PS3|PSP THD: Dirty is shutting us down, help us get to 25k before tomorrow!

winning 11 is out that soon they are definitly gunning for Fifa then its usually out 3-4 months after Fifa in the States
Courtesy of gamespot.comEA's Moore: Sports Titles On PS3 Will Run At 60fps
Madden NFL 08 on the PS3 didn't turn out well. It ran at a paltry 30fps while its Xbox 360 counterpart ran at a fluid 60fps, and this has seriously annoyed PS3 owners. Furthermore, 2K Sports has said more than once that their sports titles will all run at 60fps on the PS3, which made EA look even worse. However, according to EA Sports boss Peter Moore, the days of EA's lagging behind are numbered.

In a recent interview with GameSpot, Moore said that all future EA Sports games would indeed run at 60 frames per second on the PS3, and that the Madden debacle would be "ancient history" by Christmas. He also stated that EA simply hasn't had the time to "come to grips" with the PS3's hardware, and all this will change with NBA Live 08. In response to the frames-per-second question posed by GS, Moore said-

"I see it going away with NBA Live 08. I think that we had a little bit of a mea culpa, but we're getting up to speed on the platform. But that's in the past. And beginning with NBA, we're going to see PS3 titles from EA Sports running at 60 frames a second. So all of that'll be forgotten by the holiday."

"Once the consumer gets that ( Live 08 ) in their hands, the Madden issue will become ancient history. I think you look at any development cycle, and when you've had the hardware as long as the studios have for 360 in relation to what they had for PS3, you've got this normal chronology of getting your hands on the hardware a year later. It's a little bit of a hangover from that. But that's behind us now. By the time we get to November and NBA Live ships--all gone."

Well, football fans may not forget until Madden NFL 09 arrives, but at least it's good to know that EA is getting their act together. Finally.

My Take: Good, now we can finally get pass this FPS situation.


Courtesy of Famitsu MagazineStar Ocean 4 Exclusive To PS3
There certainly is a lot of news that revolves around Square-Enix these days: first, they reveal their relatively impressive TGS 2007 lineup, and then, we got a horde of new details for Star Ocean 4. Lastly, let's not forget the resurfacing of that Final Fantasy VII PS3 remake rumor, sparked by a recent Famitsu interview.

But it doesn't end there. If you read that SO4 article, you'll notice that this title is supposed to be exclusive to one next-gen platform. Unfortunately, at the time, we had no idea which platform that would be, although we had guessed it would be either the PS3 or Xbox 360. Common sense would tell us it should be the PS3 - Japanese RPGs and the 360 don't usually gel - but with the advent of Blue Dragon, it's not so automatic, anymore. Well, it seems that has translated more of a recent Famitsu pre-TGS article, and we already have our answer-

"The biggest piece of news revealed is that the game will be exclusive to PlayStation 3."

Excellent! This hasn't been confirmed by Square-Enix, but it certainly makes a lot of sense, and RPG fans should be very excited. Now, if only they would reveal that FF VII remake, that would just make our year...

My Take: :wow:
We're Feeling Lucky.​
good, i think ill give up madden 08 till 09 comes out..i just cant play it anymore
PSN ID:THEh8er83​
in my opinion ea's titles are better on the ps1. after they got big they kinda slacked off. and 2k is def better in the sport categories
Team Otaku​
problem with live 08, at least on the demo, the game lags because its at 60fps. anyone else notice?

oh and heres another complaint. by the time ff7 comes out for ps3 (if it does) ps4 will be around the corner and we'll be complaining that it shoulda been out for that :lol:
T R A N S F O R M E R S​
problem with live 08, at least on the demo, the game lags because its at 60fps. anyone else notice?
-| H.C.I.C. |-
Respect the Head Chog in Charge​
jrdnsrnss -i sent u a friend request on psn...what's good with the NT clan?!let's get everyone's PSN ids on one post just to make things PSN id: D BLACK

we are all a conspiracyGOLAKERS!GONETS!
oh and heres another complaint. by the time ff7 comes out for ps3 (if it does) ps4 will be around the corner and we'll be complaining that it shoulda been out for that
to hear about ps4?
JO wants to come..Mitch make it happen.​
whats the new update supposed to do?
Anderson - Brezec - Carroll - Davidson - Dudley - Felton - Harrington
Herrmann - Hollins - May - McInnis - Morrison - Okafor - Richardson - Voskuhl - Wallace
Just tried out Remote play with my Psp and took some screens dont have any games that use remote play, all i kno of is LAIR.
Thought I'd share...

