POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

It's for diversity and it's needed in Hollywood. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. All races, genders, and sexual orientations need representation. Plus like it was mentioned it doesn't take away from the show. People getting killed every episode but a dude mention his husband and it's aww hell naw that's wrong and they doing too much. 🤷🏾‍♂️
So what though?

It doesn't take away from the show.

In fact, in the case of Jukebox, it is a very important/interesting part of her character development

Jukebox totally agree. They chose to write in a gay, black man as his brother. It doesn’t add anything to the story imo. He’s going up against stranger drug dealers and sons of anarchy and they just add a long lost brother?
Jukebox totally agree. They chose to write in a gay, black man as his brother. It doesn’t add anything to the story imo. He’s going up against stranger drug dealers and sons of anarchy and they just add a long lost brother?
The entire power universe is being stretched too thin. The only spinoff I can see is the prequel. There's not enough story to tell for two additional 10 episode spinoffs per season. Should have just continued on with Power even with ghost dead. Completely unnecessary for Tariq or Tommy(even though I like him) to have their own shows
Jukebox totally agree. They chose to write in a gay, black man as his brother. It doesn’t add anything to the story imo. He’s going up against stranger drug dealers and sons of anarchy and they just add a long lost brother?
We are literally two episodes into the first season of the series. We have no idea how they will develop the story of Tommy having a brother

The idea of taking care of your family is always presented as a major motivator of character actions in power. Tommy has no family, so maybe they felt they needed to give him someone to give them more options later on in the plot.

And so what if they made dude gay. Even if that doesn't develop into any more important of a plot point, like so what gay people exist. There happens to be one here.

Of all the outrageous **** Power ask its viewers to accept you really got an issue with this of all things?
People have problems with gratuitous sex when it doesn’t advance or add to the plot.(not me..nudity ratings is my deciding factor on watching stuff)

In power…the gay character has only added to the series with jukebox

Dru was gay for the sake of having a gay character. The whole dynamic made no sense in how his arc was going but it is power so I guess.

We can go back and forth all day, agree to disagree.

Wasn’t for the eternals scene. But I’m ok with gay characters when they add to the story. Just like I’m against casting black and Mexicans in token roles or when they’re killed in the first 2 minutes of a film.
Yeah, agree to disagree because I feel you guys just have a weird hang-up about gay characters for no good reason

And, they did use Dru's sexuality to develop the plot
Y’all dont have friends that are apart of the LGBTQ community?

Gay people exist so naturally they will also exist in TV shows

Everyone isn’t just hetersexual.
Yes, and even they hate when they just add for the sake of inclusivity.

Just like a lot of them hate the term Latinx.

Shorty cutting that work in force lowkey thick 😍
Man, I had to control my reaction watching with my wife.
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