PS3|VITA Thread: Vita $249 | PS3 BF3 Tonight PG727 | Black Ops 3rd Map Pack PG726 | Dust514 PG723

Originally Posted by ed2trey

^^ fallout 3 is awesome and one of my favorite games to come out this generation, 

i think it just might be the greatest single player game ever.....i dunno.... 

new vegas is just new lulz "Grandmas got a present for youuuu!!" ::DEAD::
Samus Aran, from Nintendo's Metroid franchise. She was the first female protagonist in video games.

that's from the original nes game, after you beat the game it shows her without the armor suit
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Just picked up

Uncharted 2 GOTY edition X 3 for 4.97 each. The deal is dead now but future shop made a mistake on their website and they honored the price

If anyone wants to trade Uncharted 2 GOTY (Sealed) for a Used copy of Borderland (GOTY)

here in us they had goty borders 360 for 9.99 i woulda picked up a uc2 just cause if they had it
how do i cancel my ps+ i dont have ps3 anymore i had purchased 3 months which were a waste cause ps went down after a few weeks of me having it and i got rid of it

Damn that serious bro when the PSN outage was going on

But to answer your question. Call Sony's customer support phone # or just cancel that debit card or credit card you had on file with your PS3 for PS Store purchases.

 i thought sony was gonna be dreamcasted 
i have an old ps3 and after doing some research i found that it's a japanese version. i can play any ps3 games, but no ps2/ps1 games or US dvd's. is there anything i can do or am i SOL
Originally Posted by do work son

i have an old ps3 and after doing some research i found that it's a japanese version. i can play any ps3 games, but no ps2/ps1 games or US dvd's. is there anything i can do or am i SOL
jail break it ...but u cant go online with it
Crackle is pretty cool but do y'all know any other sites like this I found another but it just has B movies
Copped Battle: LA Blu-Ray, pure trash, anyways, it came with R3 demo, pretty good, awesome graphics, will give this game a try.
Originally Posted by ddouble

PSN Store for Japan is coming back tommorow. I don't know how they lasted this long

The $&@#%!? It's still not up for them? Damb.
So that's why I haven't seen much Japanese players on Black Ops and GT5 lately. Lots of Hispanic dudes on Black Ops, though.
i seen this on cag...

if your ps+ ran out

go to ps store

find ea games welcome back ad click it

theres a ps+ option click and hit get now
anyone interested in trading 2 older games for LA Noire?

I haven't really played it and i miss playing MW2 and RDR. srsly regret trading both those games for blackops.. srsly srsly regretting it right now

Or Im down to trade str8 up for Dead Space 2, Portal 2, etc. anything thats recently new.
I gotta say, man, this Uncharted 3 Beta has made me excited for the multi-player aspect. A hell of alot of fun. Even more if we can get a group of NT'ers in.
Also, Bob, I would do that trade with you, but I am heading out for a 3 week vacation starting Friday, so I wouldn't have enough time to send it out or be able to be in touch if anything would happen.

If you are still looking to trade when I get back in August, I'll trade MW2 and Red Dead straight up for LA Noire, if you don't mind shipping to Canada.
I only got to play 2 co-op games in UC3..Not crazy about the modes all running together now but its still pretty fun. I played the heck out of UC2 (level 60) & so far changes are meh..

I'll be down for a little NT group play though later on..
I like the UC3 beta. Hated it at first because I kept getting paired with %%%%$%@ lvl 20s and @**%. My only problem the beta and the powerplays. That's why I stay in hardcore mode and FFA
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I gotta say, man, this Uncharted 3 Beta has made me excited for the multi-player aspect. A hell of alot of fun. Even more if we can get a group of NT'ers in.
Also, Bob, I would do that trade with you, but I am heading out for a 3 week vacation starting Friday, so I wouldn't have enough time to send it out or be able to be in touch if anything would happen.

If you are still looking to trade when I get back in August, I'll trade MW2 and Red Dead straight up for LA Noire, if you don't mind shipping to Canada.

where are you going?  im fiending for mw2.. 3 weeks is long.  let me see whats good this week and i will decide.  my la noire has been touched once... its fresh and clean.
Back home to visit my family, then out to BC for a soccer tournament and houseboating on Shuswap Lake.
Yea, just an option. If you're still wanting it when I come back, then we can trade. If you find something else before, no worries.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Back home to visit my family, then out to BC for a soccer tournament and houseboating on Shuswap Lake.
Yea, just an option. If you're still wanting it when I come back, then we can trade. If you find something else before, no worries.

Sounds like a blast christopher have fun, be safe (no looting or vandalizing please) and happy 4th of july (or boxing day or national bronze helmet day or whatever you whacky canadians are celebrating today - have at it!)
you getting back in august is also perfect timing for WKC 2 ::BORAT::: 
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