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Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Rockstar promises big things for PS3 owners in 2010


Are you one of the many PlayStation 3 owners that are a little disappointed that you couldn't play the episodic content for Grand Theft Auto IV? Don't worry. Rockstar understands your frustration and apparently they have big things in store for PS3 owners in 2010.

While speculation is one of the best things going in the industry, we're going to assume that either 2010 will be the year PS3 owners finally get their hands on GTA IV's episodic content or that Rockstar may be announcing another prime exclusive for the PlayStation 3. Most will point their fingers to Grand Theft Auto 5, but we're hoping for a new property much like The Agent.

If you're wondering where this info is coming from, well, today, Rockstar published more answers to their fan's questions on their official blog. This was one of the responses when questioned with content on the PlayStation 3.

The question posed was, "I was highly anticipating the release of The Ballad Of Gay Tony, but just found out that it is only on the XBox360. I am certain that I am not the first person to ask this, but how come it wasn't released on the PS3?"

Which Rockstar replied, "We know that it continues to be an often-asked question - and believe us, we understand the frustration of PS3 owners like yourself who haven't been able to play any of our most recent releases. All we can say is that we at Rockstar promise to be very good to you with our releases in 2010. Please stay with us and stay tuned!"

We look forward to finding out exactly what this is!

There's also news on the oft hidden L.A. Noire. The game was originally presumed to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive, but with Rockstar handing Agent to Sony, this game is expected to be for the Xbox 360 and PC also. The question for the past year or so was whether the game actually exists.

A question asked, "Your latest word on L.A. Noire is that it is coming along "splendidly" and that we can expect more details very soon, but that was in September. I've been anticipating this game for ages now and I was wondering if you can provide any new information or when in fact you'll publicly provide more information. By the way, is it still on the PS3?"

And Rockstar replied: "There will be something great to see soon - a proper in-depth look at the game and why it is so ground breaking and innovative, both in terms of the game's design and the amazing new technology to support it. Expect to see a long-awaited reveal via a big cover story next month."

It's about time!

Microsoft is gonna be pissed.

You damn right. 
Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by APLX2

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

i also heard rumors about the story and gameplay

- Your an outlaw who comes back to his home town to get revenge on those who killed your mother.

- There are dozens of guns including, revolvers, 1887 akimbo shotguns, rpgs, ak 47s etc.

- You start off with very little street cred. You have to earn street cred by harassing and killing other outlaw gangsters.

- you can recruit other outlaws in your gang once your reached a certain amount of street cred.

- you and your recruited gangsters can get into a horse carriage and do drive-by shootings on rival outlaws. (it's like San Andreas but just really slow motion because horse carriages don't go that fast)

- there are over 12 different horses you can ride and high-jack. Each horse has their own attributes.

- You can customize your horse with different horse shoes and saddles.

- The main character is able to gain muscle by hitting the gym.

- The main character can also become skinny or fat depending on how much you feed him burger shot food.

- Towards the middle of the game to keep your friends happy you'll have to "hang out" with them.

- More on that.. pretty much you'll get a horse courier message from a friend asking if you wanna shoot pool, play darts, go drinking, go fly on helicopters, etc. and depending on how you answer... your friend's % point will increase for you or decrease.

I have more info but I don't wanna spoil NT. Cheers mother ++%%!+#
sounds like a wild west version of san andreas
It does but the fact that I've been watching Westerns and movies like "The Quick and The Dead" Alot recently makes it sound so interesting
FYI Smackdown vs Raw 2010 heads:

The  "exclusive" Stone Cold Steve Austin DLC is now available on PSN for $0.99

So... this game is pretty freaking good.

Any fans of strategy RPG's will immedietly be familair with it. It play on the previous Vandal Hearts games, but isn't really close in how the story plays out (only half way done, but I can see where it is going).

