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[h1]Final Fight: Double Impact Puts You Back In the Arcade[/h1]

The most impressive thing about Capcom's download ports of arcade classics Final Fight and Magic Sword aren't the gameplay, it's the frame that the game plays within.

Gamers have the option of turning on a frame for the games that turns the sides of the monitor into replicas of the old gaming guides that used to flank thesides of old arcade cabinet monitors. The view can also be tweaked to replicate the slightly outwardly distorted look of an old, cheap arcade monitor.

It's heaps better than the chintzy, sometimes generic frames applied to other arcade titles that show up on the Playstation Network and Xbox LiveArcade.

Game play for both Final Fight and Magic Sword are spot on.

The classic brawler, made by Akira Ni****ani and Akira Yasuda who went on to make Street Fighter II, is a straight-forward side-scrolling arcade titlepacked with endearing flaws. The depth of the game remains tricky to master, you can still accidentally take out your fellow gamer when attacking bad guys andthe graphics featuring an overwhelming kaleidescope of colors. And that's why I love the original and its painfully exact port.

Magic Sword has gamers work there way through a mystical tower, using found keys to free captives and recruit allies. It's been a long time sinceI've played the original back in its 90s arcade heyday and I can't wait to spend some time working through the game again.

What's interesting here is that Capcom gets that it is the nostalgia factor that helps to sell these games so they go the extra length to amp that up,not only capturing the feel of the gameplay and in-game graphics, but allowing you to distort the screen and add surprisingly realistic frames to the game soyou feel more like you're at an arcade.

The next step needs to be sending people who download the game for the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 in April chewed upwads of gum to stick under their controllers when playing.

^^pretty dope..I have the Sega collection but haven't even played half the games. Childhood on disc *hat*

Dante's Inferno trophies
[/td] [td]Slaughter at Acre[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Fight against the prisoner at Acre[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Abandon All Hope[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Break through the Gates of Hell[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Sentence the Judge[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Defeat King Minos[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Lovers Torn Asunder[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Defeat Marc Antony[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]The Great Worm[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Defeat Cerberus[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Like Father Like Son[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Defeat Alighiero[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Gates of Dis[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Enter the lower circles of The Inferno[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]The Harrowing[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Escape Heresy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Precious[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find a Beatrice stone[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Footsteps of a Traitor[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find 10 pieces of silver[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Betrayed with a Kiss[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find 20 pieces of silver[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Relic Hunter[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find a relic[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Old Friend[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find and absolve Brunetto Latini[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Burning Eyes[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Send Charon back into the abyss[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Warming Up[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Perform a 50 hit combo[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Holy Warrior[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kill 30 Minions[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Demon Slayer[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kill 30 Demons[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Bad Nanny[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kill 20 Unbaptized Babies[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Indigestion[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kill 5 Gluttons[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Confessional[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kill 5 Heretics[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Countermeasures[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kill 20 enemies using a counter move[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Superstition[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kill 20 enemies using magic[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Give Me Strength[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Open 20 Health fountains[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Sorcerer's Apprentice[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Open 20 Mana fountains[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Light in the Dark[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Reach Holy Level 7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Death's Apprentice[/td] [td]Bronze Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Reach Unholy Level 7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Brotherhood[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Defeat Francesco[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Bitter Sweet[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Save Beatrice[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Power of the Cross[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find all 3 Beatrice stones[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Well Done, Judas[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find all 30 pieces of silver[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Light Relics[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find all Holy relics[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Dark Relics[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find all Unholy relics[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Forbidden Love[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Find and absolve both Francesca de Polenta and Paolo Malatesta[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]The Damned[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Punish or absolve all 27 shades of The Inferno[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]The Guide[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Collect all Virgil commentaries[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Soul Reaper[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Collect 60,000 Souls[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Masterpiece[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Perform a 200 hit combo[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Holy Man[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Max out the Holy path[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Man of Evil[/td] [td]Silver Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Max out the Unholy path[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Lucifer's Match[/td] [td]Gold Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Defeat the Emperor of the Woeful Realm[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Poetry in Motion[/td] [td]Gold Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Perform a 666 hit combo[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Gates of Hell[/td] [td]Gold Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Defeat all enemy waves in the Gates of Hell Arena[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Master of The Inferno[/td] [td]Platinum Trophy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Unlock all other trophies[/td] [/tr][/table]

Didn't even bother w/the demo, just getting GOWIII & Bayonetta for my hack n slash fix..
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Ok so I've been playing the God Of War HD collection. This is the first time I've played either God Of War I & God Of War II.

