random ? - did they teach you about the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom at your school?

Of the dome, Hawaii was a kingdom and it got Got by  the American Dole company i believe ....not much else though. 
Never even heard of a Hawaiian kingdom.

Off to do my own research.

A series of violent battles, lasting 15 years, was led by the warrior chief who would become Kamehameha the Great.

already intrigued
To be honest, the history books I studied in grade school just briefly mentioned anything about Hawaii and Alaska. It was literally "during this era, Hawaii and Alaska became states". that's it. 

Now I gotta go do my own research. I'm interested now.
soltheman wrote:
Never even heard of a Hawaiian kingdom.

Off to do my own research.

A series of violent battles, lasting 15 years, was led by the warrior chief who would become Kamehameha the Great.

already intrigued

Master Roshi?
my anthropology class kinda learned about hawaii history. Learned about how they were always warring with each other and they didn't have a staple food like other lands do (ex: corn, rice). I forgot how they got taken over though I think whoever went to their land gave one group/kingdom some guns to overthrow the groups/kingdoms to make it easier to invade... I can't really remember lol
first time hearing of a hawaiin kingdom mentioned. tbh there is way too much that has happened in the world for it all to be covered, most of the stuff in text books are changed benefit whichever party it was written for anyway
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I never heard of it honestly. Is there a link you can give me that can let me know what this was all about?

I just need to read up on the history of Hawaii and all other Pacific Islands.

While on the subject of Pacific Islands, The Island of Samoa. Mixture of Japanese + Africans with hundreds of years of breading? What is the origin of those people.
What about Tonga? I find Samoans and Tongans hard to tell apart
no disrespect to them, but they look alike. New Zealand has a huge Samoan and Tongan population.
I remember reading about a Hawaiin queen and how some Portugese people landed there and said "*%%% you, *%%% you and *%%% you....we're taking over this +%%@#" and they became the white plantation owners.
I don't recall it being covered, even took an Asian History class and I don't remember anything about a Hawaiian Kingdom.  Will look it up though when I get the chance...
yeah, in AP US History.

I'm probably wrong, but what I can guess/know about it is that the US pretty much wanted all the sugar cane from Hawaii, and they were tired of dealing with the Queen, so we pretty much annexed Hawaii and used it for commercial profit. (not the government but people who exploited the territory)

Bill Clinton apologized in the 90's so apparently it's all good now.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Bill Clinton apologized in the 90's so apparently it's all good now.
this reply and the "enormous resort" comment.

Yes I was taught about the Hawaiian Kingdom in college.What is there to know though?  Honestly.....it's the typical historical story. People of the fairer skin wanted resources. The natives faught. Natives lost. Fair skinned people took over the land anyway regardless of human rights and land rights. Natives had no choice but to accept and be silently salty. It's now an enormous resort.

Rinse and repeat....did I miss anything?

-The Juice
Surprisingly, yes. I remember Queen Liliuokalani's photo being a part of the cover of the history book.
Honestly though...did ya'll think they just DISCOVERED those people there and it just went over all smooth?
in short... US came and took the islands as a territory, locked up the queen in her own palace, and outlawed the language. 2/3rds of our race died in a 20 year span...

not bitter though (I teach US History for what it's worth)... I understand the evolution of a planet and how races come and go

just always wondered how the subject was covered in the mainland
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