R.I.P Trayvon

In spite of all the trial coverage and media rehashing of this case, it's amazing how few people seem to realize what the evidence is that surprisingly clearly shows happened that night. Zimmerman wasn't just not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He was obviously innocent of any criminal act, and frankly in my opinion on completely morally sound ground.

The facts:

* Zimmerman claimed to be trying to follow from a safe distance just so police would have a chance to question Martin. There had been break ins and what George did really isn't any different than what other neighborhood watches have done in the past. Martin didn't like being followed so he gave Zimmerman the slip, hid in the shadows, waiting for Zimmerman to pass, and then Martin approached Zimmerman from behind, initiated the confrontation and broke Zimmerman's nose. No evidence or testimony has ever contradicted this.

* Other than the single point blank gun shot wound, Martin had no injuries. Zimmerman on the other hand looked beaten all to hell. This was consistent with Zimmerman being on the receiving end of an unexpected one sided beat down.

* When investigating officers lied and told Zimmerman that they had footage of the incident, Zimmerman was relieved, and said something along the lines of, "Thank God! I was hoping someone would have filmed to help prove what happened." This convinced the officer that Zimmerman was telling the truth.

* Trayvon who has been regularly depicted in the media as younger and practically a saint, was actually suspended from school, not for being absent, but for having drugs and possible stolen goods at school. While he no doubt also had his sweet side, his twitter handle was “No_Limit_*****” filled with gangsta nonsense, and the only racial slurs ever uttered in the case were said by Trayvon and not Zimmerman. I'm not saying that any of this proves Trayvon was guilty or by any means deserved to die. The only thing that the evidence clearly points to Trayvon being guilty of is initiating the Assault on Zimmerman.

* The officers who investigated the shooting found no probable cause for arrest, because every part of Zimmerman's story was supported by the limited evidence. The chief of police later lost his job because he refused to arrest Zimmerman without more evidence, despite all the political pressure. The normal prosecutor didn't take this case for 'mysterious' reasons, likely because he didn't want to take a losing case and prosecute a man who as so obviously innocent. Normally the prosecutor gets to decide if he wants to pursue a case, but not this time, the activist pressure was too high. Even the ringers they brought in to substitute never really presented a good alternate explanation, and admitted in summation that the only two who really knew what happened were Zimmerman and Trayvon. It's obviously way past reasonable doubt when even the prosecutor can't say he knows the guy did it.

Essentially this open and shut case only went to trial because racist racial activists went off before the facts were in and they even realized that George Zimmerman wasn't even white.

You can argue that getting out of the car wasn't smart, but the evidence shows George Zimmerman did nothing wrong.

THE SOURCES (Since everyone I mention this to immediately asks me for them anyway.)

Point 1. The videotaped walkthrough of the scene of the crime and the recounting of that night that Zimmerman did with the police.

Point 2. Summaries of the autopsy of Martin and medical examination of Zimmerman's injuries.



Point 3. The investigating officer testifying on the "It looks like he recorded the whole thing," bluff. Skip to 1:16:00 to cut to the chase.

Point 4. Links on Martin's Checkered past.

Caught with Weed Pipe and Marijuana Bag at school - http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/Trayvon...144403305.html

Caught with suspected stolen property and burglarly tools at school - http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...t-trayvon.html

Thug life Twitter Feed: http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/26/th...artins-tweets/

Martin's Racial Slurs: http://legalinsurrection.com/2013/06...comment-known/

Point 5. Video of the interview with the Police chief who was fired for refusing to arrest Zimmerman for lack of evidence.

TLDR - Everyone has an opinion on this case, but surprisingly few have taken the time to learn the facts. There is no evidence that George Zimmerman did anything wrong.

From Reddit.
I love when people post dumb one sided articles with an agenda :lol:

Beat to hell :lol: Well he should have gotten a bodyguard instead of doing the MMA classes.

And it always includes what a bad kid Trayvon was, as if that justifies him being killed. He was a teenager. :smh:

I bet most people don't even know about Zimmerman and his girlfriend, the resisting arrest, molestation allegation and prescription drugs...because they never hear about that.
Given Zimmerman's history and the language he used on the phone do any of you actually believe he didn't approach Trayvon in a menacing way or probably even threatened Trayvon which lead to the fight?

Do any of you really think Zimmerman walked up on him and politely asked him what he was doing?

At what point does Trayvon have the right to protect himself?
jesus christ jpeg be a little more objective and have an opinion instead of rehashing some one-sided point of view that's neatly prepared for zimmerman sympathizers

same thing except dude had a gun, witnesses said the other guy attacked him first, was choking him to death, and dude went for gun, guy takes gun from him and shoots him and kills him. found guilty...wasn't defending himself despite being 71 y/o being choked out and a dude trying to reach for the heat and kill him. His life was not in danger, according to jury.

