Prime Iron Mike VS Alpha Silverback Gorilla Vol. "I pay 15k to fight a gorilla"

Guys don't blame the OP for making this thread, he is making it to simply hear the discussion.

That said, GORILLA wins easily by creating several large lacerations to Mike's body, a strong embracing hug, and a bite to the head.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

must be crazy.... Mike would DIE in like 5 mins....

and anyone who thinks other wise will soon be weeded out by mother nature.

I think otherwise.

a human being won't last more than 15 seconds in a fight with with a silverback.

Pretty much.
Imagine mikes face once the chimp corners him and proceeds
to layeth the smacketh down
Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.

Out of the corner of her eye, LaDonna suddenly noticed a large form about forty feet away. It was a chimpanzee, a young adult male, somehow out of his cage, and he was glaring at her. The chimp held her gaze for a moment, and then charged. St. James rushed to his wife. The animal barreled into LaDonna's back, knocking her into St. James. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, but the chimpanzee locked his jaws around the thumb of her left hand. With a single, ferocious jerk of his neck, he tore it off.

St. James threw his hysterical wife under the picnic table and pushed her further underneath as the chimp tried to pursue her. LaDonna was screaming commands - "No! Stop! Sit!" - in a desperate bid to stop him. The remaining cake was on the table, still in its box, but the chimp didn't go for it. Instead he went after St. James.

As St. James confronted the chimp, the six-two former running back turned to find a second chimp - also a male, this one older and bigger - bearing down on him as well. With both hands, he pushed the bigger animal. Both chimps pounced. One of the animals grabbed him in a bear hug before chomping into the bone above his right eyebrow. He then stuck his finger in St. James's right eye, gouging it out. The same animal clamped his teeth onto St. James's nose, biting it off, as the other chimp chewed away at St. James's fingers. In the melee, one of the chimps dug in his claws and ripped the skin off the right side of St. James's face, causing it to flop over and cover his left eye, temporarily blinding him. One of the primates sunk his teeth into St. James's skull. He then closed his jaws on St. James's mouth, ripping off his lips and most of his teeth. St. James tried to put one of his hands down the animal's throat, but the chimp just kept chewing on it and chewing on it, and he couldn't get it out.

St. James fell to the ground, no longer able to defend himself, and for at least five minutes, the mauling continued as he lay helpless. One of the chimps gnawed on his buttocks and bit off his genitals. They ravaged his left foot, leaving it shredded. Blood poured from his body, and LaDonna was screaming. It looked as if they were eating him alive. Finally, LaDonna's screams drew the owners' son-in-law, Mark Carruthers, who came running armed with a .45-caliber revolver. After struggling to find a clean shot, he opened fire on the younger primate. The shot had no apparent effect, and Carruthers raced back to his house, a few dozen yards away, to reload with more-powerful ammunition. When Carruthers returned, he focused on the older male, the prime aggressor. Kneeling down, he shot him once in the head from close range. As the animal fell to the ground, the younger chimp began dragging St. James's mutilated body down a hill leading away from Moe's cage. Dirt filled St. James's lungs and seeped into his bloody openings.

For the briefest of moments, LaDonna looked toward Moe. He was sitting in the corner of his cage, frozen, seemingly stunned.

The lone chimp continued tearing at St. James's limp body with his teeth until Carruthers caught up to him and shot him once in the chest, ending the attack. St. James, lying facedown, felt the lifeless animal fall on his back.
You sure you can take a chimp?
I think if you let a prime Tyson throw his strongest punch 10 times to the chin of a silverback it still wouldn't be knocked out
I think your reachin with that one. Mike wouldnt beat a silverback, but if he had 10 free (and his strongest) punhces to a silverbacks chin, itwould go to the ground. Its head aint made of iron (no pun intended)
Originally Posted by AirThompson

The silver back gorilla easy, but against Muhammed Ali its a whole different story.
No it wouldn't.