Seriously though is God Of War 1 this hard & challenging the 1st time around? I'm pretty deep into the game and up to the part where I beat the boss for Pandora's guardian where you get the silver trophy called "Take The Bull By The Horns". I'm playing the game on normal level right now and it seriously took me at least 10 attempts to beat this boss. At first I was messing up and dying on this boss fight because I couldn't get the hang of part where you hit the O button and then have to move the L3 stick in the right direction and time it right each time. Then after getting that part down and after hitting the boss with the wooden arrow 2 times & knocking off his armor till he had only his last green power level left I'd have my Rage of the Gods meter full and saved up and my magic level full. First I'd attack him with a couple 20, 30, and 50 hit combos, then I'd use my magic and hit the boss, then finally use my Rage of the gods meter on him to finally kill him. But even that took me 5 attempts before I finally beat the boss. I mean this seriously so far must have been the hardest boss fight for me in the game.

Here are pics of the boss fight I'm talking about:

Wow what a crazy boss fight.

Was up playing until 2am last night and took like 2 hours just to beat this boss. A couple times I came close to throwing down and breaking my dual shock 3 controller after being so close and dying to this boss.
i agree i caught myself checking ign for the walkthrough 2 times already.. i didnt even need it for Uncharted2.... im really surprised i neverplayed GOW, its a great series.. i got one level left on the first game.. that boss you posted looks insane!
New Heavy Rain Interview

