PS3 - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Official Thread - Season 1 Belongs to Team 8. CHAMPIONS!

Originally Posted by jrp44

Damn were the prior seasons this serious? 

Not even close. This #%$@ is something else
Originally Posted by henz0

OR just run the 5 tonight and I'll try to figure it out during the week about keith. But ill know about me tonight
We'll run 5 tonight. Just let me know when you have your situation settled.
Originally Posted by pootaing

lol i really dont even care because this happens with you every time you run a tourney/season

you pull rules out of you @@% that make absolutely no sense and judging by the posts on the last page everyone else agrees with me
You're quite the dense one, aren't you? Tell me, how would I have got away with running Hyper on my team for the next 2 weeks, including the playoffs? Tell me, since you had / have it all figure it, tell me how nobody would of found out that xNataliePortman or YourInDanger is Hyper? All these dudes in here who knows Hyper and his voice and your telling me I could have got away with it? Even though we know his K/D is stupid high and he's really good, that I could have gotten away with it? You gullible bro, it was a JOKE from the start. Why you acting so blind? 
You even said it yourself when you enter the lobby, with Me, Hyper and his goons that night:
:Hyper talking to his boys in the background:

:tongue:oo enters looby:

Poo: Hyper? Is that Hyper?

:Hyper still talking to his boys:

Poo: Boost, is that Hyper?

Me: Nope

Poo: Maan that's Hyper, why you lying


Poo: I know that's Hyper


Me: Naw son, that Natalie Portman

and than you duck out the lobby quick, ran to the Black Ops thread and made this post and this one

Like I said, you didn't foil any plans of me cheating, you foiled my joke, and this isnt the first time a similar joke like this has happen, Nino did this *%!+ in the OG Call of Duty 4 tournament thread, unlike Pootaing, everybody laugh, nobody caught feelings. 
Man after this week either Poot or Hyper needs to be officially put on the FA list. They can't just keep being interchangeable throughout the season when one decides not to show up. Either Poot is on your team or Hyper is. It isn't that hard. If Poot stays and you decide you want Hyper down the line then you gotta trade 2 players for him cause Poots KD doesn't qualify for Hyper alone.
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

IHeartBoost wrote:

Word Pac & Bobby.. The +%#!.

Poot. Show up tonight son. Cause idk if Hyper will see this in time and everyone is doing this week replacement +%#+. So ur still on the team til we finish this weeks games, atleast
Then week 3 .. i guess... Hyper will return to team 8?
Son are you blind, are just ignoring my replies for the last 5 - 6 pages. Let me bold it for you, I talk to Poot in the lobby that night regarding the Hyper situation he said he doesn't want to play for your team, he'll go back to FA or not play at all. Read it over and over again December, so it can resonate in your head. Pootaing knows he said that and is not telling December.
Alright. Ive tried to be as civil as possible since i got my account back to not get banned or suspended again.
But son let me tell you this

Relax with this smart #@! remarks son. how the %+@* am i suppose to know if hes really saying that? Secondly, I know your #@! is not talking about being blind when everyone here swears your half ******ed when u post not reading anything and skipping over ##!# and doing your selective reading. 

Thrid, Poot if you said that, then tell me.  Then you can leave after tonights games. then you can "retire" or do what you wanna do. Cause obviously i have no idea whats going on with all the rumors about u.

After Week 2. Ill PM hyper on PSN or something to see if hes down to return for my team. 

Why you so akin to keeping Pooitang when WE discussed that you would get Hyper back and Poo would drop to FA when Hyper comes back, Poo remembers:
pootaing wrote:
good ol boost always trying to cheat his way to a chip.

hyper is a captain btw, he would take my spot if he came back...i believe december said this

Yes, December did say this. Now that Hyper is back, you don't want him and you want to keep Poo? Smh...
you're still playing it off as a joke?

and you're calling me dense


you win. take your e-fame

i cant argue with someone so ignorant, it's like im talking to myself
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Alright. Ive tried to be as civil as possible since i got my account back to not get banned or suspended again.
But son let me tell you this

Relax with this smart #@! remarks son. how the %+@* am i suppose to know if hes really saying that? Secondly, I know your #@! is not talking about being blind when everyone here swears your half ******ed when u post not reading anything and skipping over ##!# and doing your selective reading. 

Thrid, Poot if you said that, then tell me.  Then you can leave after tonights games. then you can "retire" or do what you wanna do. Cause obviously i have no idea whats going on with all the rumors about u.

After Week 2. Ill PM hyper on PSN or something to see if hes down to return for my team. 
Why you so akin to keeping Pooitang when WE discussed that you would get Hyper back and Poo would drop to FA when Hyper comes back, Poo remembers:
Who am i asking?
When did "We" discuss this?

ForeverDecember21 wrote:
Poot. Show up tonight son. Cause idk if Hyper will see this in time and everyone is doing this week replacement +%#+. So ur still on the team til we finish this weeks games, atleast
Then week 3 .. i guess... Hyper will return to team 8?

READ @@+*%! READ!

And this is the case because i wont let ur $%% take away one of my players hours before a game. So YOU WILL LET HIM FINISH OUT THE WEEK. Cool? Cool. 

Week 3 - Hyper is BACK on Team 8 . Pending his and I's convo asking if he is down to come back. Alright. Yeah... Alright.