Where FF Tactics can get pretty difficult, this game is a cake walk. You can make it more difficult by trying to get every treasure, using certain weapons, ect.... but it can be beat without losing a character the entire way through (so far).

You don't level up.... your abilities do. Use a sword, sword skill levels. Magic? That spell levels. Pretty cool, as an vet of these games knows you want to set certain characters to do certain jobs for your team.

The spells aren't great, but they are solid. thjere are only a handful of each type of weapon, but they usually have different qualities that make each valuable.

The storyline is kind of weak and very sterotypical, but it is still done well enough to enjoy.
 There are a few shout outs to Vandal Hearts and VH2, which is cool for players that have played those games.

Gameplay is nothing new, it tweaks a few things from other Strat RPG's, but in the end, if you enjoyed Joan D'Arc, FF Tactics, or previous Vandal Hearts, you'll probably like this one.

The price is a tad steep when you think of a PSN game, but it is longer and more detailed than your average release. In my opinion, its worth it.
You have 16 maps, plus 8 bonus ones you have to find directions to while on other maps. Two different endings, which change the outcome slightly (as I understand) so it has a bit of a replay value.

All in all, I am happy with this game. Konami did VH fans proud, IMO. I hope they continue with this game.


Very easy, but not TOO easy... it is challenging if you try to be a completionist. I think it was setup this way so beginners would enjoy it, but vets would get something out of it too.


Nothing outside the box, but the characters and plot are enough to keep you involved.


Doesn't stray too far from the sterotypical Strat RPG, but that is a good thing. The leveling is a nice change... you can grind if you want, but don't really need to.


Different endings and some hidden stuff you probably won't catch on the first play through. You can always go back, but if you want to play through to get the second ending, just leave them for the second play through. Looks to be about 8-10 hours, depending on grinding if you choose, bonus areas, ect.

OVERALL: 7.5/10

I am a fan of Strat RPG's.... while this is no Disgaea in depth or Tactics in variety of options, for a PSN game, I have not see anything this polished. Makes me hope Sony hooks us up with RPG's throuugh PSN when we go through another drought like the past 3 years. If you are a fan, or want to try a Strategy RPG, this is a great one to try that won't break the bank. 
Can some1 halp my homie out. he's playing demon souls and he attacked a npc in the nexus...

now everytime he starts up the npc would just start whoopin on my homie. and everytime he comes back into the nexus area he'll get a automatic beatdown

can some1 please explain how he can reverse this
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Rockstar promises big things for PS3 owners in 2010


Are you one of the many PlayStation 3 owners that are a little disappointed that you couldn't play the episodic content for Grand Theft Auto IV? Don't worry. Rockstar understands your frustration and apparently they have big things in store for PS3 owners in 2010.

While speculation is one of the best things going in the industry, we're going to assume that either 2010 will be the year PS3 owners finally get their hands on GTA IV's episodic content or that Rockstar may be announcing another prime exclusive for the PlayStation 3. Most will point their fingers to Grand Theft Auto 5, but we're hoping for a new property much like The Agent.

If you're wondering where this info is coming from, well, today, Rockstar published more answers to their fan's questions on their official blog. This was one of the responses when questioned with content on the PlayStation 3.

The question posed was, "I was highly anticipating the release of The Ballad Of Gay Tony, but just found out that it is only on the XBox360. I am certain that I am not the first person to ask this, but how come it wasn't released on the PS3?"

Which Rockstar replied, "We know that it continues to be an often-asked question - and believe us, we understand the frustration of PS3 owners like yourself who haven't been able to play any of our most recent releases. All we can say is that we at Rockstar promise to be very good to you with our releases in 2010. Please stay with us and stay tuned!"

We look forward to finding out exactly what this is!

There's also news on the oft hidden L.A. Noire. The game was originally presumed to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive, but with Rockstar handing Agent to Sony, this game is expected to be for the Xbox 360 and PC also. The question for the past year or so was whether the game actually exists.