Is there any way to use the Zimmereman trial to get some kind of appeal process going with this case?
I love when people post dumb one sided articles with an agenda :lol:

Beat to hell :lol: Well he should have gotten a bodyguard instead of doing the MMA classes.

And it always includes what a bad kid Trayvon was, as if that justifies him being killed. He was a teenager. :smh:

I bet most people don't even know about Zimmerman and his girlfriend, the resisting arrest, molestation allegation and prescription drugs...because they never hear about that.

If Zimmerman was an off duty police officer or something of that nature I would feel some type of way but it would be different.

Zimmerman had been charged with more violent crimes than the average person black or white but Trayvon was a thug because he had some weed at school.

I just don't see how a logical person can think Zimmerman was this friendly neighborhood watcher
In spite of all the trial coverage and media rehashing of this case, it's amazing how few people seem to realize what the evidence is that surprisingly clearly shows happened that night. Zimmerman wasn't just not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He was obviously innocent of any criminal act, and frankly in my opinion on completely morally sound ground.

The facts:

* Zimmerman claimed to be trying to follow from a safe distance just so police would have a chance to question Martin. There had been break ins and what George did really isn't any different than what other neighborhood watches have done in the past. Martin didn't like being followed so he gave Zimmerman the slip, hid in the shadows, waiting for Zimmerman to pass, and then Martin approached Zimmerman from behind, initiated the confrontation and broke Zimmerman's nose. No evidence or testimony has ever contradicted this.

* Other than the single point blank gun shot wound, Martin had no injuries. Zimmerman on the other hand looked beaten all to hell. This was consistent with Zimmerman being on the receiving end of an unexpected one sided beat down.

* When investigating officers lied and told Zimmerman that they had footage of the incident, Zimmerman was relieved, and said something along the lines of, "Thank God! I was hoping someone would have filmed to help prove what happened." This convinced the officer that Zimmerman was telling the truth.

* Trayvon who has been regularly depicted in the media as younger and practically a saint, was actually suspended from school, not for being absent, but for having drugs and possible stolen goods at school. While he no doubt also had his sweet side, his twitter handle was “No_Limit_*****” filled with gangsta nonsense, and the only racial slurs ever uttered in the case were said by Trayvon and not Zimmerman. I'm not saying that any of this proves Trayvon was guilty or by any means deserved to die. The only thing that the evidence clearly points to Trayvon being guilty of is initiating the Assault on Zimmerman.

* The officers who investigated the shooting found no probable cause for arrest, because every part of Zimmerman's story was supported by the limited evidence. The chief of police later lost his job because he refused to arrest Zimmerman without more evidence, despite all the political pressure. The normal prosecutor didn't take this case for 'mysterious' reasons, likely because he didn't want to take a losing case and prosecute a man who as so obviously innocent. Normally the prosecutor gets to decide if he wants to pursue a case, but not this time, the activist pressure was too high. Even the ringers they brought in to substitute never really presented a good alternate explanation, and admitted in summation that the only two who really knew what happened were Zimmerman and Trayvon. It's obviously way past reasonable doubt when even the prosecutor can't say he knows the guy did it.

Essentially this open and shut case only went to trial because racist racial activists went off before the facts were in and they even realized that George Zimmerman wasn't even white.

You can argue that getting out of the car wasn't smart, but the evidence shows George Zimmerman did nothing wrong.

THE SOURCES (Since everyone I mention this to immediately asks me for them anyway.)

Point 1. The videotaped walkthrough of the scene of the crime and the recounting of that night that Zimmerman did with the police.

Point 2. Summaries of the autopsy of Martin and medical examination of Zimmerman's injuries.



Point 3. The investigating officer testifying on the "It looks like he recorded the whole thing," bluff. Skip to 1:16:00 to cut to the chase.

Point 4. Links on Martin's Checkered past.

Caught with Weed Pipe and Marijuana Bag at school - http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/Trayvon...144403305.html

Caught with suspected stolen property and burglarly tools at school - http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...t-trayvon.html

Thug life Twitter Feed: http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/26/th...artins-tweets/

Martin's Racial Slurs: http://legalinsurrection.com/2013/06...comment-known/

Point 5. Video of the interview with the Police chief who was fired for refusing to arrest Zimmerman for lack of evidence.

TLDR - Everyone has an opinion on this case, but surprisingly few have taken the time to learn the facts. There is no evidence that George Zimmerman did anything wrong.

From Reddit.

god this juror on anderson cooper needs to be 4chan-ed

her interview is so revealing as far as how much of a zimmerman sympathizer she is

she looks at trayvon like he's the culprit responsible for his own death and zimmerman as the poor guy everyone should feel bad for

it's pretty outrageous
One thing we've learned.

