Random thought: Does anyone still write in cursive?

I only write in cursive. It's really hard for me to write in print, i actually can't remember the last time I tried.
Not since the 4th grade.
I remember I used to have competitions of who could write the best in cursive against my classmates.
They used to give me hell for it in Elementary and JHS; talking about how much we would need it and I have yet to use it since
Further proof that our system is in major need of a revamp
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

writing in block letters require me to manually lift my hand.

cursive allows me to gently slide my hand over the paper as all my letters connect.
Oh ya cause lifting your hand is just WAY to hard now a days.

But i got taught in 3rd grade. And never used it. Can't even write a sig.
 My Print Is flawless.
Print > Cursive
only when i have to. my cursive so bad, i'll write something and ten minutes ask myself "what did i just write"?
I actually feel more comfortable writing in cursive than in manuscript.
Sometimes i'll just write random @$%@ down just to stay sharp with mine.I've been told my pen is pretty ill.
Only time I write in cursive is when I'm writing notes somewhere on my paper I don't want my professor reading.

It's been a lot of times I've wrote some real explicit things on my tests, and he/she would circle it with "???" next to it. I just be like..
 I just tried to write a sentence....fail. I only use cursive to sign my name. I haven't used it outside of that since...middle school I guess?
No, only when I'm signing my name. I got sent out of the class in 2nd or 3rd grade for telling the teacher that we would never write in cursive when we're grown.
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