommy after he told him he was dead, which is again the issue.

Dre probably just scared of Kanan. It's not like he knows where he lives. Kanan is usually the one springing up on him. I bet Dre and Tommy end up killing him though.
They are like brothers. But in reality, Ghost treats Tommy like he's his little brother. Obviously Tommy ain't feeling it.

That dynamic been there for a bit now.
They are like brothers. But in reality, Ghost treats Tommy like he's his little brother. Obviously Tommy ain't feeling it.

That dynamic been there for a bit now.
Yeap, is been brewing ever since Ghost wanted out. However, brothers no matter what, do talk. These cats don't. 
But Nino still shot G-Money :lol:

They're "like" brothers. But not brothers. And in the drug business, and, in reality, they don't really trust each other like that right now.
@Keko Jones

Ghost is still a smart dude (incident with the drug raid on the other club owners). Milan is just smarter.

Ghost has been lying to everyone and putting them in danger for his own benefit. Constantly making plans that can get Tommy killed and not letting him in on it is the issue.

For example, Ruiz wearing a wire. He didn't care if information on Tommy came out, only that he wasn't mentioned in the recording. That's part of his plan to get rid of Milan (have the cops arrest him). He still ain't tell Tommy after he told him he was dead, which is again the issue.

Dre probably just scared of Kanan. It's not like he knows where he lives. Kanan is usually the one springing up on him. I bet Dre and Tommy end up killing him though.
Milan is not smarter, he's just one step ahead.

Is like when you go into a battle - if you know your enemy, you can hit him where it hurts. If you don't you struggle.

In regards to the Ruiz issue, that's exactly what I'm saying with the sloppy writting. Dudes are brothers, but you won't have a conversation with Tommy about Ruiz and the wired? Even if he didn't want to - you know there's a possibility names where mentioned, so why aren't you being careful and tried to retrived the wire.  Let alone he stated very clear not implicated neither Tommy or Him. So yeah

Dre can set up Kanan anytime - he has a number - he has a crew - he is street. So you walking in fear of a man that bleeds like you? What street cat live by this code?
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keko jones keko jones

For example, Ruiz wearing a wire. He didn't care if information on Tommy came out, only that he wasn't mentioned in the recording. That's part of his plan to get rid of Milan (have the cops arrest him). He still ain't tell Tommy after he told him he was dead, which is again the issue.

Dre probably just scared of Kanan. It's not like he knows where he lives. Kanan is usually the one springing up on him. I bet Dre and Tommy end up killing him though.

Go rewatch that scene he explicitly told Ruiz that his nor Tommy's name coupd be mentioned in that meeting.

That is why Ruiz kept trying to get Tommy to change the subject in the car
keko jones keko jones

For example, Ruiz wearing a wire. He didn't care if information on Tommy came out, only that he wasn't mentioned in the recording. That's part of his plan to get rid of Milan (have the cops arrest him). He still ain't tell Tommy after he told him he was dead, which is again the issue.

Dre probably just scared of Kanan. It's not like he knows where he lives. Kanan is usually the one springing up on him. I bet Dre and Tommy end up killing him though.

Go rewatch that scene he explicitly told Ruiz that his nor Tommy's name coupd be mentioned in that meeting.

That is why Ruiz kept trying to get Tommy to change the subject in the car

'll go back and check.
illphillip illphillip :rofl: I see you here bruh, I didn't mean y'all disappeared.
Just saying the show hasn't been worth defending like it was in Weeks 1-4 or whatever.

I don't don't think it's a coincidence that the Power defenders have been on hush, y'all know this show has been trash recently, too. Don't front
It's definitely a short season which makes it hard to flesh out some things. They need to cut out the Knox storyline he's too obsessed.

Also how can ghost go a whole season without even knowing knaan is still alive?
So Tommy doesn't know Ruiz was wearing a wire, stabbed the man up and they got it all on recordings.

They already touched on the wire being inadmissible because of the way Greg used it.
If they touch the wire next ep that base is covered. Hell they might not bring it up again though and just blow it off completely. Or show Ruiz taking it off when he got out the car while we weren't looking.
Yea, I was expecting Ghost to go and find Ruiz body. Tommy messed up mentioning their names/business. Wonder how this plays out.
Why didn't Tommy ever get a random cool street name?

Jamie was the only dude in the drug game smart enough to not be known by his actual government name :lol:
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