POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

You know what's crazy, it's been 4 episodes and ain't **** happened except Teresi being let out. If nothing happens this episode, the last 5 will be a cluster**** tryna wrap things up
Is it still on? :lol:

Courtney just forgot about that part in the story.
No she didnt ... she brought it back this season out of the blue when Angela was looking at paperwork. However, it was mad random and thus far it has been for nothing. Just like a reminder to us. SMH.
In regards to the Ghost/Dre club dilemma, the problem and confusion a lot of people ate having is because Dre was in the club managing it with the Jimenez brother, then again, out the blue Ghost sees them and just bounced. Like it made no sense. We dont know why Ghost was there, we dont know of it was truth or not just mad random stuff like other stuff.
You know what's crazy, it's been 4 episodes and ain't **** happened except Teresi being let out. If nothing happens this episode, the last 5 will be a cluster**** tryna wrap things up
Yo what season was that
Where it was slow as hell
Then they wrapped up EVERYTHING
In like the last 2 episodes :rofl:
Had horrible pacing
I wanna say season 3
This was an entertaining episode. Riq still ain't **** but at least they made me feel the smallest bit of sympathy for him because he really does have trash parents. But make no mistake, it is still, **** Riq.

The scenes with K.Dot was lulz :lol:

BTW, all this time Ghost had a way to completely disrupt Dre's drug operation and he doesn't mention it until he is pissed about a fundraiser :lol: The writing on this show is so wash
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This was an entertaining episode. Riq still ain't **** but at least they made me feel the smallest bit of sympathy for him because he really does have trash parents. But make no mistake, it is still, **** Riq.

The scenes with K.Dot was lulz :lol:

BTW, all this time Ghost had a way to completely disrupt Dre's drug operation and he doesn't mention it until he is pissed about a fundraiser :lol: The writing on this shot is so washed
Kendrick killed it.
Real talk I think 50 showed us who he is in real life in his final scene with Kendrick. There is not a black person alive who doesn't need therapy to deal with life.
This might’ve been the worst episode to date. 90% of all the drama can be fixed in a simple conversation. I can’t stop watching tho.
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