Then im guessing Poot will retire, if Hyper tells me hes wanting to play for my team... 
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Why you so akin to keeping Pooitang when WE discussed that you would get Hyper back and Poo would drop to FA when Hyper comes back, Poo remembers:
pootaing wrote:
good ol boost always trying to cheat his way to a chip.

hyper is a captain btw, he would take my spot if he came back...i believe december said this
December said he would make the decision after a certain game if Poot or Hyper would be with the team. I didn't object to him making the decision...I just said he should do it before the game since it wouldn't make sense if Poot played it out and got dropped for Hyper after. December decided to stick with Poot (which I remember him saying in this thread) and NO ONE objected to it. If you didn't read it...that's on you for not paying attention.

So like it's been for the past couple weeks, Poot is on Team 8 and Hyper is a free agent. If Hyper comes back...he's not restricted to only Team 8.
Originally Posted by pootaing

you're still playing it off as a joke?

and you're calling me dense


you win. take your e-fame

i cant argue with someone so ignorant, it's like im talking to myself
Moving on.
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Read. My last Post.
If you want to keep Poo, keep him, son is the one in every other page on or off the season like a light switch. He doesn't know what he wants to do.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Read. My last Post.
If you want to keep Poo, keep him, son is the one in every other page on or off the season like a light switch. He doesn't know what he wants to do.
still goin eh?
it's like you can't read man

put some glasses on, rudy
December begs Boost to intervene.
He does.

December is mad Boost intervened. 

Make up your mind. 

Boost's idea makes sense. Hyper is back on his original team, Pootaing is back to a Free Agent. How is this unfair? And how is this benefiting Boost's team at all?
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

December begs Boost to intervene.
He does.

December is mad Boost intervened. 

Make up your mind. 

Boost's idea makes sense. Hyper is back on his original team, Pootaing is back to a Free Agent. How is this unfair? And how is this benefiting Boost's team at all?
Are you trolling right now? Please say you are. Cause when did i ask Boost to intervene for MY TEAM? Please do tell. He placed Hyper back on my team out of the blue. Hence why people were like "What the $+$$?" " Why is poot this.." "Why is poot that?" or did you miss the replies follwoing his post?
Ill follow his rules. And stick to the Hyper side of the deal (even though Boost edited that out of his post)

I just PMed hyper on PSN. I gotta see what he'll say. If he says yes then Hyper comes back to Team 8 week 3.
So you telling me this +*@+ couldn't be settled after we played?

How did this +*@+ even start? I thought Hyper was sitting this season out?

Real talk Boost catch a lot a flak, but nobody can do a better job putting these things together.

Just have a captain vote on reinstating Hyper, and decide where he goes. ( FA or Team 8 )
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

December begs Boost to intervene.
He does.

December is mad Boost intervened. 

Make up your mind. 

Boost's idea makes sense. Hyper is back on his original team, Pootaing is back to a Free Agent. How is this unfair? And how is this benefiting Boost's team at all?
Are you trolling right now? Please say you are. Cause when did i ask Boost to intervene for MY TEAM? Please do tell. He placed Hyper back on my team out of the blue. Hence why people were like "What the $+$$?" " Why is poot this.." "Why is poot that?" or did you miss the replies follwoing his post?
Ill follow his rules. And stick to the Hyper side of the deal (even though Boost edited that out of his post)

I just PMed hyper on PSN. I gotta see what he'll say. If he says yes then Hyper comes back to Team 8 week 3.

Yea, I'm trolling. 
 Says the dude who posts his blog in here every morning. "Yo, man, I'm going to drop my collection of sick kills, but my sparkly dazzler isn't working. Not to gas myself up though. Even though no one asked or cares." 
YOU DID ask Boost to intervene. In the Henz situation. He did, and also addressed the Hyper thing that was still up in the air at the same time.

You are mad that he made that decision, no? But you were the one calling for him to make a decision in another matter, yes? So because he decided on something you don't agree with, you get salty.
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Boost makes me laugh man..

Wanna help Henz/Keef with their team? dude asked if they can pick up hyper?

But what if they wanna come back? What are the rules then?

What's this here? I hope you can read it.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Yea, I'm trolling. 
 Says the dude who posts his blog in here every morning. "Yo, man, I'm going to drop my collection of sick kills, but my sparkly dazzler isn't working. Not to gas myself up though. Even though no one asked or cares." 
YOU DID ask Boost to intervene. In the Henz situation. He did, and also addressed the Hyper thing that was still up in the air at the same time.

You are mad that he made that decision, no? But you were the one calling for him to make a decision in another matter, yes? So because he decided on something you don't agree with, you get salty.

But it was made clear weeks ago that Hyper was gonna sit out and Poot will stay on my team. But thenBoost said hes back on my team. Thats the problem. So how did hyper have anything to do with my team?
So Boost put me back in the situation i was in , in week 1. Out of the blue. And my name isnt Henz or Keef though right? Did i ask boost to interven for MY TEAM CHRIS? YES OR NO? No right. ur post is void bud.

Notice you're thee only one that follows boost's logic 

MJair wrote:

Ironic you posted.
Yea, I'm trolling. 
 Says the dude who posts his blog in here every morning. "Yo, man, I'm going to drop my collection of sick kills, but my sparkly dazzler isn't working. Not to gas myself up though. Even though no one asked or cares." 

This sorta might relate to you "Mr. Man bruh my KD jumped up .5 . Its been my best week in black ops ever. Woot Woot. Ive been practicing all different types of game modes. Can i haz a cookie?"

But thats mad funny tho huh?
I never said in any of my posts you asked Boost to intervene for your team.
I AM saying you asked him to intervene, period. He did, which ended up involving your team, and you disliked it.

I agree with Boost that if Hyper comes back, he should be on the team that, not only he was on, he DRAFTED. 

If he doesn't come back, then you keep Eduardo Najera. Is this not logical? If not, please enlighten me.
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