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Rocket Knight’s release dates revealed

Konami has revealed, via Facebook, the release dates for their upcoming downloadable title, Rocket Knight.

The high-definition of the classic 2D platforming series will first launch for the PC and Xbox 360 on May 12th. Playstation 3 gamers will have to wait six days later on May 18th to download Rocket Knight from the Playstation Store.

You can check out some screens from Rocket Knight in the slideshow below:

SonyJ Offers 250 Gigabyte Hard Drive Upgrades

Sony has started a hard drive upgrade service for PlayStation owners in Japan.

We all know how easy it is to upgrade your drive, however there are always some people who are not confident in this area, so for ¥18,000, Sony will upgrade your current PS3 to a 250 gigabyte hard drive.

The cost includes the hard drive and all labour for swapping the drives and moving over your system software and all content from your current hard drive, though Sony will return your current hard drive as well.

This service is currently only available in Japan, however if it proves successful we imagine that it may role out across the rest of the world.

Activision; Infinity Ward Employee Group lawsuit "without merit"

Following the recent news that a group of 38 Infinity Ward employees have formed the “Infinity Ward Employee Group

Final Fantasy XIII $29.99 at Kmart

Original-Gamer: "On May 4-10, Kmart will have several games on sale. The biggest will be Final Fantasy XIII for the crazy price of $29.99. Bayonetta and Aliens vs. Predator will also be on sale for $29.99 with Nier dropping in price for that week to $44.99."

Ill be picking up FFXIII next week than.

Background Patching Coming To PS3?

We’ve had word off the record that the PS3 should, at some point, get background downloading for game patches. One of my few personal issues with the PS3 (and indeed modern gaming in general) is that every time the developers patch a game you need to sit and wait for the new version to download before you can play online. However, if our source is to be believed, this could change.

Naturally, Sony aren’t commenting on this one, and we do have to stress that this is very much a rumour at this point as TheSixthAxis cannot verify the information but if the PS3 can figure out which games you own (or at least, have played recently) and automatically grab the latest patches in the background whilst you play another game then this would make at least one person very happy indeed.

Potentially rather brilliant – so how do you feel about this?

Gran Turismo 5 Dated For The US?

How long have we been waiting for Gran Turismo 5? Yeah...a long time; we've had GT5 Prologue and a GT5 time trial demo, but it is time for the actual game.
Gran Turismo 5 will be, without a doubt the definitive driving simulator, releasing exclusivity on PlayStation 3. It has already been revealed that Gran Turismo 5 will feature about 1000 vehicles including Nascar as well. Day and Night racing tracks have been confirmed for the game along with weather changes. Gran Turismo 5 is more than likely to be releasing this year, Gamestop currently has a date set for November 1st 2010, which may be accurate considering that date falls on a Monday.

We should hear more about Gran Turismo 5 at E3 2010.

More than likely it's a place holder.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Final Fantasy XIII $29.99 at Kmart

Ill be picking up FFXIII next week than.

I think I'll be buying it too. $30 is too good of a deal

By the way, how easy is it to upgrade my hard drive? I have a 30gig right now, and it's full with like 5 movies on it
Would I need to do any advanced PS3 surgery? Or just a simple transplant?
Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by Questions03

Where the hell do you keep disappearing off to, Mo?...

I'm about to graduate in about a month so school has had me swamped. I haven't had time to look at my own reflection in the mirror... and you know how much I love myself 

Nice to see you, Nathan Drake. Props for actually finishing school (I know u said in a month)


Now I just have to find a job.

And what was your name before this?

Uptempo Kid. Just felt that I needed a fresh start...
Originally Posted by PO2345

Possible E3 Content Leaked?


If true, very excited about the GOW3 DLC!


this list is not true at all, sure some of the games could show up, but none of them are actually "confirmed" with the exception of kz3

also jaffe has already said that TM harbor city was canceled a while ago
Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Finally got to the open world or Gran Pulse
. The first thing I saw straight murked me (Bohemoth). Like, when it stood up on its hind shot kill
. And I was actually over developed until I got to Gran Pulse. Looks like I'm gonna have to put in some serious work

if you really wanna be bold, go fight those huge brontosaurus lookin things, and see how well you fare
I tried just just fpr the hell of it and I died within 10 seconds
. I think that it just did 2 very quick attacks and I was done
. Looks like this game is gonna be a challenge for reals.

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by PO2345

Possible E3 Content Leaked?


If true, very excited about the GOW3 DLC!


Mass Effect 3?

Everything on this list could be true Jaffe isn't working on Twisted Metal but that's not to say someone else isn't

Nothing on that list strikes me as impossible. However, I'd like to see what this dude has for the Square-Enix line-up b/c then I would tell you if he's full of @%$%

No mention of crackdown 2 is suspect though...
Kidgdom hearts and a Persona 5 would be
. Or a new Dragon Quest. Prolly won't happen (besides Kingdom Hearts.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Final Fantasy XIII $29.99 at Kmart

Ill be picking up FFXIII next week than.

I think I'll be buying it too. $30 is too good of a deal

By the way, how easy is it to upgrade my hard drive? I have a 30gig right now, and it's full with like 5 movies on it
Would I need to do any advanced PS3 surgery? Or just a simple transplant?

It's not hard, I did it myself not too long ago.

You just need a pair of the starhead screwdrivers small enough for the screws that are attached to your HD. Back up all your crap into an external, and download the latest PS3 update from the website onto a flashdrive. Take out your old HD, put in a new one (laptop HD) thats formatted in FAT32, and then I forgot what happens, but you stick in the flash drive with the PS3 firmware update and then everything should boot up again, and you'll be asked to put all your settings again.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Gran Turismo 5 Dated For The US?

How long have we been waiting for Gran Turismo 5? Yeah...a long time; we've had GT5 Prologue and a GT5 time trial demo, but it is time for the actual game.
Gran Turismo 5 will be, without a doubt the definitive driving simulator, releasing exclusivity on PlayStation 3. It has already been revealed that Gran Turismo 5 will feature about 1000 vehicles including Nascar as well. Day and Night racing tracks have been confirmed for the game along with weather changes. Gran Turismo 5 is more than likely to be releasing this year, Gamestop currently has a date set for November 1st 2010, which may be accurate considering that date falls on a Monday.

We should hear more about Gran Turismo 5 at E3 2010.

More than likely it's a place holder.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Kidgdom hearts and a Persona 5 would be
. Or a new Dragon Quest. Prolly won't happen (besides Kingdom Hearts.

  Probably be on DS again.

. Its cool though because I still gotta get around to beating Person 3&4 and DQ8
^^^ Man Avatar is beautiful as hell
, but the story is just about average. It is predictable in every single way. I think people just got excited about how good it looks. I do like it though, I'd prolly give it a 7.75-8/10
Originally Posted by Battousai701

is Avatar really that good of a movie? ive heard mixed reviews about it

might cop it together with ssfiv
The visuals are great. Story is decent  but not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It was my first time watching it when I purchased it last weekend. For $20 it's not a bad deal.
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