"Racism is as American as baseball"

Couldn't make it past the first 9 seconds.

I've learned to be careful - really careful about what I ingest...and that's poison to me.

Have me mad all day for nothing :lol:
Same. Can’t live life swimming in the filth day in and day out. It’ll make you perpetually angry. People aren’t supposed to ingest all this information on a daily basis
Same. Can’t live life swimming in the filth day in and day out. It’ll make you perpetually angry. People aren’t supposed to ingest all this information on a daily basis

Haven't watched CNN or MSNBC or listened to the radio for months.

Cant even begin to explain the freedom.

Psychological warfare and propaganda is real...doubting it means its working.

Saw the WAP video for the first time 2 days ago and confirmed the right decision was made. :lol:

Macaroni in a pot? Word? :rofl:
Haven't watched CNN or MSNBC or listened to the radio for months.

Cant even begin to explain the freedom.

Psychological warfare and propaganda is real...doubting it means its working.

Saw the WAP video for the first time 2 days ago and confirmed the right decision was made. :lol:

Macaroni in a pot? Word? :rofl:
Dude I’m so out of the loop because I don’t get online or watch every media outlet. If there isn’t a kids bop version of a song I have no idea what it is lol. Maybe that’s why I’m always in a good mood 🤷🏽‍♂️


I was in AP history class in high school were a doing your own sound research was encouraged then challenged. Far cry from the BS they were teaching us in grade school.

The only argument against all these documents is they were forged.

I'm sure the kids in C classes were definitely being groomed to become future Trump supporters. The dumb kids in my high school were known racists. :lol:
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Obviously this "Critical Race Theory" is a problem for them...in a very real way.
It's just an excuse to deny young Americans the ability to talk about the history of this country beyond the sanitized version.

It's also an excuse to shut down the discussion on the consequences of laws enacted in our segregated past.

THey don't even know what CRT is:
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