If you was birf'd by a Human man & Woman, you can't beat a gorilla when it comes to fisticuffs. Period.
no question, gorilla.

average weight around 375lbs... up to something like 500 lbs.

a silverback with a muzzle and gloves, mike with full boxing pads, i pick the silverback easy.
Originally Posted by MeloManFan

I think if you let a prime Tyson throw his strongest punch 10 times to the chin of a silverback it still wouldn't be knocked out
I think your reachin with that one. Mike wouldnt beat a silverback, but if he had 10 free (and his strongest) punhces to a silverbacks chin, it would go to the ground. Its head aint made of iron (no pun intended)
I wish I could see a video of that. It'd be interesting to see, man vs. beast! Animal cruelty FTL though
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.
Out of the corner of her eye, LaDonna suddenly noticed a large form about forty feet away. It was a chimpanzee, a young adult male, somehow out of his cage, and he was glaring at her. The chimp held her gaze for a moment, and then charged. St. James rushed to his wife. The animal barreled into LaDonna's back, knocking her into St. James. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, but the chimpanzee locked his jaws around the thumb of her left hand. With a single, ferocious jerk of his neck, he tore it off.

St. James threw his hysterical wife under the picnic table and pushed her further underneath as the chimp tried to pursue her. LaDonna was screaming commands - "No! Stop! Sit!" - in a desperate bid to stop him. The remaining cake was on the table, still in its box, but the chimp didn't go for it. Instead he went after St. James.

As St. James confronted the chimp, the six-two former running back turned to find a second chimp - also a male, this one older and bigger - bearing down on him as well. With both hands, he pushed the bigger animal. Both chimps pounced. One of the animals grabbed him in a bear hug before chomping into the bone above his right eyebrow. He then stuck his finger in St. James's right eye, gouging it out. The same animal clamped his teeth onto St. James's nose, biting it off, as the other chimp chewed away at St. James's fingers. In the melee, one of the chimps dug in his claws and ripped the skin off the right side of St. James's face, causing it to flop over and cover his left eye, temporarily blinding him. One of the primates sunk his teeth into St. James's skull. He then closed his jaws on St. James's mouth, ripping off his lips and most of his teeth. St. James tried to put one of his hands down the animal's throat, but the chimp just kept chewing on it and chewing on it, and he couldn't get it out.

St. James fell to the ground, no longer able to defend himself, and for at least five minutes, the mauling continued as he lay helpless. One of the chimps gnawed on his buttocks and bit off his genitals. They ravaged his left foot, leaving it shredded. Blood poured from his body, and LaDonna was screaming. It looked as if they were eating him alive. Finally, LaDonna's screams drew the owners' son-in-law, Mark Carruthers, who came running armed with a .45-caliber revolver. After struggling to find a clean shot, he opened fire on the younger primate. The shot had no apparent effect, and Carruthers raced back to his house, a few dozen yards away, to reload with more-powerful ammunition. When Carruthers returned, he focused on the older male, the prime aggressor. Kneeling down, he shot him once in the head from close range. As the animal fell to the ground, the younger chimp began dragging St. James's mutilated body down a hill leading away from Moe's cage. Dirt filled St. James's lungs and seeped into his bloody openings.

For the briefest of moments, LaDonna looked toward Moe. He was sitting in the corner of his cage, frozen, seemingly stunned.

The lone chimp continued tearing at St. James's limp body with his teeth until Carruthers caught up to him and shot him once in the chest, ending the attack. St. James, lying facedown, felt the lifeless animal fall on his back.
You sure you can take a chimp?

Holy !@!%. and he was alive after that whole ordeal? no @#*%%@*way...
Silver back is a 3-400 pounds of muscle animal versus's mike. @%+@ mike could dodge and block some hits but the gorilla would OVERWHELM HIM EASY.
A Baboon would tear Mike to shreds.
A chimp could take his life.
A gorilla..... a silverback at that...

All of you guys using the term KO in this post should replace it with death.
Originally Posted by Ducky Quack

Originally Posted by MeloManFan

I think if you let a prime Tyson throw his strongest punch 10 times to the chin of a silverback it still wouldn't be knocked out
I think your reachin with that one. Mike wouldnt beat a silverback, but if he had 10 free (and his strongest) punhces to a silverbacks chin, it would go to the ground. Its head aint made of iron (no pun intended)
I wish I could see a video of that. It'd be interesting to see, man vs. beast! Animal cruelty FTL though

