Question about Puerto Ricans

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

as someone from MD, this irritated me SO much when i went to NY.. it made my skin crawl seeing little hispanic kids running around saying N' this N' that. after a while, i kind of got used to it, but it is still somewhat unsettling

if it's not used offensively race shouldn't matter (i'm white i'd never say it but i mean technically why should it matter?) .....and caribbean "hispanics" are mostly black anyway so what diff does it make? no different than a mixed person saying it.
technically it matters cause a term that is used to denigrate a group of people can be only be used non-offensively in either a academic contextor by the oppressed group itself. as a white guy who hasn't been discriminated against because of his skin hue, i'm not surprised you don'tunderstand why it matters.

and your "mostly based" comment is not based on anything factual is it? if you change that to a "good proportion", that would be closer tothe facts.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Do Dominicans use the word often? I mean SOME of them ARE black right?
99% of them are black.

All though a lot them don't realize
That's because they deny it.
What I was hinting at too.

It's funny I know some PR Dudes and Dominican dudes, dark as night but still think they not black

**** with that BS

i mean.......................there is still a difference

i seen plenty of east indians darker than me too.................
yea, except they don't possess any african features. You have dudes with an afro telling me they not black.

And I agree with Lazy B, I don't think there should be a problem with Puerto Ricans and Dominicans really using the word as long as they realize that theyare black but for many of them they don't.

I know so many hispanics who claim to not like black girls, but then these dudes are messing with straight %#% dark dominican chicks. @$%@ makes no sense.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by rillo561

I'm a New Yorican and I use it.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HEY MAN! You're so cool[/color]


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Anyway, you can't just single out Ricans, Latinos in general use this word more than black people...[/color]
Latinos in general? Nonsense. Speak for yourself kid.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Which is why I suggest you talk to someone from the older generation and see what that word means....cause obviously you have zero clue as to the hate behind what you're matter how you try to spin it, genius.

I have come to the conclusion that you have absolutely no clue what the word "context" means, and can't possibly grasp the idea that words mean different things when used in different contexts. The word as it is used in slang today does not have the same meaning or connotation as the original term. Period. You can not like it all you want, that doesn't change the facts.

bro, you're talking about a RACIAL SLUR.


No YOU ARE talking about a racial slur. I'm talking about the word as it is used in the CONTEXT of TODAY'S generation. What the hell is so hard for you to grasp about this? The word is now used differently, it can still be used as a racial *+*$, but that doesn't mean that everytime someone utters the sound that it is a racial slur. Its not a hard concept to grasp, I don't know what you're having so much difficulty. Again, the same conclusion, you have NO IDEA what context means.
You are using a RACIAL SLUR as a term of endearment for your boys, and it doesn't matter the honestly think that just changingan "er" to an "a" doesn't make the word any less offensive? So, I can go around dropping the N' word on the regular because YOUdeem it acceptable in today's generation?
It's a word that you have to CAREFULLY choose when and where to use it. If it's not thatoffensive, you'd be dropping it in regular conversation aside from when you are BS'ing around your boys (at your job, around your mom, etc etc)...
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Yeah, they do. Especially the youth. They sound really lame too. Maybe I should start usin' the word spick...
That wouldn't have the same meaning to it, now would it? You're trying to sound offensive and racist opposed to how some people use it asa way to "pal" around one another. You know the difference, don't play stupid.
@ SLH. Did I strike a nerve?

Actually, I don't know the difference, because the n word, spick, guinea, ****, chenk, dego, %!##%** all fall under the category of racial terms. Why doesthe n word get classified as a racial term you can joke around with, and universally acccepted in urban areas, whereas, the others are off limits? It does scanwith me.

Once again, let me address Hispanics as spicks, and watch the estrogen flow.

And no, I won't be picketing on Capitol Hill for the n word to be abolish. It is what it is in the end. Just stating the obvious.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

as someone from MD, this irritated me SO much when i went to NY.. it made my skin crawl seeing little hispanic kids running around saying N' this N' that. after a while, i kind of got used to it, but it is still somewhat unsettling

if it's not used offensively race shouldn't matter (i'm white i'd never say it but i mean technically why should it matter?) .....and caribbean "hispanics" are mostly black anyway so what diff does it make? no different than a mixed person saying it.
technically it matters cause a term that is used to denigrate a group of people can be only be used non-offensively in either a academic context or by the oppressed group itself. as a white guy who hasn't been discriminated against because of his skin hue, i'm not surprised you don't understand why it matters.

and your "mostly based" comment is not based on anything factual is it? if you change that to a "good proportion", that would be closer to the facts.
you're right bro, there's no way i could form a rational opinion on the subject because i'm white.

and no, cubans, puerto ricans, dominicans etc. in ny tend to be mostly black. who cares what the % is anyway, of course some are less so than others.
Ehh this is an argument that will never be resolved. I've noticed in these discussions that the people who have a problem with latinos saying the word areusually prejudiced against them, and those that dont have a problem with it are from places where blacks and latinos are integrated with each other such asNYC. I am noticing a lot of hate from my african american brothers towards latinos, but have no explantion for it.
Originally Posted by KingJay718

@ SLH. Did I strike a nerve?

Actually, I don't know the difference, because the n word, spick, guinea, ****, chenk, dego, %!##%** all fall under the category of racial terms. Why does the n word get classified as a racial term you can joke around with, and universally acccepted in urban areas, whereas, the others are off limits? It does scan with me.

Once again, let me address Hispanics as spicks, and watch the estrogen flow.

And no, I won't be picketing on Capitol Hill for the n word to be abolish. It is what it is in the end. Just stating the obvious.
I don't see what's so humorous to be honest. Don't play dumb as if the the word "nigg-a" isn't used among certaincircles/groups of people as a way to be inclusive or friendly with one another. The word spick is analogous to the word nigg-er, which is very different to howthe term is used among an overwhelming population of young minorities. (I should add how it's quite ironic that one offensive word is selectively censoredand seems to take precedence over another equally offensive term right here on this very site).

I didn't make those rules, but if you're unhappy about how the term is used, you're better off making those changes among your own than copping outon a weak excuse like you're doing here by trying to equate the word that's being complained about with callously referring to someone as a"spick" or whatever other derogatory racial epithet you're implying. You're playing dumb.

I think it's stupid to use the word in any way, shape or form and shows one's lack of manners and self-respect, but I think it's also moreridiculous how you're trying to equate the variation of the word with an obvious racist term. How convenient that some are totally ok when they hear thisword being spoken by someone of their own race, but when someone else uses it in the same exact context, it's suddenly offensive.
its crazy....but they do it alot and it does bother me sometimes with the sheer volume of it since im half and half...but if i start running around sayin whatsgood my *%++? %%@$*% would wanna fight
the n word, spick, guinea, ****, chenk, dego, %!##%** all fall under the category of racial terms. Why does the n word get classified as a racial term you can joke around with, and universally acccepted in urban areas, whereas, the others are off limits? It does scan with me.

Agree 100 percent
It's pretty common in NYC for every race to say it really. Yes even whites. But almost never is it said in a derogatory way. I mean my barber is fromGuatemala and he says it all the time, same with 90% of his clients which comprise of every race possible.
i say it but only to those who im close with & feel comfortable saying it around...not like im go into a job interview sayin it
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