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I was mad scared to update lol. I had my system jailbroken but I updated and my mw2 still got the modded lobby patch. So I can run those hacked lobbies while on 3.56 I'm scared to do it though
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Yup, Sony updated there ToS. They're going after everyone who hacks or cheats, you about to get @#%*+@ by Sony.
"Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hackers. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the 'System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System' and the 'Terms of Services and User Agreement' for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws. Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently.

"To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems."
That's right, no more access to PSN 


[h1]Rumor: PSN hacked, credit card security exposed (Update)

[table][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]

[Update: Ars has updated its article with more details, determining that the risks would mostly affect custom Firmware that has already circumvented Sony's security measures. Really, who cares about those guys? There is still potential for a wily hacker to pull a lot of information from a PSN account, but no greater risk than anywhere else. While Sony's system is still flawed, it's not half as scary as it first sounded. Phew!]

The PlayStation Network has reportedly been hacked, and Sony's method for spotting console modders exposed. While this means nothing to those of us who haven't messed with our systems, the latest hack has churned up wider reaching, more worrying problems -- such as data harvesting and an appalling lack of credit card security. 

According to the PSN hacker's Intel, your credit card details are sent to Sony as unencrypted text files, while Sony itself keeps detailed records on your every move. He claims that Sony knows what controller you're using, what's plugged into the PS3's USB ports, and even what television you have. 

Ars Technica reports that much of what the hacker says can be corroborated, though some of it may be false. It's also suggested that Sony keeps pre-review free code and paid content in the same space, and decides who has to pay via a simple "on/off" toggle. Yeah ... that's not really very safe. 

Basically, if any of this is true, it's worrying at best. The very fact that the PSN has been hacked in the first place is a pretty damn dreadful thing to consider.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Yup, Sony updated there ToS. They're going after everyone who hacks or cheats, you about to get @#%*+@ by Sony.
"Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hackers. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the 'System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System' and the 'Terms of Services and User Agreement' for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws. Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently.

"To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems."
That's right, no more access to PSN 


[h1]Rumor: PSN hacked, credit card security exposed (Update)

[Update: Ars has updated its article with more details, determining that the risks would mostly affect custom Firmware that has already circumvented Sony's security measures. Really, who cares about those guys? There is still potential for a wily hacker to pull a lot of information from a PSN account, but no greater risk than anywhere else. While Sony's system is still flawed, it's not half as scary as it first sounded. Phew!]

The PlayStation Network has reportedly been hacked, and Sony's method for spotting console modders exposed. While this means nothing to those of us who haven't messed with our systems, the latest hack has churned up wider reaching, more worrying problems -- such as data harvesting and an appalling lack of credit card security. 

According to the PSN hacker's Intel, your credit card details are sent to Sony as unencrypted text files, while Sony itself keeps detailed records on your every move. He claims that Sony knows what controller you're using, what's plugged into the PS3's USB ports, and even what television you have. 

Ars Technica reports that much of what the hacker says can be corroborated, though some of it may be false. It's also suggested that Sony keeps pre-review free code and paid content in the same space, and decides who has to pay via a simple "on/off" toggle. Yeah ... that's not really very safe. 

Basically, if any of this is true, it's worrying at best. The very fact that the PSN has been hacked in the first place is a pretty damn dreadful thing to consider.

this whole situation was blown out of proportion and completely misunderstood

when you connect to psn legitimately through official firmware, it connects with an SSL connection which encrypts all information sent from your ps3 to psn, your information is about as safe here as it is on any other purchasing site on the net

the problem is when people on custom or outdated firmware try to circumvent the official connection to psn that information is sent unencrypted

i dont understand every detail of the situation but im pretty sure someone who was trying to circumvent the official connection saw that their information was being sent unencrypted and started to cry "sonys not protecting peoples personal information" - really?  you mean theyre not protecting the information of people who try and circumvent the official connection?  go figure

also the pre-review code isnt surprising, microsoft does the same thing and were hit hard when people got to halo reach but they all got the ban hammer
from NeoGaf

As Sony finally begins to use their ban hammers against those who have jailbroke their consoles’, hackers have now found a way to Unban their PS3 console’s and ban legitimate users. Yes, you read that correctly. Hackers can now ban you in the process for doing absolutely nothing .

Website, PSX Scene is the first to report on user’s actually being able to do this.

From the forum post:

Hot off the press, and on the heels of Sony trying to find all the modded PS3 consoles, comes a funny story from SKFU’s Blog (an PS3 researcher/developer), along with a real way to UNBAN yourself, but watch out LEGIT PS3 owners, you could end up being banned by another user!

1) The bans are based on the users’ account and console ID’s.

2) We can modify all traffic sent and received by the PlayStation3

What if some skiddies start to modify their sent traffic to appear as another user and use backups?

The PSN servers would recognize the TOS violation and check the online user database for known connections based on the ID’s. The user and his consoles who really owns the ID’s would be banned.

Even a simple Windows application which goes through ALL ID’s may be possible. 24 hours and any console worldwide would be banned.

This should definitely be double-checked by SONY.

Now with these tool’s out, legit PSN users can be banned by the simple use of a program. We will not post the link to the forum post since we do not condone any use of these hacking tools at all on our site. But with the ablilty for hackers to ban and unban PS3 Consoles, what more can PSN user’s endure and what can Sony do about this now?

Picture Proof

We have been getting reports from multiple people that this is legitimate.


The Forum post on PSX Scene has been removed however this was NOT our original source. We’ll keep you up to date on the findings on this latest hack and update later to confirm if this is real or not.

sole vintage wrote:
IHeartBoost wrote:
Yup, Sony updated there ToS. They're going after everyone who hacks or cheats, you about to get @#%*+@ by Sony.
"Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hackers. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the 'System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System' and the 'Terms of Services and User Agreement' for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws.Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently.