Key Points:
- There are 1020 different ends in the game
- We can play with a main character and we decide who will remain as is
- the origami could be a puzzle/enigma of the story or not to be
- the DLC will reach the main story and other ones will introduce new characters and stories
- There is a mission (by a DLC) where you play a blind man and you cannot see anything. Only the surround sound can help you to play the game
- Team ICE (Naughty Dog) have not supported the Quantic Dream
- Demo will be online very soon, before the game going to the market
- Heavy Rain is destined to be a trilogy, as a pragmatic version of The Lord of the Rings. Hello David, thanks for accepting this interview.
davidcage: You're welcome. Heavy Rain is one of the most important titles of 2010. How much time was needed for development and how many people participated? How much time wasneeded for development and how many people participated?
davidcage: It took twelve years to see Heavy Rain and 5 years for its development, and has committed 500 people during his trial. How much of Fahrenheit (the favorite game for xbox of many of us in 4news!) Is there in this game?
davidcage: Absolutely none. I completely threw out my old idea of making games after the marketplace reacted to Fahrenheit. People do not want games. They wantdramas. In the Quantic Dream's DNA there is always will to innovate, in this case with an absolutely original gameplay, do not you think this couldfrighten part of the audience
davidcage: No, my wife is American, so I make sure to bounce ideas off her all to have a game that will work commercially in that crucial territory My game ismore palatable for the mass audience than Wii Sports Resort Where does the choice of characters?
davidcage: Players will have to play The Game to find out, but they are the first characters in a game that players will cry and have nightmare over How much the errors in the QTE will influence the story (failure press button for example)?
davidcage: We spent a year and 4 million euros working with a consortium of French developers on a technology where the failure algorithmically situations forthe rest of The Game. One of most discussed part of The Game is the presence of scenes of nudity, they will be functional to the story telling?
davidcage: Heavy Rain's nudity is the first video game that nudity is not gratuitous and is necessary for plot progression. The game must start with a main character or we can choose one of these? and during the story can we use to select continuous Which The Game?
davidcage: Who is the main character depends on how you embark on your journey Heavy Rain, it will be different for everyone How many endings do you have prepared? there's an above-the endings you prefer others, or that is functional to the Heavy Rain that will come (wehope this very much!)
davidcage: Twenty are announced but have worked with a German development team over the past two years to come up with further one thousand endings. I wrote to1020 endings, so there are none I have a preference for. Are the origami as a part of The Game puzzle / riddle?
davidcage: The Game I can not spoil. You started working in the videogames world creating a soundtrack for a videogame "Cheese Cat-astrophe" for SNES and Megadrive (We'vedone homeworks!) How much the soundtrack will be important for The Game?
davidcage: You can not convince anyone with an engagement experience unless you have sound. It is just important as the visuals. We have to download contentfor Heavy Rain coming where the player plays a blind man, so the screen is all black and they have to use their surround sound to play the episode. It is thefirst surround sound gameplay experience. The DLC that will come will be functional to the main quest of The Game or there will be other characters and events?
davidcage: Both, there will be seventy-seven-and-a-half pieces of content over seventy-seven-and-a-half-weeks following Heavy Rain. About a demonstration version, you already stated that it would be difficult to Achieve Because The Game have a complex story. Then choose the scenesjust for a demo is a difficult but doable. Can you confirm the demo? and can you tell us when?
davidcage: I would not like a demo, but the publisher requires one; it is coming very soon unfortunately. It will spoil virgins to the experience. Since its first appearance in 2007, today we see a marked improvement in the graphic aspect, in particular the absence of "tearing" and aquality most uniform. It was natural for you to get this quality video on the PS3 or have you requested a support to Team ICE (Naughty Dog)?
davidcage: We worked alone, Because Quantic Dream has the greatest graphics team in the world, but other developers are taking notes from us. Some Thinks Heavy Rain is more an interactive movie in that game, also for the massive use of motion capture of real actors. Do you think it's agood definition?
davidcage: Heavy Rain is an interactive experience that transcends all that all that came before, more than a game or movie. In the next days will arrive in Italy Avatar, the last film of James Cameron, a movie that have more of a game (massive use of computer graphics)than every other since now, have you seen it? what you think of the fusion between cinema and videogames?
davidcage: We can not fuse, we can only learn. I have seen the Avatar, and it is the greatest movie I have ever seen in my life, I think Heavy Rain is TheAvatar of interactivity. Heavy Rain Could have a sequel? Other projects in the future?
davidcage: Heavy Rain is intended to be a trilogy, like a pragmatic version of the Lord of the Rings. Future Heavy Rains are my future plans. Key Points: - There are 1020 different ends in the game - We can play with a main character and we decide who will remain as is - the origami could be a puzzle/enigma of the story or not to be - the DLC will reach the main story and other ones will introduce new characters and stories - There is a mission (by a DLC) where you play a blind man and you cannot see anything. Only the surround sound can help you to play the game - Team ICE (Naughty Dog) have not supported the Quantic Dream - Demo will be online very soon, before the game going to the market - Heavy Rain is destined to be a trilogy, as a pragmatic version of The Lord of the Rings. Hello David, thanks for accepting this interview. davidcage: You're welcome. Heavy Rain is one of the most important titles of 2010. How much time was needed for development and how many people participated? How much time was needed for development and how many people participated? davidcage: It took twelve years to see Heavy Rain and 5 years for its development, and has committed 500 people during his trial. How much of Fahrenheit (the favorite game for xbox of many of us in 4news!) Is there in this game? davidcage: Absolutely none. I completely threw out my old idea of making games after the marketplace reacted to Fahrenheit. People do not want games. They want dramas. In the Quantic Dream's DNA there is always will to innovate, in this case with an absolutely original gameplay, do not you think this could frighten part of the audience davidcage: No, my wife is American, so I make sure to bounce ideas off her all to have a game that will work commercially in that crucial territory My game is more palatable for the mass audience than Wii Sports Resort Where does the choice of characters? davidcage: Players will have to play The Game to find out, but they are the first characters in a game that players will cry and have nightmare over How much the errors in the QTE will influence the story (failure press button for example)? davidcage: We spent a year and 4 million euros working with a consortium of French developers on a technology where the failure algorithmically situations for the rest of The Game. One of most discussed part of The Game is the presence of scenes of nudity, they will be functional to the story telling? davidcage: Heavy Rain's nudity is the first video game that nudity is not gratuitous and is necessary for plot progression. The game must start with a main character or we can choose one of these? and during the story can we use to select continuous Which The Game? davidcage: Who is the main character depends on how you embark on your journey Heavy Rain, it will be different for everyone How many endings do you have prepared? there's an above-the endings you prefer others, or that is functional to the Heavy Rain that will come (we hope this very much!) davidcage: Twenty are announced but have worked with a German development team over the past two years to come up with further one thousand endings. I wrote to 1020 endings, so there are none I have a preference for. Are the origami as a part of The Game puzzle / riddle? davidcage: The Game I can not spoil. You started working in the videogames world creating a soundtrack for a videogame "Cheese Cat-astrophe" for SNES and Megadrive (We've done homeworks!) How much the soundtrack will be important for The Game? davidcage: You can not convince anyone with an engagement experience unless you have sound. It is just important as the visuals. We have to download content for Heavy Rain coming where the player plays a blind man, so the screen is all black and they have to use their surround sound to play the episode. It is the first surround sound gameplay experience. The DLC that will come will be functional to the main quest of The Game or there will be other characters and events? davidcage: Both, there will be seventy-seven-and-a-half pieces of content over seventy-seven-and-a-half-weeks following Heavy Rain. About a demonstration version, you already stated that it would be difficult to Achieve Because The Game have a complex story. Then choose the scenes just for a demo is a difficult but doable. Can you confirm the demo? and can you tell us when? davidcage: I would not like a demo, but the publisher requires one; it is coming very soon unfortunately. It will spoil virgins to the experience. Since its first appearance in 2007, today we see a marked improvement in the graphic aspect, in particular the absence of "tearing" and a quality most uniform. It was natural for you to get this quality video on the PS3 or have you requested a support to Team ICE (Naughty Dog)? davidcage: We worked alone, Because Quantic Dream has the greatest graphics team in the world, but other developers are taking notes from us. Some Thinks Heavy Rain is more an interactive movie in that game, also for the massive use of motion capture of real actors. Do you think it's a good definition? davidcage: Heavy Rain is an interactive experience that transcends all that all that came before, more than a game or movie. In the next days will arrive in Italy Avatar, the last film of James Cameron, a movie that have more of a game (massive use of computer graphics) than every other since now, have you seen it? what you think of the fusion between cinema and videogames? davidcage: We can not fuse, we can only learn. I have seen the Avatar, and it is the greatest movie I have ever seen in my life, I think Heavy Rain is The Avatar of interactivity. Heavy Rain Could have a sequel? Other projects in the future? davidcage: Heavy Rain is intended to be a trilogy, like a pragmatic version of the Lord of the Rings. Future Heavy Rains are my future plans.
from playing the demo... bayonetta is a relly good game.