I think we severely severely severely overestimate the power of a man. If you had a 5 year old hit you 10 times with their strongest punch times do you thinkyou would be knocked out? That is probably the closest estimation a gorilla would feel if Mike Tyson hit it. I think the people on this board areunderestimating the bone density of a gorilla (said to be 12x more dense). It would take a lot lot lot lot more than a human punch to tko a gorillla. If agorilla isn't floored by another gorilla hitting it in the face then there is no way a human is going to have any sort of legitimate impact with a punch.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.
Out of the corner of her eye, LaDonna suddenly noticed a large form about forty feet away. It was a chimpanzee, a young adult male, somehow out of his cage, and he was glaring at her. The chimp held her gaze for a moment, and then charged. St. James rushed to his wife. The animal barreled into LaDonna's back, knocking her into St. James. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, but the chimpanzee locked his jaws around the thumb of her left hand. With a single, ferocious jerk of his neck, he tore it off.

St. James threw his hysterical wife under the picnic table and pushed her further underneath as the chimp tried to pursue her. LaDonna was screaming commands - "No! Stop! Sit!" - in a desperate bid to stop him. The remaining cake was on the table, still in its box, but the chimp didn't go for it. Instead he went after St. James.

As St. James confronted the chimp, the six-two former running back turned to find a second chimp - also a male, this one older and bigger - bearing down on him as well. With both hands, he pushed the bigger animal. Both chimps pounced. One of the animals grabbed him in a bear hug before chomping into the bone above his right eyebrow. He then stuck his finger in St. James's right eye, gouging it out. The same animal clamped his teeth onto St. James's nose, biting it off, as the other chimp chewed away at St. James's fingers. In the melee, one of the chimps dug in his claws and ripped the skin off the right side of St. James's face, causing it to flop over and cover his left eye, temporarily blinding him. One of the primates sunk his teeth into St. James's skull. He then closed his jaws on St. James's mouth, ripping off his lips and most of his teeth. St. James tried to put one of his hands down the animal's throat, but the chimp just kept chewing on it and chewing on it, and he couldn't get it out.

St. James fell to the ground, no longer able to defend himself, and for at least five minutes, the mauling continued as he lay helpless. One of the chimps gnawed on his buttocks and bit off his genitals. They ravaged his left foot, leaving it shredded. Blood poured from his body, and LaDonna was screaming. It looked as if they were eating him alive. Finally, LaDonna's screams drew the owners' son-in-law, Mark Carruthers, who came running armed with a .45-caliber revolver. After struggling to find a clean shot, he opened fire on the younger primate. The shot had no apparent effect, and Carruthers raced back to his house, a few dozen yards away, to reload with more-powerful ammunition. When Carruthers returned, he focused on the older male, the prime aggressor. Kneeling down, he shot him once in the head from close range. As the animal fell to the ground, the younger chimp began dragging St. James's mutilated body down a hill leading away from Moe's cage. Dirt filled St. James's lungs and seeped into his bloody openings.

For the briefest of moments, LaDonna looked toward Moe. He was sitting in the corner of his cage, frozen, seemingly stunned.

The lone chimp continued tearing at St. James's limp body with his teeth until Carruthers caught up to him and shot him once in the chest, ending the attack. St. James, lying facedown, felt the lifeless animal fall on his back.
You sure you can take a chimp?


Did he survive?
Originally Posted by Ducky Quack

Originally Posted by MeloManFan

I think if you let a prime Tyson throw his strongest punch 10 times to the chin of a silverback it still wouldn't be knocked out
I think your reachin with that one. Mike wouldnt beat a silverback, but if he had 10 free (and his strongest) punhces to a silverbacks chin, it would go to the ground. Its head aint made of iron (no pun intended)
I wish I could see a video of that. It'd be interesting to see, man vs. beast! Animal cruelty FTL though

I doubt man could come up with chains to hold a gorilla while we socked it 10 times.
Originally Posted by marlsj

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.
Out of the corner of her eye, LaDonna suddenly noticed a large form about forty feet away. It was a chimpanzee, a young adult male, somehow out of his cage, and he was glaring at her. The chimp held her gaze for a moment, and then charged. St. James rushed to his wife. The animal barreled into LaDonna's back, knocking her into St. James. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, but the chimpanzee locked his jaws around the thumb of her left hand. With a single, ferocious jerk of his neck, he tore it off.