"To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems."

That's right, no more access to PSN 


[h1]Rumor: PSN hacked, credit card security exposed (Update)

[table][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]

[Update: Ars has updated its article with more details, determining that the risks would mostly affect custom Firmware that has already circumvented Sony's security measures. Really, who cares about those guys? There is still potential for a wily hacker to pull a lot of information from a PSN account, but no greater risk than anywhere else. While Sony's system is still flawed, it's not half as scary as it first sounded. Phew!]

The PlayStation Network has reportedly been hacked, and Sony's method for spotting console modders exposed. While this means nothing to those of us who haven't messed with our systems, the latest hack has churned up wider reaching, more worrying problems -- such as data harvesting and an appalling lack of credit card security. 

According to the PSN hacker's Intel, your credit card details are sent to Sony as unencrypted text files, while Sony itself keeps detailed records on your every move. He claims that Sony knows what controller you're using, what's plugged into the PS3's USB ports, and even what television you have. 

Ars Technica reports that much of what the hacker says can be corroborated, though some of it may be false. It's also suggested that Sony keeps pre-review free code and paid content in the same space, and decides who has to pay via a simple "on/off" toggle. Yeah ... that's not really very safe. 

Basically, if any of this is true, it's worrying at best. The very fact that the PSN has been hacked in the first place is a pretty damn dreadful thing to consider. 

Anybody who believes this would have to be a fool. Every data-intense information sent to any site via credit card (PSN, Amazon, XBL Market, Paypal, Ebay, etc.) is encrypted. Sony would NOT let your data go through without some sort of SSL or verification type encryption. That would be a HUGE lawsuit against Sony if your info was compromised. 
sole vintage wrote:
from NeoGaf

As Sony finally begins to use their ban hammers against those who have jailbroke their consoles’, hackers have now found a way to Unban their PS3 console’s and ban legitimate users. Yes, you read that correctly. Hackers can now ban you in the process for doing absolutely nothing .

Website, PSX Scene is the first to report on user’s actually being able to do this.

From the forum post:

Hot off the press, and on the heels of Sony trying to find all the modded PS3 consoles, comes a funny story from SKFU’s Blog (an PS3 researcher/developer), along with a real way to UNBAN yourself, but watch out LEGIT PS3 owners, you could end up being banned by another user!

1) The bans are based on the users’ account and console ID’s.

2) We can modify all traffic sent and received by the PlayStation3

What if some skiddies start to modify their sent traffic to appear as another user and use backups?

The PSN servers would recognize the TOS violation and check the online user database for known connections based on the ID’s. The user and his consoles who really owns the ID’s would be banned.

Even a simple Windows application which goes through ALL ID’s may be possible. 24 hours and any console worldwide would be banned.

This should definitely be double-checked by SONY.

Now with these tool’s out, legit PSN users can be banned by the simple use of a program. We will not post the link to the forum post since we do not condone any use of these hacking tools at all on our site. But with the ablilty for hackers to ban and unban PS3 Consoles, what more can PSN user’s endure and what can Sony do about this now?

Picture Proof

We have been getting reports from multiple people that this is legitimate.


The Forum post on PSX Scene has been removed however this was NOT our original source. We’ll keep you up to date on the findings on this latest hack and update later to confirm if this is real or not.


Again, this is fake too. Don't believe the hype that it's confirmed legit too. Some hacker trying to get street cred, messing with Photoshop. With my graphic art and design background I could open Photoshop and put together a much better looking picture.
Well if the screenshot is any indication, the ID is a 240 bit number.Correction according to jcm 128 bit Which means in order to go through all the possible IDs it'll take 2^103 keys a second to finish in a year.

It doesn't seem really feasible.

If the IDs are psuedo randoms (which I hope Sony knows how to do those), the theoretical average distribution would be 1 valid ID every 2^100.

Another way to think of it, is on average you would have to calculate 2^75 ids a second in order to find one valid key a year.

All these are averages and really depend if Sony actually seeded this generator properly.

I am using rough approx on the math.

Edit: fix math using 2^128
Console IDs are GUIDs - 32 byte hexadecimals. So there are 2^128 possible values.

From Wiki:
This number is so large that the probability of the same number being generated twice is extremely small: assuming the universe is 13.75 billion years old, and that today's fastest supercomputer (the Tianhe-1A) at 2.5 petaflops could generate 2.5×1015 random GUIDs every second, if it had been dedicated exclusively to this task nonstop since the Big Bang, it still would have odds of less than one in 300,000 of ever having generated a duplicate.

No one is going to brute force it.

Hackers are just getting salty now because Sony is perma banning console of hackers or cheaters.
Pretty Dope Collector Editions, too bad i'm not a fan of KZ, or else i'll woulda jump on this ....patiently waiting for SOCOM 4

�anybody who buying KZ3 and not using the SOCOM 4 Beta code ....can i please have it
Anybody here played Disgaea 3? I'm thinking about picking it up and I wanted some input on it. 
Nice in this video they confirmed that online co-op is in the game. I knew about co-op being added but just had not heard if online co op was in the game.

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Anybody here played Disgaea 3? I'm thinking about picking it up and I wanted some input on it. 

it takes forever and its very repetitive 

Its a great deep strategy RPG with a lot replay value
Originally Posted by Speedy0990

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Anybody here played Disgaea 3? I'm thinking about picking it up and I wanted some input on it. 

it takes forever and its very repetitive 

Its a great deep strategy RPG with a lot replay value

Its my favorite type of RPG then.

now i gotta find a good value for it.
Do you guys know if there have been talks of a price cut this year? I am thinking about picking up a slim to replace my 40gb but don't wanna cop if the price dips soon. Thanks
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