R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

that's his specialty
His book was good though.

Reading is fundamental

CNN has seen the VHS tape that appears to show Kelly having sex with a girl who refers to her body parts as 14 years old. Avenatti, who is representing a man he calls a whistleblower against Kelly, says he handed the tape to the Cook County State's Attorney's Office in Chicago last weekend.

And yet...no arrest. What does that tell you?
That you're a pedo also

Meh. When facts don't support your POV. Operation Ad Hominem logical fallacy is a go. I get it though. Perhaps this story is close to your own personal experiences and Kelly has become the avatar for your own suffering. Either way, we live in a country where we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, not the court of public opinion. If I were the victim I know if be pissed that the tape is anywhere else but police evidence and the person who did it had been charged. I wouldn't care what folks posted on the internet. I'd want justice. If he is guilty then he should be charged, if not then left alone.
They said there's a video where r Kelly and the girl actually referred to her "14 year old genitalia" many times.

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