with that said, Capcom needs to make another Devil May Cry.

this time have Dante as the main character instead of that punk Nero. add in Vergil as a playable charcter. put Bayonetta as a secret character.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Ok so I've been playing the God Of War HD collection. This is the first time I've played either God Of War I & God Of War II.

Seriously though is God Of War 1 this hard & challenging the 1st time around? I'm pretty deep into the game and up to the part where I beat the boss for Pandora's guardian where you get the silver trophy called "Take The Bull By The Horns". I'm playing the game on normal level right now and it seriously took me at least 10 attempts to beat this boss. At first I was messing up and dying on this boss fight because I couldn't get the hang of part where you hit the O button and then have to move the L3 stick in the right direction and time it right each time. Then after getting that part down and after hitting the boss with the wooden arrow 2 times & knocking off his armor till he had only his last green power level left I'd have my Rage of the Gods meter full and saved up and my magic level full. First I'd attack him with a couple 20, 30, and 50 hit combos, then I'd use my magic and hit the boss, then finally use my Rage of the gods meter on him to finally kill him. But even that took me 5 attempts before I finally beat the boss. I mean this seriously so far must have been the hardest boss fight for me in the game.

Here are pics of the boss fight I'm talking about:




Wow what a crazy boss fight.

Was up playing until 2am last night and took like 2 hours just to beat this boss. A couple times I came close to throwing down and breaking my dual shock 3 controller after being so close and dying to this boss.

this game is whopping me right now...i got pandoras box...but i had to fight all these lil flying bat looking things that go into the floor, while theres somearrow shooting guards...the floor is moving side to side...and the only safe spots fire comes out and kill you instantly
i had to switch to easy mode after about a hour
but i dont know how to switch im on that stupid hades spiked columnthing...i hate this game
NT: I have a confession. Don't jump on me,

Only GOW experience I have is with the demo I got in the mail for the 1st one way back when. I have a pretty big collection of PS2 games but i never picked upGOW 1 or 2, even tho I heard nothing but good things bout it. Dont worry tho NT, im gonna pick up the HD collection pretty soon.

How bad have I been sleeping on this series tho?
Originally Posted by Apollo Greed

NT: I have a confession. Don't jump on me,

Only GOW experience I have is with the demo I got in the mail for the 1st one way back when. I have a pretty big collection of PS2 games but i never picked up GOW 1 or 2, even tho I heard nothing but good things bout it. Dont worry tho NT, im gonna pick up the HD collection pretty soon.

