R.I.P Trayvon


"He could have gone home" :lol:

A man with Zimmerman's background and a loaded weapon was really going to let Trayvon just waltz home.

She seriously said

1. Zimmerman was the first aggressor and got in over his head
2. Zimmerman confronted trayvon
3.Zimmerman didn't belong there
4. Zimmerman went over board

How could she possibly reach a not guilty verdict?

I had this long response typed up in my head and it made me so angry all I have is :smh:

"He could have gone home" :lol:

A man with Zimmerman's background and a loaded weapon was really going to let Trayvon just waltz home.

She seriously said

1. Zimmerman was the first aggressor and got in over his head
2. Zimmerman confronted trayvon
3.Zimmerman didn't belong there
4. Zimmerman went over board

How could she possibly reach a not guilty verdict?

Because his heart was in the right place :rolleyes
What's most interesting about all this is really showing how all of us view life through the lens of race. Seems impossible to avoid really. White people refuse to admit that race played a role in this. Black people can't see anything but race.
Please leave it open, it exposes all the trolls, lames, and closet bigots we've got hiding behind their sn's.

And I'm not talking about people who agree with the verdict from a legal standpoint, although I disagree it's understandable given the facts.

It's more so the people who are making light of this whole thing by making ridiculous statements and jokes that sicken me, regardless of race I'd never make light of a situation like this...ever.
I think cases Ike this show how the law has to be as explicit as possible. Yes someone died but considering everything it really could have gone either way. That's why jury's always look extensively at the definition of certain charges,

I also feel that , nobody really knows what happened. So how can you charged someone . What if he in fact wanted to just ask him a question, T.M. Gets angry starts swinging. You know ? We all don't REALLY know.

Thinking about this. Going into the Aaron Hernandez case, I think it will be interesting to see how it goes. Everything against him is circumstantial.
She seriously said

1. Zimmerman was the first aggressor and got in over his head
2. Zimmerman confronted trayvon
3.Zimmerman didn't belong there
4. Zimmerman went over board

How could she possibly reach a not guilty verdict?

because this white lady immediately felt sympathetic towards george. once she heard the stories about george (giving his neighbor a lock(?), inviting them over for dinner, etc)) she immediately gave him the benefit of the doubt. in her eyes this fat, goofy, clumsy man could do no wrong and if he did he deserved a second chance for "bad judgement" even tho trayvon is DEAD. she perceived trayvon as the black thug and george as the white, goodhearted samaritan.

little did she know was that george is one of those cowards who feel big and mighty when they strap on their gun and provoke confrontations. i trained MMA for 7 years and saw dudes like this guy come through. they wanted to learn to fight so they could inflate their tiny ego and feel strong by being one of the passive aggressive bullys. met a million george zimmerman's throughout my life. luckily im still alive...
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heres what i dont understand, GZ supporters keep saying TM started the "fight", the altercation right?

so why didnt it remain a fight? why did GZ have to "finish" the confrontation?  he called the police ALREADY THEY WERE ON THEIR WAY.  did he really feel he was going to be killed before help arrived?
I think cases Ike this show how the law has to be as explicit as possible. Yes someone died but considering everything it really could have gone either way. That's why jury's always look extensively at the definition of certain charges,

I also feel that , nobody really knows what happened. So how can you charged someone . What if he in fact wanted to just ask him a question, T.M. Gets angry starts swinging. You know ? We all don't REALLY know.

Thinking about this. Going into the Aaron Hernandez case, I think it will be interesting to see how it goes. Everything against him is circumstantial.

Honestly if Zimmerman didn't go to jail for this then nobody should go to jail for anything unless they are caught on tape.
and again im FAR from a racist, honestly i was raised 8 years of my life by a black family, im so tired of hearing that black folk don't get a fair chance at life, it's just plain crazy! im hearing white people being beaten down after the verdict, like really? why?
Its sad that happened to him and I'm happy the perpetuators are jail.

They could still be out walking the street.
my point is, you don't see white people up in rage acting a fool rioting and ****! calling for heads! is TM more important than Joshua?

If Black people didn't protest Zimmerman wouldn't even have been tried. The example you used involved a crime in which the perpetuators were immediately jailed. You sound stupid because you are trying to justify death by saying death happens all the time its no big deal.

If you can't see why black people or any logical human being would be upset that a grown man with a prior violent criminal record at best initiated a fight with a 17 year old and killed him and at worst racially profiled a 17 year old violently confronted him and killed him then I don't know what to tell you.
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honestly i was raised 8 years of my life by a black family,
im calling ducktales..... if they raised you for 8 years i dont think you would still refer to them as "a black family" vs "my black family" or something more familiar

EDIT: either that or even 8 years of living with us you still hold us in contempt
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If Black people didn't protest Zimmerman wouldn't even have been tried. The example you used involved a crime in which the perpetuators were immediately jailed. You sound stupid because you are trying to justify death by saying death happens all the time its no big deal.

If you can't see why black people or any logical human being would be upset that a grown man with a prior violent criminal record at best initiated a fight with a 17 year old and killed him and at worst racially profiled a 17 year old violently confronted him and killed him then I don't know what to tell you.
im referring to race, not the trial, i said this thread has become all about race. and i never justified the death of TM. 
and again im FAR from a racist, honestly i was raised 8 years of my life by a black family, im so tired of hearing that black folk don't get a fair chance at life, it's just plain crazy! im hearing white people being beaten down after the verdict, like really? why?

That's horrible and anyone committing violence due to this should be jailed and convicted of their crimes.

It still doesn't change the facts to what happened in this trial was a mockery of justice.
im calling ducktales..... if they raised you for 8 years i dont think you would still refer to them as "a black family" vs "my black family" or something more familiar

EDIT: either that or even 8 years of living with us you still hold us in contempt
dudes lying, plain and simple.
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