A question asked, "Your latest word on L.A. Noire is that it is coming along "splendidly" and that we can expect more details very soon, but that was in September. I've been anticipating this game for ages now and I was wondering if you can provide any new information or when in fact you'll publicly provide more information. By the way, is it still on the PS3?"

And Rockstar replied: "There will be something great to see soon - a proper in-depth look at the game and why it is so ground breaking and innovative, both in terms of the game's design and the amazing new technology to support it. Expect to see a long-awaited reveal via a big cover story next month."

It's about time!

Microsoft is gonna be pissed.

You damn right. 
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Rockstar promises big things for PS3 owners in 2010


Are you one of the many PlayStation 3 owners that are a little disappointed that you couldn't play the episodic content for Grand Theft Auto IV? Don't worry. Rockstar understands your frustration and apparently they have big things in store for PS3 owners in 2010.

While speculation is one of the best things going in the industry, we're going to assume that either 2010 will be the year PS3 owners finally get their hands on GTA IV's episodic content or that Rockstar may be announcing another prime exclusive for the PlayStation 3. Most will point their fingers to Grand Theft Auto 5, but we're hoping for a new property much like The Agent.

If you're wondering where this info is coming from, well, today, Rockstar published more answers to their fan's questions on their official blog. This was one of the responses when questioned with content on the PlayStation 3.

The question posed was, "I was highly anticipating the release of The Ballad Of Gay Tony, but just found out that it is only on the XBox360. I am certain that I am not the first person to ask this, but how come it wasn't released on the PS3?"

Which Rockstar replied, "We know that it continues to be an often-asked question - and believe us, we understand the frustration of PS3 owners like yourself who haven't been able to play any of our most recent releases. All we can say is that we at Rockstar promise to be very good to you with our releases in 2010. Please stay with us and stay tuned!"

We look forward to finding out exactly what this is!

There's also news on the oft hidden L.A. Noire. The game was originally presumed to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive, but with Rockstar handing Agent to Sony, this game is expected to be for the Xbox 360 and PC also. The question for the past year or so was whether the game actually exists.

A question asked, "Your latest word on L.A. Noire is that it is coming along "splendidly" and that we can expect more details very soon, but that was in September. I've been anticipating this game for ages now and I was wondering if you can provide any new information or when in fact you'll publicly provide more information. By the way, is it still on the PS3?"

And Rockstar replied: "There will be something great to see soon - a proper in-depth look at the game and why it is so ground breaking and innovative, both in terms of the game's design and the amazing new technology to support it. Expect to see a long-awaited reveal via a big cover story next month."

It's about time!

Microsoft is gonna be pissed.

You damn right. 

Cause they won't be able to flaunt money and get exclusive rights to whatever Rockstars cookin up for the PS3. Rockstar need to bring CJ back in another GTA and make that a PS3 exclusive
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Rockstar promises big things for PS3 owners in 2010


Are you one of the many PlayStation 3 owners that are a little disappointed that you couldn't play the episodic content for Grand Theft Auto IV? Don't worry. Rockstar understands your frustration and apparently they have big things in store for PS3 owners in 2010.

While speculation is one of the best things going in the industry, we're going to assume that either 2010 will be the year PS3 owners finally get their hands on GTA IV's episodic content or that Rockstar may be announcing another prime exclusive for the PlayStation 3. Most will point their fingers to Grand Theft Auto 5, but we're hoping for a new property much like The Agent.

If you're wondering where this info is coming from, well, today, Rockstar published more answers to their fan's questions on their official blog. This was one of the responses when questioned with content on the PlayStation 3.

The question posed was, "I was highly anticipating the release of The Ballad Of Gay Tony, but just found out that it is only on the XBox360. I am certain that I am not the first person to ask this, but how come it wasn't released on the PS3?"