St. James threw his hysterical wife under the picnic table and pushed her further underneath as the chimp tried to pursue her. LaDonna was screaming commands - "No! Stop! Sit!" - in a desperate bid to stop him. The remaining cake was on the table, still in its box, but the chimp didn't go for it. Instead he went after St. James.

As St. James confronted the chimp, the six-two former running back turned to find a second chimp - also a male, this one older and bigger - bearing down on him as well. With both hands, he pushed the bigger animal. Both chimps pounced. One of the animals grabbed him in a bear hug before chomping into the bone above his right eyebrow. He then stuck his finger in St. James's right eye, gouging it out. The same animal clamped his teeth onto St. James's nose, biting it off, as the other chimp chewed away at St. James's fingers. In the melee, one of the chimps dug in his claws and ripped the skin off the right side of St. James's face, causing it to flop over and cover his left eye, temporarily blinding him. One of the primates sunk his teeth into St. James's skull. He then closed his jaws on St. James's mouth, ripping off his lips and most of his teeth. St. James tried to put one of his hands down the animal's throat, but the chimp just kept chewing on it and chewing on it, and he couldn't get it out.

St. James fell to the ground, no longer able to defend himself, and for at least five minutes, the mauling continued as he lay helpless. One of the chimps gnawed on his buttocks and bit off his genitals. They ravaged his left foot, leaving it shredded. Blood poured from his body, and LaDonna was screaming. It looked as if they were eating him alive. Finally, LaDonna's screams drew the owners' son-in-law, Mark Carruthers, who came running armed with a .45-caliber revolver. After struggling to find a clean shot, he opened fire on the younger primate. The shot had no apparent effect, and Carruthers raced back to his house, a few dozen yards away, to reload with more-powerful ammunition. When Carruthers returned, he focused on the older male, the prime aggressor. Kneeling down, he shot him once in the head from close range. As the animal fell to the ground, the younger chimp began dragging St. James's mutilated body down a hill leading away from Moe's cage. Dirt filled St. James's lungs and seeped into his bloody openings.

For the briefest of moments, LaDonna looked toward Moe. He was sitting in the corner of his cage, frozen, seemingly stunned.

The lone chimp continued tearing at St. James's limp body with his teeth until Carruthers caught up to him and shot him once in the chest, ending the attack. St. James, lying facedown, felt the lifeless animal fall on his back.
You sure you can take a chimp?


Did he survive?

Yeah, they actually have a photo of him in the article. After that, I'll never look at chimps the same way.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by marlsj

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.
Out of the corner of her eye, LaDonna suddenly noticed a large form about forty feet away. It was a chimpanzee, a young adult male, somehow out of his cage, and he was glaring at her. The chimp held her gaze for a moment, and then charged. St. James rushed to his wife. The animal barreled into LaDonna's back, knocking her into St. James. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, but the chimpanzee locked his jaws around the thumb of her left hand. With a single, ferocious jerk of his neck, he tore it off.

St. James threw his hysterical wife under the picnic table and pushed her further underneath as the chimp tried to pursue her. LaDonna was screaming commands - "No! Stop! Sit!" - in a desperate bid to stop him. The remaining cake was on the table, still in its box, but the chimp didn't go for it. Instead he went after St. James.

As St. James confronted the chimp, the six-two former running back turned to find a second chimp - also a male, this one older and bigger - bearing down on him as well. With both hands, he pushed the bigger animal. Both chimps pounced. One of the animals grabbed him in a bear hug before chomping into the bone above his right eyebrow. He then stuck his finger in St. James's right eye, gouging it out. The same animal clamped his teeth onto St. James's nose, biting it off, as the other chimp chewed away at St. James's fingers. In the melee, one of the chimps dug in his claws and ripped the skin off the right side of St. James's face, causing it to flop over and cover his left eye, temporarily blinding him. One of the primates sunk his teeth into St. James's skull. He then closed his jaws on St. James's mouth, ripping off his lips and most of his teeth. St. James tried to put one of his hands down the animal's throat, but the chimp just kept chewing on it and chewing on it, and he couldn't get it out.

