It’s not saying all white people are the same. It’s saying that white people who ignore racism, systemic issues, and social issues when it’s Present in their face are complicit in its growth. Like I said, click baity title, but the contents are truthful.
“Inequality and racism exist not because of evil but because the unaffected majority put their interests above all others, and their inaction allows inequality to flourish. That is why I believe that silence in the presence of injustice is as bad as injustice itself. White people who are quiet about racism might not plant the seed, but their silence is sunlight.”
Ironically the shouting of “you can’t generalize people and say they’re all the same” and then going about your day without any further introspection or action is exactly the point this editorial is getting at.
A CBS survey revealed that most Americans disagree with Trump’s “both sides” equivocation regarding the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., last year.
According to a CNN/ORC poll, a majority of Americans opposed the white-nationalist-inspired travel ban. Two-thirds of Americans say that separating children from their parents at the border is unacceptable,
according to a CBS poll.
Still, most white people won’t do ****.”
No ones dumping all white people into one group. Don’t let the click bait title fool you.