Which Rockstar replied, "We know that it continues to be an often-asked question - and believe us, we understand the frustration of PS3 owners like yourself who haven't been able to play any of our most recent releases. All we can say is that we at Rockstar promise to be very good to you with our releases in 2010. Please stay with us and stay tuned!"

We look forward to finding out exactly what this is!

There's also news on the oft hidden L.A. Noire. The game was originally presumed to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive, but with Rockstar handing Agent to Sony, this game is expected to be for the Xbox 360 and PC also. The question for the past year or so was whether the game actually exists.

A question asked, "Your latest word on L.A. Noire is that it is coming along "splendidly" and that we can expect more details very soon, but that was in September. I've been anticipating this game for ages now and I was wondering if you can provide any new information or when in fact you'll publicly provide more information. By the way, is it still on the PS3?"

And Rockstar replied: "There will be something great to see soon - a proper in-depth look at the game and why it is so ground breaking and innovative, both in terms of the game's design and the amazing new technology to support it. Expect to see a long-awaited reveal via a big cover story next month."

It's about time!

Microsoft is gonna be pissed.

You damn right. 
Cause they won't be able to flaunt money and get exclusive rights to whatever Rockstars cookin up for the PS3. Rockstar need to bring CJ back in another GTA and make that a PS3 exclusive

Isn't only The Agent the only exclusive Rockstar is going for PS3. I mean for a company like 2K/Rockstar who are desperate for sales right now I really doubt another exclusive PS3 title is in the works. eEspecially after seeing Uncharted 2's and Killzone 2's sales figures. 
Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Can some1 halp my homie out. he's playing demon souls and he attacked a npc in the nexus...

now everytime he starts up the npc would just start whoopin on my homie. and everytime he comes back into the nexus area he'll get a automatic beatdown

can some1 please explain how he can reverse this
kill the npc himself


go to world 3-2 and free Yurt the silent chief and have him go ape(not a good idea at all).

he/she/it won't stop attacking in that playthrough EVER unless it's dead.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

IHeartBoost wrote:


Rockstar promises big things for PS3 owners in 2010


Are you one of the many PlayStation 3 owners that are a little disappointed that you couldn't play the episodic content for Grand Theft Auto IV?
Don't worry. Rockstar understands your frustration and apparently they have big things in store for PS3 owners in 2010.

While speculation is one of the best things going in the industry, we're going to assume that either 2010 will be the year PS3 owners finally get their
hands on GTA IV's episodic content or that Rockstar may be announcing another prime exclusive for the PlayStation 3. Most will point their fingers to
Grand Theft Auto 5, but we're hoping for a new property much like The Agent.

If you're wondering where this info is coming from, well, today, Rockstar published more answers to their fan's questions on their official blog.
This was one of the responses when questioned with content on the PlayStation 3.

The question posed was, "I was highly anticipating the release of The Ballad Of Gay Tony, but just found out that it is only on the XBox360. I
am certain that I am not the first person to ask this, but how come it wasn't released on the PS3?"

Which Rockstar replied, "We know that it continues to be an often-asked question - and believe us, we understand
the frustration of PS3 owners like yourself who haven't been able to play any of our most recent releases. All we can say is that we at Rockstar
promise to be very good to you with our releases in 2010. Please stay with us and stay tuned!"

We look forward to finding out exactly what this is!

There's also news on the oft hidden L.A. Noire. The game was originally presumed to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive, but with Rockstar handing Agent to
Sony, this game is expected to be for the Xbox 360 and PC also. The question for the past year or so was whether the game actually exists.

A question asked, "Your latest word on L.A. Noire is that it is coming along "splendidly" and that we can expect more details very
soon, but that was in September. I've been anticipating this game for ages now and I was wondering if you can provide any new information or when in
fact you'll publicly provide more information. By the way, is it still on the PS3?"

And Rockstar replied: "There will be something great to see soon - a proper in-depth look at the game and why it
is so ground breaking and innovative, both in terms of the game's design and the amazing new technology to support it. Expect to see a long-awaited
reveal via a big cover story next month."