A lot of white people in this country have a hard time or can't identify with Trayvon or black people at all. Maybe it's the fact that he was put on trial and villainized, but I think it's because of our deep racial issues in this country.

Trayvon was villainized? Do you know how many death threats the Zimmermans have received? People outside the court were even wearing t shirts with Zimmerman's face with crosshairs over it. Even the media glossed over the fact that Trayvon had legal trouble before he sadly lost his life. Over social media images of Trayvon (like in your avi) were being spread around and everyone ignored the ones of him flicking off the camera or looking like a thug. Where was the mention of how Zimmerman fought for civil rights against a police cover up in 2011 in the beating of a homeless black man? What about how Zimmerman tutored black youth? Celebrities and all kinds of organizations are backing Trayvon. Zimmerman was clearly made out to be the bad guy, I'm not sure how you can say Trayvon was villainized.
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I'm watching all of this with the "This can't be real life" face.

I feel like we've been time warped back into the damn 60's. People out here talking about "race wasn't a factor", SERIOUSLY!? People out here living in fantasy land.
Yo check me out, morally the guy probably wasn't intent on killing someone that night, but can't you be charged for not following a civil order that was a simple "stay in your car"..... because he went after Martin, that shows me recklessness that could only be fueled by the knowledge that he had something to defend himself with if all hell broke loose, which it did once his head was on that concrete.. That to me shows that he in the back of his mind knew he could use that gun if things went wrong.. And being that he put himself and the victim in that situation.... It screams premeditated. Idc about martins past, or gz past.. That was irrelevant to the case and that situation. If Martin was caught robbing then sure bring up what he's done.. But don't bring up weed and other dumb ish kids do when young, to try and prove his death was justifiable.. That grown man knew what could happen, nd he went ahead and took time into his own hands.. To me, he should be held accountable for the outcome of the situation
god this juror on anderson cooper needs to be 4chan-ed

her interview is so revealing as far as how much of a zimmerman sympathizer she is

she looks at trayvon like he's the culprit responsible for his own death and zimmerman as the poor guy everyone should feel bad for

it's pretty outrageous

One thing we've learned.

A lot of white people in this country have a hard time or can't identify with Trayvon or black people at all. Maybe it's the fact that he was put on trial and villainized, but I think it's because of our deep racial issues in this country.

Trayvon was villainized? Do you know how many death threats the Zimmermans have received? People outside the court were even wearing t shirts with Zimmerman's face with crosshairs over it. Even the media glossed over the fact that Trayvon had legal trouble before he sadly lost his life. Over social media images of Trayvon (like in your avi) were being spread around and everyone ignored the ones of him flicking off the camera or looking like a thug. Where was the mention of how Zimmerman fought for civil rights against a police cover up in 2011 in the beating of a homeless black man? What about how Zimmerman tutored black youth? Celebrities and all kinds of organizations are backing Trayvon. Zimmerman was clearly made out to be the bad guy, I'm not sure how you can say Trayvon was villainized.

Travyon's legal troubles consisited of being caught with weed and being suspended from school.

Zimmerman was previously charged with felonies and domestic abuse.

Which one do you think more publicity
Gz did so many things wrong the night of tm's death
-called police on kid minding his own business
-chased him in the dark night and rain with gun and flashlight like it was an episode of cops
-approached TM like he was investigating a suspect
-shot TM in chest when he could've just shot him in arm or leg or even ran away like TM tried to do
I wish TM was strapped up that night so he could've peeled gz cap back
god this juror on anderson cooper needs to be 4chan-ed

her interview is so revealing as far as how much of a zimmerman sympathizer she is

she looks at trayvon like he's the culprit responsible for his own death and zimmerman as the poor guy everyone should feel bad for

it's pretty outrageous

One thing we've learned.

A lot of white people in this country have a hard time or can't identify with Trayvon or black people at all. Maybe it's the fact that he was put on trial and villainized, but I think it's because of our deep racial issues in this country.

Trayvon was villainized? Do you know how many death threats the Zimmermans have received? People outside the court were even wearing t shirts with Zimmerman's face with crosshairs over it. Even the media glossed over the fact that Trayvon had legal trouble before he sadly lost his life. Over social media images of Trayvon (like in your avi) were being spread around and everyone ignored the ones of him flicking off the camera or looking like a thug. Where was the mention of how Zimmerman fought for civil rights against a police cover up in 2011 in the beating of a homeless black man? What about how Zimmerman tutored black youth? Zimmerman was clearly made out to be the bad guy, I'm not sure how you can say Trayvon was villainized.

yes, of course trayvon has been villainized. how is it not glaringly obvious? did you choose to ignore that part?

i don't know how many threats the zimmermans have received, but they're still alive. please give us a number

flicking off a camera or "looking like a thug" does not constitute being a thug. he was a teenager - this is what most teenagers do. people ignored it because most intelligent people know this is what teenagers do and it's more silly than anything to be taken serious. check a place like instagram if you really have no idea about this "phenomenon"

what good is it that zimmerman "fought" for civil rights or tutored "black youth" (god even that sounds condescending as **** to me) - means as much as a married dude on the low

gotta admit, that post of yours is kind of insulting to a lot of people's intelligence in here
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Was this serious?

