R.I.P Trayvon

im calling ducktales..... if they raised you for 8 years i dont think you would still refer to them as "a black family" vs "my black family" or something more familiar

EDIT: either that or even 8 years of living with us you still hold us in contempt
ok should i have said african american? like really dude? and i could care less if you believe me or not. 
once again yall are still automatically the victims?!?!?!?!  how do we know there arent "ppl" out there more bold then yall on this board spouting ur nonsense and worse in light of all this in real life and paying real consequences?
dudes lying, plain and simple.
riiight, so it's so unbelievable that a white kid was raised 8 years by a "african american" family? wow! what would i benefit by lying to a bunch of dudes on a sneaker forum? reaching a lil too hard ya'll 
ok should i have said african american? like really dude? and i could care less if you believe me or not. 
did you really miss the point of what i said just like that?  you are really conditioned that every black person automatically has an issue with black or african american huh?

what i said is that you would sound more connected to them, more personal, than just "a black family" that you didnt just spend 8 years of your life with....
this thread
i will let yall proceed, i never justified TM being killed, simply pointed out that the thread has derailed into a race thread, and it shouldn't be that way, it's sad
saying you are far from a racist is admitting you are a racist tho doesnt matter how far
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I haven't followed this trial much at all and not even too aware of the circumstances so I haven't commented, but reading these posts reminds me of a few things. I love mankind, but I hate people (word to Charlie Brown). There's so much subjectivity in this world that leads to blind ignorance and this thread is a microcosm of it. It's not race that's the underlying issue when you read what's going on in here. It's unwavering subjectivity and stubbornness that leads to pure ignorance. The finger pointing is disgusting and the close mindedness is even worse. :smh:
KingNE were you really raised by a Black family story or were they like your best friends family that took you under their wing?
i will let yall proceed, i never justified TM being killed, simply pointed out that the thread has derailed into a race thread, and it shouldn't be that way, it's sad

Yeah, because this case wasn't about race.

my point is, you don't see white people up in rage acting a fool rioting and ****! calling for heads! is TM more important than Joshua?

Where are people rioting?

Honestly if Zimmerman didn't go to jail for this then nobody should go to jail for anything unless they are caught on tape.

Yep, people get convicted off circumstantial evidence without knowing exactly what happen all the time. It's the prosecutors job to piece it together and present their theory.

What's most interesting about all this is really showing how all of us view life through the lens of race. Seems impossible to avoid really. White people refuse to admit that race played a role in this. Black people can't see anything but race.

No, a lot of black people can see the legal side also. Both it's failures and how Zimmerman got off.
Why is there an image of MLK wearing a hoodie though?

MLK was a great activist and leader.

TM was just a kid.

I don't see the correlation aside from race.

What would Dr MLK be in a hoody?

And you don't think he would be protesting?

Trayvon was villainized? Do you know how many death threats the Zimmermans have received? People outside the court were even wearing t shirts with Zimmerman's face with crosshairs over it. Even the media glossed over the fact that Trayvon had legal trouble before he sadly lost his life. Over social media images of Trayvon (like in your avi) were being spread around and everyone ignored the ones of him flicking off the camera or looking like a thug. Where was the mention of how Zimmerman fought for civil rights against a police cover up in 2011 in the beating of a homeless black man? What about how Zimmerman tutored black youth? Celebrities and all kinds of organizations are backing Trayvon. Zimmerman was clearly made out to be the bad guy, I'm not sure how you can say Trayvon was villainized.

I'm convinced some of you are trolling :smh:

The bad guy? He killed someone.

Have you heard Robert Zimmerman's comments after the case and his dads over the past year? I want to choke the life out of both if I run in to them.

The media had to gloss over his past troubles, because NONE of it mattered that night. Did Zimmerman call in to dispatch and they listed all of his priors and suspension? None of that was significant other than him being black in a hoody. Was he caught with spray paint or ice tea? Why was Trayvon tested for drugs or alcohol and not Zimmerman.
The only reason this case is being given so much attention is because it keeps people separated and divided.Yes, it's true that sometimes the innocent are slain and that the guilty are set free but it's about time we stop following all this media propagated information under the lens of race and view it objectively. It's always some case like this one that riles up the racist and PC crowds leading to hate and bigotry spreading.
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