"Racism is as American as baseball"

These #whypeople are getting out of hand.
These mfers had the intentions to dress up as a border wall and wear mexican attire to describe the on-going tirade trumps put against hispanic/latino Americans.

This wasnt a poor use of judgement the superintendent claims. This is racist!!
Update: Idaho Statesman newspaper reports that 14 staff members have been put on administrative leave.

Also, The article says the costumes were made in a team building exercise.... WHAT?! And that there wasn't malicious intent? Wow, this is horrible.
Think about how they must treat anyone not white. Put them in jail
That Hippocratic Oath tho!


Appropriate Use of Medical Interpreters

"Title VI of the Civil Rights Act mandates that interpreter services be provided for patients with limited English proficiency who need this service, despite the lack of reimbursement in most states. Professional interpreters are superior to the usual practice of using ad hoc interpreters (i.e., family, friends, or untrained staff). Untrained interpreters are more likely to make errors, violate confidentiality, and increase the risk of poor outcomes."

"...because professional interpreter services are not reimbursable, many clinicians still rely on family, friends, or bilingual staff as ad hoc interpreters, which increases the risk of patient dissatisfaction, medical errors, unnecessary testing, poor adherence, and malpractice exposure."

One can argue that he was actually upholding the Hippocratic Oath in trying to prevent error although more likely concerned with malpractice exposure.

“I want to unmask the doctor. If you don’t like being around Mexicans, Latinos, Hispanic, or any other race other than what your race is, then you have no room in the medical field,” Galura said. (the daughter/interpreter)

^ I think it may be more complicated than that.
What happened to H2H?

After making anti-Asian posts and getting constantly called out on it, he decided to antagonize Latinos by inventing a story about how a Mexican restaurant wouldn't serve him a sandwich unless he called it a torta. His complaint was that he shouldn't have to learn the names for ethnic food, and because the restaurant didn't accept the term "sandwich", all Latinos were racist against black people. After getting called out by Asians, Latinos, and black people, he got mad and made a "corniest NTer thread", which either got him banned or suspended
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