Madden debacle would be "ancient history" by Christmas.

i was thinking that meant they would have another release of madden by december, that had me real excited because i bought my game from best buy and got that one year warranty, so i would have accidenttaly got a scratch on it oops but than as i read further i was like no no no

least 2k will be nice along with future ea sports games

"we are the legit check, no need to legit check, what we legit check, because we legit check the legit check ya dig"
lol sound like juelz ps aim jdhillon23
if they are really re-releasing madden by xmas i mightest well trade in my current copy. after playing the 360 version i dont even wanna touch the ps3 version
It's 4:50am PST in the morning, me, my homegirl and boys got out the club about 2:30ish, did the dennys thing (Roscoe Chicken and Waffle was tooooo damn busy), I'm home and the first thing I do is head to NT, :rofl:
posting some PS3 info, haha.


Courtesy of rockstargames.comMidnight Club: Los Angeles is Rockstar's most ambitious title yet
There's been a good deal of positive feedback coming from the media and the fans regarding Rockstar Games' latest project, Midnight Club: Los Angeles. Some have dared to say that its environments are looking better than those of Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3 and 360), and who could blame them?

A Rockstar spokesperson said that Midnight Club: Los Angeles is the development firm's "most ambitious project to date" with its top shelf graphics and accurate re-creation of the city's streets. Asked to comment about this, the Rockstar rep said, "It's just the beginning."

The San Diego-based developers found it very convenient that they're only a couple of hours away from the city they'll be bringing to life in the game. Midnight Club iterations have had a strong tradition of living up to their own hype, and we certainly hope that Midnight Club: Los Angeles carries on with that reputation. Midnight Club: Los Angeles is slated for the Sony PlayStation 3 and the Microsoft Xbox 360.


Courtesy of Q&A Update BlogGuerilla Testing Killzone 2 Online Multiplayer
At this point, Killzone 2 is loosely scheduled for "TBA 2008," but the latest development update has sparked some interesting speculation. Basically, everyone's starting to wonder if the game is a little further along than initially expected...

In one of his most recent blogs over at, QA manager Seb "motherH" Downie talks about how his team is busy with the online portion of Killzone 2. Typically, the online aspects of any game get tender loving care after the major gameplay foundations are in exactly how far along is Guerilla? Seb's blog post is below-

"Me and my boys have been mostly busy testing Online this past week and making sure that the rewards and ranking are working as intended as well as checking the collision and geometry for MP02, also known as Road Block currently, but Im sure itll get a much more exciting name before release. I cant really give you much in the way of details about Multiplayer otherwise, even though I am itching to share it all with you. I guess youll have to wait a wee while longer though."

We'd certainly like to hear more about "Road Block," too. Collision and geometry appear to be awfully crucial in the development of any game - especially a shooter - and we've heard whispers of just how advanced the tech behind Killzone 2 is. Could this be another example?

My Take: Damn, I hope it's production is further away than initial thought, I would love to see this game early Q1 2008. There is already a rumor that the Beta or Online multiplayer Demo is gonna be launch on the day of Halo 3 release, WOW. Guerrilla has some guts, :wow:


Courtesy of joystiq.comHeroic kid gets PS3 from Sony
If you were into heart-warming, somewhat-video-game related stores in August, you may remember 9-year-old Matty Lovo, the boy who saved his dad's life by taking control of a 100,000-pound truck after pops passed out. The kid thought, understandably, that his reward should be a PS3.

Sony apparently agrees. They rewarded Matty for his quick-thinking and (we assume) PlayStation 2-honed driving skills with a PS3 and a stack of games. It's a classy move from the company, especially considering all the free PR the kid brought them. (Just so you know, if Big Mutha Truckers was a PS3 game, this post would have ended with a hilarious joke. We're sorry for the inconvenience.)

My Take: Oh so it's like that? Easy enough Sony? Ok, time save my drunk friends from killing themselves next week, :lol:
We're Feeling Lucky.​
after playing the 360 version i dont even wanna touch the ps3 version

Word, I actually sold my PS3 to cop a 360 because I couldn't deal with the craptastic PS3 version of madden 08. Sorry if I have dissapointed sony fanboys.
PS3 looks like it's gonna take another L this holiday season.

No KZ.
No GT.
No rumble controller.
No Madden @ 60 fps.


Somebody tell me again why I should cop a PS3?

I mean, what the hell IS coming out before 2008 hits??
(Besides 2K8 which I have a bad feeling will be better on 360).

And I'm wondering if SOCOM will make it's release.


im thinking socom will be another failure. i mean i think they trying to get us back into it with the socom 2 maps.
but there are other games that compete with socom like UT killzone haze
Team Otaku​
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