R.I.P Trayvon

And why the f**k did gz have a strap when he was just going to target. Its like he was living on edge like a n***a in the hood that has to watch his back and gotta keep protection at all times.

Man, there are old ladies strapped in the bingo parlor down here. Consent to carry is strong in the south.
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you're not being honest by claiming that trayvon martin hasn't been villainized throughout this whole process

also, you're trying to mislead by claiming trayvon martin had legal trouble - he got caught taggin up a wall once and found with a small amount of weed on him on a different occasion. it's really not a good way to assess someone's "character." once again, this is what kids sometimes do

I'm just pointing out that there's no media coverage that he did those things in his community which would negate racist stereotypes of Zimmerman. Should I have typed "African American youth" when the poster above me used the word "black?"

tutoring a black kid doesn't negate that one could still harbor racist feelings or views

as for your statement after that, this ain't the place to get cute
you're not being honest by claiming that trayvon martin hasn't been villainized throughout this whole process

also, you're trying to mislead by claiming trayvon martin had legal trouble - he got caught taggin up a wall once and found with a small amount of weed on him on a different occasion. it's really not a good way to assess someone's "character." once again, this is what kids sometimes do

I'm just pointing out that there's no media coverage that he did those things in his community which would negate racist stereotypes of Zimmerman. Should I have typed "African American youth" when the poster above me used the word "black?"

tutoring a black kid doesn't negate that one could still harbor racist feelings or views

as for your statement after that, this ain't the place to get cute
He hasn't been villainized, many people consider him a martyr.

How is the fact that he had legal trouble and I say he has had legal trouble misleading?

Not trying to cute, I just think it's ridiculous that I'm being condescending just by using the word "black" when the poster above me did the same. People have debate like over this with the "n word" and all I said is "black." 

You're acting like him tutoring them was half-hearted like celebrity PR work. He willingly volunteered to do it. So what about how Zimmerman fought for civil rights against a police cover up in 2011 in the beating of a homeless black man? If he harbored racist feelings or views wouldn't he condone this police brutality? It doesn't add up.
What i have gotten from some of the posters in this thread is...

If you are a black person and you are noticed by neighborhood watch or otherwise while walking down your street you should....

Run home or
Freeze and explain yourself to this perfect stranger. hoepfully you are carrying your Black people identifcation card, stating who you belong to and what your business round here is.
Do not under any circumstances stand up for yourself. whatever this person wants you to do you better do it, because not doing so would make you an about that life thug.

If said unidentified person is a rapist, murderer, kidnapper or robber best of luck to you.

Sad times...smh. and i dont seeing it getting better.
jaywalking is illegal too

guess we all break the law at some point. bunch of criminals walking these streets man. need to get tough on 'em

stop making it seem like his previous "legal troubles" were bigger than they actually were. it's simply a distraction
He is still in the bottom 1% of 28 year old males to not be able, with a 30-40 lb weight advantage, at minimum cover up and fend off a 158lb high school kid. I have friends that would be dogs in that fight, but none that would get pummeled to that absurd, wailing for help level, and certainly none that would feel their lives were in jeopardy. You don't have to play the tough guy on the internet to realize how sorry that is.
He's essentially a woman in the context of being a vigilant neighborhood watch guy. I mean, if 158lb 17 year olds are going to make you fear for your life, then you need to stay in your car unless it's a disturbance between the ice cream truck driver and some irate elementary school kids.Zimmerman was nothing but a ***** with cop fantasies.

Please enlighten us to Trayvon's legal trouble.
Legal- of or relating to law

Weed and vandalism are illegal.

Legal trouble doesn't mean it has to be felonies. No need to mince words.

To have legal trouble you have to be charged with a crime.

Trayvon never was.

Zimmerman was though, twice. Once for a felony both of them involved a violent act toward another person.

That's crazy thing about all this.

This isn't even the first time Zimmerman has skated a felony.
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jaywalking is illegal too

guess we all break the law at some point. bunch of criminals walking these streets man. need to get tough on 'em

stop making it seem like his previous "legal troubles" were bigger than they actually were. it's simply a distraction
I'm pretty sure we can agree that the penalties for weed and vandalism exceed jaywalking. Either way, you're missing the point. It's not the fact that he had done it, it's that the media knew about it and didn't report it. Just as they didn't report my examples of Zimmerman helping in his community in ways that don't paint him as the same "hall monitor with an attitude" that you are painting him as.
jaywalking is illegal too

guess we all break the law at some point. bunch of criminals walking these streets man. need to get tough on 'em

stop making it seem like his previous "legal troubles" were bigger than they actually were. it's simply a distraction
I'm pretty sure we can agree that the penalties for weed and vandalism exceed jaywalking. Either way, you're missing the point. It's not the fact that he had done it, it's that the media knew about it and didn't report it. Just as they didn't report my examples of Zimmerman helping in his community in ways that don't paint him as the same "hall monitor with an attitude" that you are painting him as.

Yeah this is ********

Where did the pictures of Trayvon with golds in mouth come from? They were just beemed into our computers magically? The fact that Travyon had weed in his system and got caught with a weed pipe at school where did that come from?
I'm pretty sure we can agree that the penalties for weed and vandalism exceed jaywalking. Either way, you're missing the point. It's not the fact that he had done it, it's that the media knew about it and didn't report it. Just as they didn't report my examples of Zimmerman helping in his community in ways that don't paint him as the same "hall monitor with an attitude" that you are painting him as.
thats because theres something called responsible journalism

as far as zimmerman helping in his community, just because he did some community service and "helped fight in a civil rights case (were there witnesses? did he not beat this dude too and there were no witnesses once again?) doesnt mean anybody wants his "help" if its killing innocent people
the more i think about it, the more it sounds like what you what is for a reporter or journalist to risk their career and their professionalism to write a front page story in the paper and have sunday early morning discussions about what a criminal TM was for his "weed" and "vandalism" and made him the perfect target for GZ's holy, pure, discerning retribution from above. as he said he was on a mission from god right? 

right now GZ is just the messenger right?

if they publicize and demonize TM as you want them to, the conversation goes from out in public to behind closed doors, when ppl discuss it with each other right? 

"He could have gone home" :lol:

A man with Zimmerman's background and a loaded weapon was really going to let Trayvon just waltz home.

"He could have gone home" :lol:

A man with Zimmerman's background and a loaded weapon was really going to let Trayvon just waltz home.

She seriously said

1. Zimmerman was the first aggressor and got in over his head
2. Zimmerman confronted trayvon
3.Zimmerman didn't belong there
4. Zimmerman went over board

How could she possibly reach a not guilty verdict?
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