Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained (a Spaghetti Western) scheduled for release Christmas 2012

it's kind of funny to me how in this thread you have people who aren't black, that feel entitled to tell a black man what he should or shouldn't find offensive
Man you know how often this happens on NT? "Get over it" is always the common theme.
Another ignorant, unintelligent, and clearly misinformed reply. But what else should I have expected?

Not sure if SRS.

I'll personally buy a ticket for the next Madea movie, just so I can take a panoramic picture of the theater before the lights go off and walk out, because I will never sit through one of those movies, EVER.
Not sure if SRS.

I'll personally buy a ticket for the next Madea movie, just so I can take a panoramic picture of the theater before the lights go off and walk out, because I will never sit through one of those movies, EVER.

Kewl so the next time I see a columbian or any hispanic in the grocery store swiping a food stamp card I'll remind myself to think like Steezy and say that all Hispanics are free loading from the government.
Kewl so the next time I see a columbian or any hispanic in the grocery store swiping a food stamp card I'll remind myself to think like Steezy and say that all Hispanics are free loading from the government.

How is that even the same thing?...I'm over here talking about the black community blindly supporting a directors work that is simply garbage an often times demeaning to his own people, but do it anyways because he is black ad you want to bring up government assistance?

Btw Jimmie not Rustled in the slightest with your comment.
Kewl so the next time I see a columbian or any hispanic in the grocery store swiping a food stamp card I'll remind myself to think like Steezy and say that all Hispanics are free loading from the government.

How is that even the same thing?...I'm over here talking about the black community blindly supporting a directors work that is simply garbage an often times demeaning to his own people, but do it anyways because he is black ad you want to bring up government assistance?

Btw Jimmie not Rustled in the slightest with your comment.

your grossly underrating his movies. A move like Good deeds isnt any worse than the crap that katherine heigl puts out. Most of his stuff isnt really demeaning at all.

Look at I can do bad all by myself. Replace he cast with white people and you cant tell the difference. and Im not even a fan of his
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Generalization is a generalization. This is really 11 grade stuff & judging by your 3 ignorant comments I can see why you can't grasp it.
Art shouldn't be censored no matter who it offends.


nobody is saying he should be censored. But people are saying its offensive. Did spike ever say it shouldnt be a film? Nah, he said that he wouldnt see it
your grossly underrating his movies. A move like Good deeds isnt any worse than the crap that katherine heigl puts out. Most of his stuff isnt really demeaning at all.
Look at I can do bad all by myself. Replace he cast with white people and you cant tell the difference. and Im not even a fan of his

I didn't watch "for colored girls" my wife did and she couldn't understand why he would wipe the floor with black men the way he did in that movie....whatever that means.
Generalization is a generalization. This is really 11 grade stuff & judging by your 3 ignorant comments I can see why you can't grasp it.

I ask again, have you EVER not walked into any if his movies, guaranteed 90% of the movie goers are black, is it really that far fetched of a generalization to make that for the most part is blacks who made him rich and support his work?...or do I need to conduct a nationwide survey?

Movie tickets does not equate something like government assistance, talk about being ignorant.
your grossly underrating his movies. A move like Good deeds isnt any worse than the crap that katherine heigl puts out. Most of his stuff isnt really demeaning at all.
Look at I can do bad all by myself. Replace he cast with white people and you cant tell the difference. and Im not even a fan of his

I didn't watch "for colored girls" my wife did and she couldn't understand why he would wipe the floor with black men the way he did in that movie....whatever that means.

but to be fair, it was a stage play thta he adapted. So Im not sure how much man bashing was already there
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Pretty much.
Here is what bothers me, IMO Tyler Perry puts out some of the biggest garbage with stereotypes being thrown around left and right about his own people, yet the black community be the first to support his work and literally made this man a multimillionaire....it's obvious the only reason this is even an issue is because a white man sitting in that directors chair, let the man do his work...at the end of the day we the consumers is what he depends on....you don't like him, don't support him.
except billionaire lol.... but i get your point... I can honestly say qt has put out more quality work, in terms of minorities then tyler has ever done. I will say this tho, the reason his movies imo are so popular because they pretty much personify the hypocricies, the flaws, etc of the average everyday black american. From the act one way at work around whites, to the im a christian yet i sin 6 days to sunday, the whole nine yards.

My only issue is while i dont hate on the man, its like that is all he does....and he moreso then often go extra hard with the generalizations and negative aspects of the black community. Hell come to think about it when is the last time outside of spike or a singleton has a prodominantly produced black movie been nothing but a minstrel show.....?

i havent seen the movie yet, but can it really be any worst in terms of not uplifting blacks or using stereotypes thn um dj pooh, the wayan brothers, tyler perry.... surely as much as we like them...whats so uplifting about white chicks? the friday movies? little man, baby daddies...? i mean seriously

I could see if they had a balance and was making like hotel rwanda type movies etc... But ppl really up in arms about a white man making a movie about slavery...really. So first black ppl complain that oh whites dont understand dont want to here it, have it addressed. Yet a white man does and address and acknowledge it...then ppl still complain. I mean i could see if he didnt have a black cast, on some blackface type steez... or this was losely like tropic thunder. I dont recall qt ever saying this was this generations roots... this was the other side of chaka zulu.So why are ppl trying to judge and base their opinions on the movie as if he meant it to be?
I didn't watch "for colored girls" my wife did and she couldn't understand why he would wipe the floor with black men the way he did in that movie....whatever that means.
it basically was on some you go girl...ms independent...men aint ish...they all dirty dogs type ish... Yet ppl support that and not this movie....
Yup the so called "Black Community" has one strict opinion that we are unwavering from. We all think the same thoughts, support the same issues, and there is clearly no variation between us.

K Steezy logic is uninformed and quite frankly extremely unintelligent.

And that's all you'll get from me, I'll profit nothing arguing with a fool.
"American Slavery Was Not A Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western.It Was A Holocaust.My Ancestors Are Slaves. Stolen From Africa. I Will Honor Them,"
Lee wrote
, which he then followed with responses to fans both critical and supportive of his stance.
Nothing but respect for Spike's opinions.

doesn't change my mind, I still want to see it, I'll make up my mind when it's done.

so CJ has a new sn I guess :rolleyes
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Ksteezy is really the dumbest sack of bones :lol:

Anyway I went from excited about this months ago to apprehensive but I'm going with the family tomorrow including my almost 70 year old grandma so we shall see how this goes
Art shouldn't be censored no matter who it offends.


So what about tht movie about Islam that ignited all those riots and lead to the death of people?

Or what about the birth of a nation, which inspired the resurgence of the KKK?

You don't think those movies should have been censored at the time of their release?

(not comparing django to those, just curious if you think nothing should be censored ever)
So what about tht movie about Islam that ignited all those riots and lead to the death of people?
Or what about the birth of a nation, which inspired the resurgence of the KKK?
You don't think those movies should have been censored at the time of their release?
(not comparing django to those, just curious if you think nothing should be censored ever)

No they shouldn't be censored.
I think it's simple. If you find a movie and subject offensive, don't pay the 12 bucks to go see it. But don't go chastising people who do see it, who do like it and who are looking forward to it.

You can stand up for what you believe in and what you find racist, or offensive but don't get on a soap box and try to condemn those who do want to enjoy a movie and be entertained.
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