R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

I feel like the conversation and concern isn't even about the victims anymore and that's the entire point of the series. I know other topics will emerge, but the central focus still needs to be on them
So in an ideal situation/discussion, what would a conversation that was ONLY about the victims ,look like?

What would be the discussion points exactly?
My thing is multiple aspects of the situation can be discussed at the same time.

There are only SO many ways we can say, "R. Kelly is a nasty old man."

We can discuss how parent allowed their kids to be purchased.
We can discuss how GROWN WOMEN dealt with him AFTER the initial accusations.

I just don't know how many ways / how much time you can sit here and isolate R. Kelly from the discussion without focusing on the entire picture and all involved parties.

As I said, one that wants to discuss other aspects of the WHOLE picture, shouldn't (so easily) be labeled as defending R. Kelly.

That is a lazy discussion point/tactic.

I didn't say anyone was defending anybody. I said a lot of that is occurring outside of the realm of NT. For example, go to theColi.
I didn't say anyone was defending anybody. I said a lot of that is occurring outside of the realm of NT. For example, go to theColi.
Again, I am speaking in general about those that ARE simplifying any, "Non Victim Centered" conversation AS "defending."

I am not saying YOU did it
So NO ONE in this thread has gone on and on about how these girls only messed with Kelly and stayed only because he has money and not so much because they were manipulated in doing so? And NO ONE has said that a 16 year old “should have made a better decision” and that “this will keep happening as long as women keep messing with guys like that”? On the last few pages no less, and that’s not victim blaming or blaming children? Sure it’s not verbatim “those kids/victims share the blame in what happened to them” but that’s the sentiment. Yea they could have made better decisions or whatever but that goes without saying. Why does that need to be brought up if you feel they don’t share the blame? And DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican you’re full of it when you say you swore we were just talking about the adults because you were in the conversations about consent laws. Hell, you started a thread about it! Why would there be a convo about consent laws if we were only talking about Kelly’s adult victims?? But it’s whatever though man, y’all got it.
And DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican you’re full of it when you say you swore we were just talking about the adults because you were in the conversations about consent laws. Hell, you started a thread about it! Why would there be a convo about consent laws if we were only talking about Kelly’s adult victims?? But it’s whatever though man, y’all got it.
We were discussing the GROWN WOMEN.
I created a new thread based on what Rusty said.

That has NO connection to the conversation of how STUPID the grown women were for dealing with him.

Two completely different sub-conversations

Nice attempt though
At a certain point if you're ONLY engaging in the latter, something is off...
To be honest, I think at this point everyone has already said everything that needs to be said about Roberto. I mean we have known about his acts since the late 90s. What else needs to be said about him?

This documentary is putting more info out there about other folks that were complicit in the behavior. (Not talking about the minor women involved; but the ADULTS that were)
The brother in jail is nuts. At a couple points bruh just kept on saying "that's how we are" :lol:
Oh so ya'll knew he actually raping these girls not just statutory off top, forcing them, abusing them, impregnating them, making them lie in public etc?
I guess the sentiments are close to what he said below. It just looks a way.
Oh I understand why one would think that for sure.

But I just don't agree with it. MY mind wouldn't go THERE.

But I GET why it does for some.

I just don't think it is that simple.
Oh so ya'll knew he actually raping these girls not just statutory off top, forcing them, abusing them, impregnating them, making them lie in public etc?
Again I ask, what else needs to be said about R. Kelly?

If we are having a conversation about the situation, why MUST we only focus on what he did and be expected to consistently/only/dominantly speak on the things he did.

And yes, many of the details you mentioned have been out there for some time now

this da KRS one broad ya talkin bout ehh? :lol:
Can't front like i didn't do the same thing ya'll did at first, but this is probably how random white women were able to co-opt, dilute and downplay her movement because of being judged by her looks and lack of value for black women.
It’s been out there about physical abuse, I assume there’s mental abuse with majority of these situations with having sex with a minor.
So if you saw someone beating up a lot smaller men, would you blame the men for getting beat up and not being able to defend themselves? Or would you realize the guy was picking the smaller men for a reason.

and it is victim blaming.

R Kelly manipulates weak women and uses his celebrity and fame. First to lure the women, and then to get away with his crimes.

That's why he shares he was abused as a pick up line is confiding in girls, so he can find out if they've been.

This would never be allowable if he were a teacher. But celebs and priest get away with it.

We should be trying to defend the weak and women. Not blaming them.

The parents and others involved is a separate story and shouldn't be treated the same as someone who has been doing this for two decades. Joe Paterno isn't the same as Jerry Sandusky.
R Kelly manipulates weak women and uses his celebrity and fame. First to lure the women, and then to get away with his crimes

But this is well known and I’m sure it applies to 80%-90% of the entertainment business. This is what famous and powerful men do. Not saying it’s fine. Maybe this would all hit me differently if it was new but it’s so old and been talked about so many times. I’m desensitized to this particular situation.

I really hope this brings some light to the entertainment business and brings out all kinds of skeletons for everyone because there’s so much of this going on.
I'll just leave it at this, it's highly likely someone you know was a victim of abuse, if ya'll are lucky enough to be let in maybe that conversation would help you with empathy and understanding.

I know women that have been beat up and raped and have had long discussions about it with them.

There’s been stories about R Kelly hitting women over the last ten years.
Not even gonna lie. Never heard about physical abuse stories stories surrounding dude.
I never knew he was hitting women.

When was that out there?

There are other articles out there if you change the Google Date Range as well

R Kelly accused of holding women against their will in abusive 'cult' https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-...-sex-houses-response-tour-dates-a7845461.html

R Kelly 'unequivocally' denies keeping young women in 'abusive cult' | Music | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/jul/18/r-kelly-denies-cult-allegations
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