R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

So then it's just gonna continue unless these women stop dealing with dudes like that.

Yea, but see that’s victim blaming though. The onus shouldn’t be on women/girls to not get raped and trapped into sex cults. Men should just not be pieces of s*** and not do things like that. I understand that that’s not the reality and women have to be careful who they deal with, especially in Kelly’s case considering his history, but damn that’s a sad reality that I think could be changed if we as men started to shift our attitudes toward women in general and when it comes to sex.
Yea, but see that’s victim blaming though. The onus shouldn’t be on women/girls to not get raped and trapped into sex cults. Men should just not be pieces of s*** and not do things like that. I understand that that’s not the reality and women have to be careful who they deal with, especially in Kelly’s case considering his history, but damn that’s a sad reality that I think could be changed if we as men started to shift our attitudes toward women in general and when it comes to sex.

Ya'll gotta stop jumping to this "victim blaming" and listen.

A man attacking a women and raping her is totally different from this.

These women were choosing to be with a known piece of ****. In the 90's the info wasn't out there as much but after the tape they know what he is. Every damn body was aware of that tape with a 14 year old.

People don't wanna hear this but it's real talk.

You are using black and white thinking.

These women do not have a choice to leave when their options for freedom are constrained. They are enslaved. How can a woman leave when a powerful man that has systematically protected this ring and has influence that runs deep in the industry and friends in law enforcement that protects him?? How can you believe a woman has a choice when she is threatened to be killed or her family to be killed?

This is a pure human/ sex trafficking ring.

He manipulates you to the point to believe you are worthless when he abuses and degrades you to this extreme. He removes your dignity to the point you believe no one loves you and they dont deserve better.

Its not that simple to just leave.

Right. Facts.

But they didn't have to go. They voluntarily gave a predator the time of day.

this da KRS one broad ya talkin bout ehh? :lol:
when I first seent her I thought she was gonna spit my philosophy :lol:
I see what some of y'all tryna say but I'm just not gonna choose to put the focus on the women, even if some were wrong. A lot of the talk sounds like some "yeah R Kelly was wrong, but some of the the women...."
I see what some of y'all tryna say but I'm just not gonna choose to put the focus on the women, even if some were wrong. A lot of the talk sounds like some "yeah R Kelly was wrong, but some of the the women...."
But if we are having honestly conversation, we should be allowed to have multiple speaking points on the topic.

Both things can be true.

R. Kelly is scum

The GROWN women that KNOWINGLY dealt with dude, after all his dirt, are idiots.

Not like anyone forced them to deal with dude, they made a conscious decision.

It is just that simple
Ya'll gotta stop jumping to this "victim blaming" and listen.

A man attacking a women and raping her is totally different from this.

These women were choosing to be with a known piece of ****. In the 90's the info wasn't out there as much but after the tape they know what he is. Every damn body was aware of that tape with a 14 year old.

People don't wanna hear this but it's real talk.

From my understanding, most of the women he abused weren’t women at all, but 16 to 17 year old children. At least when he first got with him they were that age. So a 14 year old girl, not R kelly, is to blame for “choosing” to be with him and getting pee’d on? It’s not that r kelly is a predator?
R. Kelly was on Aaliyah's album yelling over and over again "Liyah' you're the only one for me" :rofl: dsabiuasy7fgaudstadsyisafk

The album aged like fine wine too.
I thought it was ambiguous/could've been saying ''yeeeah" but after further review...
Flagrant foul :smh:
But if we are having honestly conversation, we should be allowed to have multiple speaking points on the topic.

Both things can be true.

R. Kelly is scum

The GROWN women that KNOWINGLY dealt with dude, after all his dirt, are idiots.

Not like anyone forced them to deal with dude, they made a conscious decision.

It is just that simple

You can have multiple speaking points. I just said I'm choosing to put my focus on his actions. Me personally . Maybe when I get to the part when the actual women y'all are talking about appear I'll change my mind. But up until part 2, I'm just disgusted with dude at this point.
You can have multiple speaking points. I just said I'm choosing to put my focus on his actions. Me personally .
I quoted you but I was speaking in general since many people are quick to call any and everything victim blaming.

