Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Will my trophies sync correctly when this is corrected?
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Will my trophies sync correctly when this is corrected?
Now SONY engaged an external security company to discover the holes in SONY’s system and find answers.

Which is what SONY should've done to begin with when SONY were creating PSN to prevent anyone from asking any questions.

SONY make some great hardware, but I swear, when it comes to anything software related, SONY suck more than a black hole. SONY.
Now SONY engaged an external security company to discover the holes in SONY’s system and find answers.

Which is what SONY should've done to begin with when SONY were creating PSN to prevent anyone from asking any questions.

SONY make some great hardware, but I swear, when it comes to anything software related, SONY suck more than a black hole. SONY.
There's a larger issue that no one has talked about but I'll throw it out there. With the original PSN hack to make the servers think you were on a dev kit there was the distinct possibility that developer data was stolen as well.

I'm not going to go into specifics but let me just say that this issue may have given rise to access developer networks.

Now, the question is who do you point the finger at? Sony for lack of security? The hackers? What about the community for getting behind the original jailbreak that made this all possible?

Look as a developer i'm 100% for jailbreaking your equipment but as I've long said on here you open pandora's box when you start getting into network modification or modification that give you access to various networks or workarounds to beat the subscriber system. People who work hard to bring you entertainment should get legitimate compensation. There's nothing wrong with jailbreaking and enjoying your own personal property but the abundnce of people on this board and in general who are all for stealing whether it be full games,  DLC, or online accessories is deplorable. I don't understand how anyone can get behind this kind of behavior when all it is doing is hurting you in the long run. Especially because it's hurting me and other studios wasting time having to deal with this security crap. Someone on here will say "oh maybe if Sony was on top of their *@%$ this wouldn't have happened." Look, some of the blame may fall with Sony, I know I don't agree with some of the thing's I've learned about how they handled this but if you leave your home and you come home and someone kicked in the door and stole all your stuff are you going to blame yourself for not having enough security? At some point you have to blame the criminal for criminal behavior.

Anyone who thinks this is a Sony only issue is kidding themselves, Microsoft can't even keep you from stealing Windows 7 and you think Xbox Live or Partnernet is secure?

All this is purely my personal opinion take it for what it's worth.
There's a larger issue that no one has talked about but I'll throw it out there. With the original PSN hack to make the servers think you were on a dev kit there was the distinct possibility that developer data was stolen as well.

I'm not going to go into specifics but let me just say that this issue may have given rise to access developer networks.

Now, the question is who do you point the finger at? Sony for lack of security? The hackers? What about the community for getting behind the original jailbreak that made this all possible?

Look as a developer i'm 100% for jailbreaking your equipment but as I've long said on here you open pandora's box when you start getting into network modification or modification that give you access to various networks or workarounds to beat the subscriber system. People who work hard to bring you entertainment should get legitimate compensation. There's nothing wrong with jailbreaking and enjoying your own personal property but the abundnce of people on this board and in general who are all for stealing whether it be full games,  DLC, or online accessories is deplorable. I don't understand how anyone can get behind this kind of behavior when all it is doing is hurting you in the long run. Especially because it's hurting me and other studios wasting time having to deal with this security crap. Someone on here will say "oh maybe if Sony was on top of their *@%$ this wouldn't have happened." Look, some of the blame may fall with Sony, I know I don't agree with some of the thing's I've learned about how they handled this but if you leave your home and you come home and someone kicked in the door and stole all your stuff are you going to blame yourself for not having enough security? At some point you have to blame the criminal for criminal behavior.

Anyone who thinks this is a Sony only issue is kidding themselves, Microsoft can't even keep you from stealing Windows 7 and you think Xbox Live or Partnernet is secure?

All this is purely my personal opinion take it for what it's worth.
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