How bad have I been sleeping on this series tho?

youve been sleeping on it 2 weeks worse than i was
, GoW3 isdefinitely day 1 for me
So ill probably pick up the HD collection pretty soon.. I got a nice backlog building up though, ill have to work my way through them all

MLB 09 The Show
Dead Space
Arkham Asylum
NBA 2K10 (association mode)

I think I'll hold off on GOW 1,2,and 3 until I get through at least a couple of these. Might take a while though, with school and basketball and whatnot.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Ok so I've been playing the God Of War HD collection. This is the first time I've played either God Of War I & God Of War II.

Seriously though is God Of War 1 this hard & challenging the 1st time around? I'm pretty deep into the game and up to the part where I beat the boss for Pandora's guardian where you get the silver trophy called "Take The Bull By The Horns". I'm playing the game on normal level right now and it seriously took me at least 10 attempts to beat this boss. At first I was messing up and dying on this boss fight because I couldn't get the hang of part where you hit the O button and then have to move the L3 stick in the right direction and time it right each time. Then after getting that part down and after hitting the boss with the wooden arrow 2 times & knocking off his armor till he had only his last green power level left I'd have my Rage of the Gods meter full and saved up and my magic level full. First I'd attack him with a couple 20, 30, and 50 hit combos, then I'd use my magic and hit the boss, then finally use my Rage of the gods meter on him to finally kill him. But even that took me 5 attempts before I finally beat the boss. I mean this seriously so far must have been the hardest boss fight for me in the game.

Here are pics of the boss fight I'm talking about:




Wow what a crazy boss fight.

Was up playing until 2am last night and took like 2 hours just to beat this boss. A couple times I came close to throwing down and breaking my dual shock 3 controller after being so close and dying to this boss.

this game is whopping me right now...i got pandoras box...but i had to fight all these lil flying bat looking things that go into the floor, while theres some arrow shooting guards...the floor is moving side to side...and the only safe spots fire comes out and kill you instantly
i had to switch to easy mode after about a hour
but i dont know how to switch im on that stupid hades spiked column thing...i hate this game
My favorite part

Get hit once and you go all the way back down.
you cant switch back from easy, it stay that way once youve clicked it

the turnning walls? possibly the worst thing ive ever dealt with in gaming that i can remember

i kept saying to myself "if i dont get there by ___ o'clock, im done with this series" - luckily i made it
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Ok so I've been playing the God Of War HD collection. This is the first time I've played either God Of War I & God Of War II.

Seriously though is God Of War 1 this hard & challenging the 1st time around? I'm pretty deep into the game and up to the part where I beat the boss for Pandora's guardian where you get the silver trophy called "Take The Bull By The Horns". I'm playing the game on normal level right now and it seriously took me at least 10 attempts to beat this boss. At first I was messing up and dying on this boss fight because I couldn't get the hang of part where you hit the O button and then have to move the L3 stick in the right direction and time it right each time. Then after getting that part down and after hitting the boss with the wooden arrow 2 times & knocking off his armor till he had only his last green power level left I'd have my Rage of the Gods meter full and saved up and my magic level full. First I'd attack him with a couple 20, 30, and 50 hit combos, then I'd use my magic and hit the boss, then finally use my Rage of the gods meter on him to finally kill him. But even that took me 5 attempts before I finally beat the boss. I mean this seriously so far must have been the hardest boss fight for me in the game.

Here are pics of the boss fight I'm talking about:




Wow what a crazy boss fight.

Was up playing until 2am last night and took like 2 hours just to beat this boss. A couple times I came close to throwing down and breaking my dual shock 3 controller after being so close and dying to this boss.

this game is whopping me right now...i got pandoras box...but i had to fight all these lil flying bat looking things that go into the floor, while theres some arrow shooting guards...the floor is moving side to side...and the only safe spots fire comes out and kill you instantly
i had to switch to easy mode after about a hour
but i dont know how to switch im on that stupid hades spiked column thing...i hate this game
My favorite part

Get hit once and you go all the way back down.
just make sure you block and dodge alot during this fight. Use youre magic ONLY when needed. i watched alotta youtube footage on the game ingeneral which is very helpful

Trust me, i have a plat trophy for GOW1

i need to platinum GOW2 before yakuza 3 and bioshock 2 comes out. damn school
LOL. Clone War on God Mode is insane. Titan Mode on GOW2 is just as ridiculous.
If you do not play it on those levels, you cannot appreciate this game. It is SOOOOOOO much more rewarding.