It's about time!

Microsoft is gonna be pissed.

You damn right. 
Cause they won't be able to flaunt money and get exclusive rights to whatever Rockstars cookin up for the PS3. Rockstar need to bring CJ back in another GTA and make that a PS3 exclusive

Isn't only The Agent the only exclusive Rockstar is going for PS3. I mean for a company like 2K/Rockstar who are desperate for sales right now I really doubt another exclusive PS3 title is in the works. eEspecially after seeing Uncharted 2's and Killzone 2's sales figures. 

I already answered this a couple posts below the one you quoted, but I'll answer it again cuz I'm too lazy to requote it.
Microsoft paid Rockstar $3 million to make Lost and Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony and made them exclusive to the 360. If Rockstar answered the PS3 where Sony didn't have to pay anything, that's really not a good look for Microsoft.
Also, since they're answering frustrated PS3 owners because of the exclusivity that was Lost and Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony, I'm going to guess Grand Theft Auto will fit somewhere in there. It didn't see just one big thing, it said big things (plural), so it's safe to assume The Agent will fit somewhere in there, as well. All these companies are doing fine in sales. No one is desperate.
wow bayonetta is good but best since mgs4??

killzon2 uncharted 2 arkum asylum and other games may disagree

when does spec ops front lines come out?
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Can some1 halp my homie out. he's playing demon souls and he attacked a npc in the nexus...

now everytime he starts up the npc would just start whoopin on my homie. and everytime he comes back into the nexus area he'll get a automatic beatdown

can some1 please explain how he can reverse this
kill the npc himself


go to world 3-2 and free Yurt the silent chief and have him go ape(not a good idea at all).

he/she/it won't stop attacking in that playthrough EVER unless it's dead.

I'm gona head over to my friends house today to see wat the hell is going on..

but he said that he the only solution he came up wit is to give the npc a automatic beatdown b4 the npc starts attacking him.

but he said that he can't kill him so they chill there beating off each other.
Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Can some1 halp my homie out. he's playing demon souls and he attacked a npc in the nexus...

now everytime he starts up the npc would just start whoopin on my homie. and everytime he comes back into the nexus area he'll get a automatic beatdown

can some1 please explain how he can reverse this
kill the npc himself


go to world 3-2 and free Yurt the silent chief and have him go ape(not a good idea at all).

he/she/it won't stop attacking in that playthrough EVER unless it's dead.

I'm gona head over to my friends house today to see wat the hell is going on..

but he said that he the only solution he came up wit is to give the npc a automatic beatdown b4 the npc starts attacking him.

but he said that he can't kill him so they chill there beating off each other.


anyways I never got why Rockstar never had radio dl content in GTA
In other words I wouldn't mind if they had a spot in the Playstation Store to add songs/radio skits to the game even at a fee (just as long as its cheap)
That would have been ill
Just picked up GTA4 over the weekend and thought about that
Can anyone help with a headset issue?  I bought the PS3 headset and hooked it up correctly (it is a resognized device) but when I turn it on and play a game online I hear no-one and no-one hears me.  Anyone know what I may have done wrong?
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Can anyone help with a headset issue?  I bought the PS3 headset and hooked it up correctly (it is a resognized device) but when I turn it on and play a game online I hear no-one and no-one hears me.  Anyone know what I may have done wrong?
Try to go to the main PS3 menu and mess with the Audio might have to change the input/output method...and make sure the mic is connected
Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Can anyone help with a headset issue?  I bought the PS3 headset and hooked it up correctly (it is a resognized device) but when I turn it on and play a game online I hear no-one and no-one hears me.  Anyone know what I may have done wrong?
Try to go to the main PS3 menu and mess with the Audio might have to change the input/output method...and make sure the mic is connected
Yeah. You gotta set the PS3 so that your audio input and output is set to your headset.
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