As if white people needed a movie to stereotype hoodies :lol: It's not the hoody, it's who's underneath it.

And how many of them have seen Juice? Yeah I'm sure they spend plenty of time watching BET. Racism partly stems from ignorance and not knowing other races.

Very serious!

Are you seriously saying that the characters in the movie juice did not further perpetuate the young black thug in hoodies? Really!?

What do you think the movie was green
lighted for!?

Your eyes are wide shut!

How many Caucasians you think saw 8 mile? Yes a lot of em saw it and/or heard about it. Stop being naive.
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i think zimmermans dad being a former judge has more to do with the turnout of this case than race, although it is likely a combination of both.

but seriously, having a family member that works in law enforcement >>> being white.   privileged doesn't even begin to describe it.  
MLK would be ashamed that his niece is such an idiot that she thinks race had nothing to do with this trial.

And how in the hell did she automatically relate wearing a hoodie to sagging pants?:smh: Because only thugs wear hoodies?:stoneface: That self-hate is real.

He would also be ashamed that we are still so racially divided after he was killed over trying to bring us all together.
And why the f**k did gz have a strap when he was just going to target. Its like he was living on edge like a n***a in the hood that has to watch his back and gotta keep protection at all times.
And why the f**k did gz have a strap when he was just going to target. Its like he was living on edge like a n***a in the hood that has to watch his back and gotta keep protection at all times.

What's so weird about that? People have guns when they're going for a jog in Texas.
And why the f**k did gz have a strap when he was just going to target. Its like he was living on edge like a n***a in the hood that has to watch his back and gotta keep protection at all times.

People down south stay strapped, even if they're checking the mail. I remember I went to South Carolina and they sold guns in a pawn shop :lol:
god this juror on anderson cooper needs to be 4chan-ed

her interview is so revealing as far as how much of a zimmerman sympathizer she is

she looks at trayvon like he's the culprit responsible for his own death and zimmerman as the poor guy everyone should feel bad for

it's pretty outrageous

One thing we've learned.

A lot of white people in this country have a hard time or can't identify with Trayvon or black people at all. Maybe it's the fact that he was put on trial and villainized, but I think it's because of our deep racial issues in this country.

Trayvon was villainized? Do you know how many death threats the Zimmermans have received? People outside the court were even wearing t shirts with Zimmerman's face with crosshairs over it. Even the media glossed over the fact that Trayvon had legal trouble before he sadly lost his life. Over social media images of Trayvon (like in your avi) were being spread around and everyone ignored the ones of him flicking off the camera or looking like a thug. Where was the mention of how Zimmerman fought for civil rights against a police cover up in 2011 in the beating of a homeless black man? What about how Zimmerman tutored black youth? Zimmerman was clearly made out to be the bad guy, I'm not sure how you can say Trayvon was villainized.
yes, of course trayvon has been villainized. how is it not glaringly obvious? did you choose to ignore that part?

i don't know how many threats the zimmermans have received, but they're still alive. please give us a number

flicking off a camera or "looking like a thug" does not constitute being a thug. he was a teenager - this is what most teenagers do. people ignored it because most intelligent people know this is what teenagers do and it's more silly than anything to be taken serious. check a place like instagram if you really have no idea about this "phenomenon"

what good is it that zimmerman "fought" for civil rights or tutored "black youth" (god even that sounds condescending as **** to me) - means as much as a married dude on the low

gotta admit, that post of yours is kind of insulting to a lot of people's intelligence in here
In what way has he been villainized? If I know specifics then I can know what I'm "ignoring."

How are you going to say my my post is insulting to a lot of people's intelligence and then take a rhetorical question literally? How would anyone know the exact number? It's just the fact that there have been many. Yeah they're still alive, but it's only been a few days after the trial so if anyone was really going to act on it they'd put some time into actually plotting it. Either way, death threats aren't something that can be taken lightly.

I know exactly about this "phenomenon." And you're right which is exactly my point. They were smart enough to overlook that and smart enough to realize that these types of photos could be damaging (as stupid as it is or not) to Trayvon's image. Meanwhile these same people spread this mug shot looking photo of Zimmerman around, knowing it's bad for his image:

I'm just pointing out that there's no media coverage that he did those things in his community which would negate racist stereotypes of Zimmerman. Should I have typed "African American youth" when the poster above me used the word "black?"
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