PS3 or XBOX 360

awsome how the only proper limb placement for the fighting game are the boys hands, what happened to the 48 point tracking?
whys that monster moving before the boy does?
did that camera really just xray photography that skateboard right through the kids hands?� i mean how did it get those extra 2 letters?
did that girl literally up shift (or down shift) in mid-air with no physical presence?� a camera can read that in thin air?

look im all for technological innovation man and i know natals got possibilities, but u cant be posting those fake videos up here
52.4 percent failure rate. This really shouldn't be up for discussion.
Fam...its a fake demo.

None of the actions or games are real on that video

The hands on impressions of the real NATAL experience have been overwhelmingly positive.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Fam...its a fake demo.

None of the actions or games are real on that video

The hands on impressions of the real NATAL experience have been overwhelmingly positive.

i really need to look this up.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Fam...its a fake demo.

None of the actions or games are real on that video

The hands on impressions of the real NATAL experience have been overwhelmingly positive.
52.4 percent failure rate. This really shouldn't be up for discussion.

Gotta justify their shoddy investment somehow ya know.

52.4 > 5%
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Fam...its a fake demo.

None of the actions or games are real on that video

The hands on impressions of the real NATAL experience have been overwhelmingly positive.

i got u on that fam, im just saying, we cant be misleading potential buyers like the OP

its not like we're not Turn 10 employees ( please excuse my ignorance if no one gets the joke)
Had a 360 piece of ##*# broke, it's a cheap !!$ gaming console overall...why are yall still talking exclusives??? The most anticipated games of the yearare not exclusives....that 360 controller is buns straight up, like one dude said I don't see the difference playing COD with the 360 and guys act like the controllers are women....and 360 controller is turrible in any other games other then FPS ....I'll roll with theps3...better quality...I can careless about chatting with someone who is playing another game....and now that the ps3 is 300 it defintely dookie onxbox....especially when you have to buy extra ##*# for the xbox
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by JordanHead2

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Xbox 360.

Reason: Xbox live + MW2

Xbox 360 controller > PS3

people saying the 360 controller is better r crazy
ps3 allday
imo the PS3 controller is too small and it's triggers are trash!
they should've just kept the R2 and L2 "triggers" buttons.
The " all my friends have this system" reason. Is really the only reason that matters. Which ever system your friends play is probably the one youshould get.

But , M$ got you dudes blinded. Its has a 54% failure rate and dudes stilll buy it. And yes I'm one of Those idiots. Lol, smh.
Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

The " all my friends have this system" reason. Is really the only reason that matters. Which ever system your friends play is probably the one you should get.

But , M$ got you dudes blinded. Its has a 54% failure rate and dudes stilll buy it. And yes I'm one of Those idiots. Lol, smh.

get the warranty at bestbuy
PSN is not as bad as people make it out to be.

Ive used both LIVE and PSN and they are both the same. The connection during games is basically the same.

I prefer free over paid any day. The PS3 just does more for me.
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

that 360 controller is buns straight up, like one dude said I don't see the difference playing COD with the 360 and ps3 guys act like the controllers are women....and 360 controller is turrible in any other games other then FPS ....

You and your fellow PS3 fanboys can post a thousand more comments about how you don't feel "any difference" playing COD on a PS3 and a Xbox 360controller, and you will still sound like either someone who simply hasn't tried playing on both controllers or just liars. There is no way that you willmake me believe that you don't feel the difference. Honestly, I can see it if you played COD4 on a PS3 controller for a year and you got used to playingCOD with it (as much as it's possible to get used to playing COD with that thing), but give someone who has never played COD4 on either system a couple ofhours with both controllers and we'll see how much he/she "doesn't feel the difference".

And no, it's not the L1/L2/R1/R2 switches that are the issue - I could care less about that. It's the PS3 controller's analogue sticks. Thatcontroller design is from, what, 1994? The controller is made to be played with the d-pad. They basically added two analogue sticks on a d-pad based controllersomewhere around 1997-1998, and they haven't changed the design since. I am tired of explaining this over and over.
if you payed any attention at all to all the other xbox and ps3 threads, you would know the same exact things would be said in here, if you ask me its all justpreference
Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

The " all my friends have this system" reason. Is really the only reason that matters. Which ever system your friends play is probably the one you should get.

But , M$ got you dudes blinded. Its has a 54% failure rate and dudes stilll buy it. And yes I'm one of Those idiots. Lol, smh.
Haven't read through all the other pages but I agree with this. I think that with the 360 being out earlier and being way cheaper that morefolks just hopped on that. Up at school last year and around my way I can count the amount of people who got PS3's on my hand...I've played both andreally see no differences between the gameplay.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

that 360 controller is buns straight up, like one dude said I don't see the difference playing COD with the 360 and ps3 guys act like the controllers are women....and 360 controller is turrible in any other games other then FPS ....

You and your fellow PS3 fanboys can post a thousand more comments about how you don't feel "any difference" playing COD on a PS3 and a Xbox 360 controller, and you will still sound like either someone who simply hasn't tried playing on both controllers or just liars. There is no way that you will make me believe that you don't feel the difference. Honestly, I can see it if you played COD4 on a PS3 controller for a year and you got used to playing COD with it (as much as it's possible to get used to playing COD with that thing), but give someone who has never played COD4 on either system a couple of hours with both controllers and we'll see how much he/she "doesn't feel the difference".

And no, it's not the L1/L2/R1/R2 switches that are the issue - I could care less about that. It's the PS3 controller's analogue sticks. That controller design is from, what, 1994? The controller is made to be played with the d-pad. They basically added two analogue sticks on a d-pad based controller somewhere around 1997-1998, and they haven't changed the design since. I am tired of explaining this over and over.

why is that a problem? It's familiar and easy to use. What's wrong with your fingers that you can't use a controller scheme that's been aroundfor over a decade?
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

that 360 controller is buns straight up, like one dude said I don't see the difference playing COD with the 360 and ps3 guys act like the controllers are women....and 360 controller is turrible in any other games other then FPS ....

You and your fellow PS3 fanboys can post a thousand more comments about how you don't feel "any difference" playing COD on a PS3 and a Xbox 360 controller, and you will still sound like either someone who simply hasn't tried playing on both controllers or just liars. There is no way that you will make me believe that you don't feel the difference. Honestly, I can see it if you played COD4 on a PS3 controller for a year and you got used to playing COD with it (as much as it's possible to get used to playing COD with that thing), but give someone who has never played COD4 on either system a couple of hours with both controllers and we'll see how much he/she "doesn't feel the difference".

And no, it's not the L1/L2/R1/R2 switches that are the issue - I could care less about that. It's the PS3 controller's analogue sticks. That controller design is from, what, 1994? The controller is made to be played with the d-pad. They basically added two analogue sticks on a d-pad based controller somewhere around 1997-1998, and they haven't changed the design since. I am tired of explaining this over and over.
there's seriously no difference
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