POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

My gay homies hate Tyler perry and they didn’t like drus characters

My gay cousin could care less if they have lesbians on tv. She says they sensationalize it and pretty it up.

Sounds like you’re taking it personal. Don’t have an issue if you’re gay. Or if xyz NTer is gay.
My gay homies hate Tyler perry and they didn’t like drus characters

My gay cousin could care less if they have lesbians on tv. She says they sensationalize it and pretty it up.

Sounds like you’re taking it personal. Don’t have an issue if you’re gay. Or if xyz NTer is gay.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The Book of Ghost wardrobe budget has been converted to a vehicle budget. Urus, Culinan, G-Wagons etc.

Walter Flynn lowkey starting to become unbearable.

They lowkey did just sprinkle JP being gay in for no reason, I forgot about that for a minute. I’d imagine they’d go a little more into it since he has a son.

Jenard looking a like a 1 and done. He got like this napoleon complex type thing for no legitimate reason as of yet. Also not convinced he didn’t just get his *** beat fr.

The dynamic between Tommy and Diamond cool so far. Didn’t know Diamonds actor played in the NFL.
All I'm saying is essentially what you're saying. Dudes are being called token characters or saying such and such is being forced into the plot and haven't even let anything develop yet
People need to realize that in real life, none of this is far fetched. They’re are more gay and alternative lifestyle people than not. Especially in the streets and certain black markets, this is normal.
People need to realize that in real life, none of this is far fetched. They’re are more gay and alternative lifestyle people than not. Especially in the streets and certain black markets, this is normal.
You're saying there's more gay than straight people?
You're saying there's more gay than straight people?

I’m talking about in everyday activities. Whether illicit activities, corporate America, the hood, internationally, etc. not talking about more than straight people in totality.

But gay people have always been in certain circles. Whether closeted or not, they’ve been active
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It's for diversity and it's needed in Hollywood. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. All races, genders, and sexual orientations need representation. Plus like it was mentioned it doesn't take away from the show. People getting killed every episode but a dude mention his husband and it's aww hell naw that's wrong and they doing too much. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Straight people playing gay characters isn't diversity/representation :lol:

Black man who's gay has a long lost white brother and a lost son who's in the same city shooting up his business :rofl:
This show isn't that good.

It's not even Tariq Power entertaining bad good. It's boring.

Tommy is a boring character and none of these new people are interesting.
Couldn’t agree with you more.

The Irish black cop? The brother. The Flynn sister, the dad, the fake chet, the I love you one second, let me double cross you brother dynamic

This episode was filler. No blow back or talk about the Versace Latin Kings? Going back to Jimenez/pink shoes storyline.

The best character so far is the stang.
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