Pyramid Schemes & MLM - 5Linx, Maleucca, Amway etc

smh when i was fresh outta high school looking for a job and i was applying everywhere. i guess one of the places i sent a resume was a scheme, i should have known when they called me at like 9 PM to come in the next morning :lol:

so i went to the meeting at a hotel the next morning, they give you a survey basically asking what material **** you want in life and saying we gotta be excited when we enter the banquet room, like they wanted us to literally RUN to the seats

a little while after the speeches start i'm beginning to notice it's way too vague, the whole theme seemed like copy and pasting motivational quotes. finally they start doing 1 on 1 sessions trying to sign people up. shorty wanted 200 and i'm balking cause it was obviously ********. she got HEATED at me and starts naming off the material items i wrote down earlier like "so you never want this? you're never gonna get that" etc. it was crazy how quick they turned into rude, pushy *** people when you reject them. to this day i couldn't tell you what the company was or did, only that they wasted my day that one summer long ago...
A dude walked up on me in PACSUN at Sawgrass Mills Mall. Son had on a janky, ill-fitting suit and some beat up behind church shoes.

I’m like “dawg, watch out. Get out my face dude”
Don’t walk up on me with that mess.

You trying to recruit people with this trash *** outfit on. You can tell it be the dudes who never wore a suit and tie. They try to piece together some awful outfit that they think is “professional” :lol:

Dude approaching you like

Talkin bout it's about money, and it'you know, "wealth creation through-through the use of multi tiered marketing, And, you know, we're going to redefine success and-and change the world."

But what is it that YOU do?

“Look how successful I look. Now just come to my seminar and pay the $200 entry package and you’ll make money like me.”
@htg designs @BIG LEEMELONE I had a family member in Amway for 5+ years. The products were quite good there also.

Said family member had ZERO sales experience and was simply not qualified to hustle a 'premium' product. It was kinda sad how they kept at it, making little to no money but stayed purchasing 'motivational' books, tapes, CDs, etc... Thankfully they had a 9-5 and they did this on the side.

The people at the top really make their money on the signup/registration fees and the necessary add on purchases after you start. After that they push their 'motivational' material.
That's the thing too, everyone doesn't have that sales skill in them.
After reading some of this, I'm realizing that I had a job interview for a pyramid scheme a few years back. It was fairly janky location & the guy doing the interview was really charismatic, but his suit was kinda big & in the interview location looked like was it being rented, and not like apartment rented. Like rental car rented. Very empty, wild shady. Chairs was trash too. Had cushion, but they didn't feel like they had cushion, and they squeaked loud.

Anyway, it was a door to door sales with no type of benefits, or salary, & u only got paid for the stuff you sold that you had to buy to sell. Man was talking about how you could move to be a manager in like 2 week. It just sounded strange & dude was polite aggressive in his hounding me about joining despite me telling him "I have to think it over." It was sketchy & the best looking girl there was just okay, so I dubbed it.
After reading some of this, I'm realizing that I had a job interview for a pyramid scheme a few years back. It was fairly janky location & the guy doing the interview was really charismatic, but his suit was kinda big & in the interview location looked like was it being rented, and not like apartment rented. Like rental car rented. Very empty, wild shady. Chairs was trash too. Had cushion, but they didn't feel like they had cushion, and they squeaked loud.

Anyway, it was a door to door sales with no type of benefits, or salary, & u only got paid for the stuff you sold that you had to buy to sell. Man was talking about how you could move to be a manager in like 2 week. It just sounded strange & dude was polite aggressive in his hounding me about joining despite me telling him "I have to think it over." It was sketchy & the best looking girl there was just okay, so I dubbed it.

Be wary of any job that hires you on the spot. When I was interviewing for that door-to-door sales job that I mentioned earlier, the guy interviewing me offered me a job 10 minutes into the interview. I was like *dang, I haven't really said anything yet!" but I was so broke at the time I was just excited to have a job offer lol
Got stuck in a conversation yesterday with someone telling me how great Amway is from the products to the earnings potential.


Products are quite good getback getback but they cost quite more than 'premium' products you can purchase at some upscale stores. Extremely tough to sell but they do somehow.
Smh I decided to follow a nice amount of these TradeHouse chicks because of how good they looked and now my IG page is getting all kinds of Forex bots following me. Had to lock my account down for a few days lol.

You would have to be bat-ish crazy to sign up for their "program. All they do is attempt to motivate you towards trading on Forex. That doesn't seen like it's worth $325, but somehow they get people to sign up. I guess that's why they're able to post non stop IG clips of themselves eating at nice restaurants and spending money at designer stores. I'm not going to knock their hustle because I love seeing black people get money, but I'm not going to be their sucker. Still trying to figure out this whole chairman/woman thing they have set up.
My friend is trying to get me to put $500 she said I'd get 4000 in a month. What should I do ?

This is the latest.... rippled through my wife's family. "Put in $1,400 get $11.2k back." Her sister truly believes it's legit. I ******* cannot. I'm like, "you know you have to scam 8 people for $1,400 to get your $11.2k right? No we just blessing each other. It's legit. All you have to do is get to the WATER."

Sat in the barbershop a few days ago listening to my barber push the $1400 cash app group scheme to someone then in a different convo homie tells me he doesn’t believe in college, prepaid tuition or life insurance :lol::smh:
Sat in the barbershop a few days ago listening to my barber push the $1400 cash app group scheme to someone then in a different convo homie tells me he doesn’t believe in college, prepaid tuition or life insurance :lol::smh:
that's a 1st, why the hell doesn't he believe in life insurance?
that's a 1st, why the hell doesn't he believe in life insurance?

He didnt elaborate on the life insurance, just danced around the question when I asked why. He’s one of those bootstrap kneegrows though. Doesn’t believe that systemic racism poses any potential barriers to Black folk. Really just an intellectually ignorant dude.
My in laws kinda forced me into giving them 100 for their sou sou. Give 100 get back 500. I told them off top I'm not comfortable putting any of my people in a position where they have to also give up 100 and they don't know if they will get it back so don't expect my flower to go anywhere.

I got a couple homies doing 500 flowers, and I basically told them the same thing. I'm never gonna be comfortable introducing my people to a scam so it's a dub for me.
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