St. James fell to the ground, no longer able to defend himself, and for at least five minutes, the mauling continued as he lay helpless. One of the chimps gnawed on his buttocks and bit off his genitals. They ravaged his left foot, leaving it shredded. Blood poured from his body, and LaDonna was screaming. It looked as if they were eating him alive. Finally, LaDonna's screams drew the owners' son-in-law, Mark Carruthers, who came running armed with a .45-caliber revolver. After struggling to find a clean shot, he opened fire on the younger primate. The shot had no apparent effect, and Carruthers raced back to his house, a few dozen yards away, to reload with more-powerful ammunition. When Carruthers returned, he focused on the older male, the prime aggressor. Kneeling down, he shot him once in the head from close range. As the animal fell to the ground, the younger chimp began dragging St. James's mutilated body down a hill leading away from Moe's cage. Dirt filled St. James's lungs and seeped into his bloody openings.

For the briefest of moments, LaDonna looked toward Moe. He was sitting in the corner of his cage, frozen, seemingly stunned.

The lone chimp continued tearing at St. James's limp body with his teeth until Carruthers caught up to him and shot him once in the chest, ending the attack. St. James, lying facedown, felt the lifeless animal fall on his back.
You sure you can take a chimp?


Did he survive?

Yeah, they actually have a photo of him in the article. After that, I'll never look at chimps the same way.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.
Out of the corner of her eye, LaDonna suddenly noticed a large form about forty feet away. It was a chimpanzee, a young adult male, somehow out of his cage, and he was glaring at her. The chimp held her gaze for a moment, and then charged. St. James rushed to his wife. The animal barreled into LaDonna's back, knocking her into St. James. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, but the chimpanzee locked his jaws around the thumb of her left hand. With a single, ferocious jerk of his neck, he tore it off.

St. James threw his hysterical wife under the picnic table and pushed her further underneath as the chimp tried to pursue her. LaDonna was screaming commands - "No! Stop! Sit!" - in a desperate bid to stop him. The remaining cake was on the table, still in its box, but the chimp didn't go for it. Instead he went after St. James.

As St. James confronted the chimp, the six-two former running back turned to find a second chimp - also a male, this one older and bigger - bearing down on him as well. With both hands, he pushed the bigger animal. Both chimps pounced. One of the animals grabbed him in a bear hug before chomping into the bone above his right eyebrow. He then stuck his finger in St. James's right eye, gouging it out. The same animal clamped his teeth onto St. James's nose, biting it off, as the other chimp chewed away at St. James's fingers. In the melee, one of the chimps dug in his claws and ripped the skin off the right side of St. James's face, causing it to flop over and cover his left eye, temporarily blinding him. One of the primates sunk his teeth into St. James's skull. He then closed his jaws on St. James's mouth, ripping off his lips and most of his teeth. St. James tried to put one of his hands down the animal's throat, but the chimp just kept chewing on it and chewing on it, and he couldn't get it out.

St. James fell to the ground, no longer able to defend himself, and for at least five minutes, the mauling continued as he lay helpless. One of the chimps gnawed on his buttocks and bit off his genitals. They ravaged his left foot, leaving it shredded. Blood poured from his body, and LaDonna was screaming. It looked as if they were eating him alive. Finally, LaDonna's screams drew the owners' son-in-law, Mark Carruthers, who came running armed with a .45-caliber revolver. After struggling to find a clean shot, he opened fire on the younger primate. The shot had no apparent effect, and Carruthers raced back to his house, a few dozen yards away, to reload with more-powerful ammunition. When Carruthers returned, he focused on the older male, the prime aggressor. Kneeling down, he shot him once in the head from close range. As the animal fell to the ground, the younger chimp began dragging St. James's mutilated body down a hill leading away from Moe's cage. Dirt filled St. James's lungs and seeped into his bloody openings.

For the briefest of moments, LaDonna looked toward Moe. He was sitting in the corner of his cage, frozen, seemingly stunned.

The lone chimp continued tearing at St. James's limp body with his teeth until Carruthers caught up to him and shot him once in the chest, ending the attack. St. James, lying facedown, felt the lifeless animal fall on his back.
You sure you can take a chimp?

Holy !@!%. and he was alive after that whole ordeal? no @#*%%@* way...

Come on now guys, that *$!% reads like a science fiction novel. If you think that's actually how it went down then bless your soul. Don't make me get to highlighting...
Dudes are posting articles and %%+%. taking this seriously

The gorilla would more than likely rape Tyson first before pulling his arms off.
Isn't a chimp like 10 times stronger than a human. And chimps don't even look strong. Gorillas look strong.
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