Save your money if you are considering getting Army of Two. The endings are on GT and the game overall is VERY short.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Save your money if you are considering getting Army of Two. The endings are on GT and the game overall is VERY short.
i watched my buddies co-op the first one, i just couldnt get into that

I pre ordered the ultimate collector edition yesterday at my local gamestop here in SD. Can't wait to open Pandora's box and play this game for hourswithout any sleep

Any news if Sony is going to release a limited edition God Of War PS3 slim console version.
Q1:How hard was it to go through the evolution from ps2 to ps3.

Stig (dev) says that learning the cell was the hardest, but sony provided engineers and other devs to help them
kk, so apparently this is an interview of asking on everything we know already. Q1:How hard was it to go through the evolution from ps2 to ps3. Stig (dev) says that learning the cell was the hardest, but sony provided engineers and other devs to help them

Q2: He is asking how is the ps3 is better for you than the ps2.

They say that the ps3 gave them: better lighting, more enemies on the screens, enemies on top of moving enemies on top of moving enemies plus the detail. Apparently the head ripping of helios is a sign of more to come since stuff like that is only possible on ps3. Everything will be alive and interactive.

Q3: He is asking about the weapons in God of war 3

There will be a new way or method to use the weapons. There are alot of elements present from the first 2 games, but, there is some new stuff added and new ways to fight and rack up combos. There will be alot of diversity in the weapon department.

Q4: He is asking how many weapons in the game?

He cant say right now, but including the spells, projectile weapons and melee weapons, there will be alot.

Q5: There were some weapons in the past 2 games, but everyone returned back to use the blades of chaos, how will you solve this problem?

We noticed this problem in god of war 2, so to fix this problem, we made the usage of other weapons and a little familiar with the blades of chaos. But no too familiar to get boring. We also made it easier to pick you weapons. Example: cestus

Q6: What was the hardest thing in the development in the game?

The hardest thing was developing the scale, plus adding the lighting effects and the right camera to make everything look like a painting masterpiece.

(Apparently, the emphasize on the scale alot. They say that it will be like nothing you ever seen before, and kratos would like like an ant when on top of the monsters)

Q7: Will all the monsters and titans of the series be present in the final game?

No doubt. Also, amazing fights will occur on them.

Q8:How will you differentiate your games from others, and how are the bosses?

The scale is like nothing ever seen before, there are numerous locations, enemy plus environment variations. Also, with every boss, there is a different locations plus monsters and titans related to that boss

Q9: What are your opinions of UNCHARTED 2, will you be able to top it?

We look at all ps3 games and see what they did right and what they did wrong. Also, we get great help from Naughty dog and Guerilla Games and other sony devs. And you will see all efforts from the Sony team all poured in one game, GOD OF WAR 3

Q10: Will GOD OF WAR 3 be GAME OF THE YEAR 2010 ?

We made and developed the game from start to finish on a basis of a game of the year material. Meaning, we are making the game with the intention of getting game of the year, so we hope the game gets it.

Q11: Are there new enemies, bosses, (towers?) and enemy species in the game?
Yes, more than you think

Q12: Will there be a new open demo for psn?

We are looking into it, but no confirmation yet.

Q13: Will you be able to get weapons from bosses, enemies etc?

Yes, plus new spells and powers

Q14: Will we see another playable character?

This story revolves around kratos, but maybe we will do new playable characters in other games in the series.

Q15: Is this the end of the GOD OF WAR series after GOW3?

This is the conclusion of the revenge of kratos, but not the series. Depending on the fan demand, we will maybe continue the series, but with a different characters (like a spinoff).

Q16: Will we see a God of War 3 home space?

Maybe, but we are focusing on the game right now.

Q17: Any thoughts of putting Arabic subs?

You need to ask sony, but they are open mineded.

Q18: Any news on the upcoming movie, or even if there is a movie in the works?

All I can tell you is that SONY owns the franchise and the character, so the movie will be good hopefully

Q19: Will Kratos have any amazing powers/weapons from the last 2 games?

All we can say is that the game will begin exactly from when God of war 2 ended.

Q20: Will there be any mind blowing story elements or unsuspecting plot twists?

Yes for sure, on every single part of the game there will be a surprise, the game is very mind blowing in that aspect. Also, the game will be easy to pickup, and all the gamers who did not play GOW1 & 2 will still enjoy it.
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