I just hate how black and white tthe victim blaming card is used, as if there is no type of nuance with these situations.
From my understanding, most of the women he abused weren’t women at all, but 16 to 17 year old children. At least when he first got with him they were that age. So a 14 year old girl, not R kelly, is to blame for “choosing” to be with him and getting pee’d on? It’s not that r kelly is a predator?
OK so if you know somebody is a predator what do you do about it? That one girl met him at the trial. Yeah she's young but she knows he's a piece of ****. The 30 year old chick. 2 things can be right. R Kelly is a predator and these women made some dumb choices for material things.
And so what if they liked the material aspect of it ??? Does not justify his emotional and sexual abuse towards these women.

if da broads is legal and signin up to essentially be warm bodies to insert meat into for status and celebrity....what part of that deal em i suppose to feel bad about? its like rationalizing why some women decide to strip....
cot damn you ignant :lol:


look that up genius...

oh and..

For vulnerable high school girls in Japan, a culture of ‘dates’ with older men

By Anna Fifield
May 16, 2017

Although Airi, 18, is not a high school student, she wears her school uniform at a cafe in Tokyo because, she says, it makes her more popular with customers than when she wears her regular clothes. (Ko Sasaki/For The Washington Post)

TOKYO — High school dating? No big deal in many parts of the world — but in Japan, it means something quite different.

Here, “high school dating” matches girls in uniforms with men in their 40s and 50s and beyond. And it means money changing hands.

Sometimes this involves a walk around the block or a drink in a bar. More often, it involves sex — child prostitution by another name.

if da broads is legal and signin up to essentially be warm bodies to insert meat into for status and celebrity....what part of that deal em i suppose to feel bad about? its like rationalizing why some women decide to strip....

No. The children and some of the grown women said they would just go along with it even when they did not want to perform the sexual degrading acts because they were threatened, pressured, manipulated and SCARED. They are mentally and physically enslaved.

You really need lessons in psychology regarding trauma and what it can do to people in the types of circumstances. At times as humans when we are trapped we will allow or accept abusive treatment because it becomes a coping and survival mechanism to handle the abuse and trauma.
Got someone blocked here and I’m orettt sure whoever that is is arguing for sex with minors. Just a hunch
Right. Facts.

But they didn't have to go. They voluntarily gave a predator the time of day.

Ok despite they went along so then they are not doing the criminal acts. R. Kelly is.

You can spin it around all day they voluntarily went to him but the ONUS is on the predator to not abuse the girls. Period. No matter if they knew or not he was a predator. Many thought since he was found not guilty and it's their musical hero, that it was not true. At times we doubt believe until we see it or experience it.
So basically if a kid goes to the white van becuase he was offered candy from that point on the kid is at fault becuase he took the bait. Thanks NT !!

Right because a kid going to a van is the same as a 33 year old woman willingly engaging with R. Kelly.

Because a kid going to a van is the same as adults giving their children and relatives to R. Kelly for months at a time

I swear to god man :lol:
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Ok despite they went along so then they are not doing the criminal acts. R. Kelly is.

You can spin it around all day they voluntarily went to him but the ONUS is on the predator to not abuse the girls. Period. No matter if they knew or not he was a predator. Many thought since he was found not guilty and it's their musical hero, that it was not true. At times we doubt believe until we see it or experience it.

No **** the onus is on him. What are you even saying? Of course it's on him. But we can have the conversation in regards to other factors that are at play while acknowledging that R. Kelly is at fault.

Duh he's at fault. Just because they were in his presence doesn't give him the right to abuse them. DUH. Can you not acknowledge how dumb the parents and guardians were while at the same recognizing that R. Kelly is in the wrong? We can't do both?

Would you take your teenage child to the concert of a guy who was accused of peeing on a 14 year old and married a 15 year old? Would you allow that guy to work with your child in any capacity?

What exactly are we spinning here?
No. The children and some of the grown women said they would just go along with it even when they did not want to perform the sexual degrading acts because they were threatened, pressured, manipulated and SCARED.

sounds like savin face to me. >D

da latina only stopped going cuz she realized on her own she was a thot on demand. da other one was eating broads out wit Kelly. she even was on da trial and her testimony wasn't even valid enough to keep R. Kelly on ONE of 21 child pornography charges?!?

Ya'll gotta stop jumping to this "victim blaming" and listen.

A man attacking a women and raping her is totally different from this.

These women were choosing to be with a known piece of ****. In the 90's the info wasn't out there as much but after the tape they know what he is. Every damn body was aware of that tape with a 14 year old.

People don't wanna hear this but it's real talk.

Wow that Khia video.

This is the issue with the culture. The continuous victim blaming that the women are whores. The culture is just as complicit because we are conditioned that black women victims ask to be treated this way when it is the society that believes they deserve to be treated this way. Ain't done nothing changed since slavery.

Shaming and blaming... and no wonder victims dont speak out.
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