Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Surprised Tig ain’t break out this move at the end


you silly af for thinking dudes who dressed like sean price ain’t out here bending over backwards in the penal system. That’s how unaware you are. You think all dudes who wear baggy clothes or layered gear, boots and ACGs ain’t gay? You sound crazy.

Wearing fitted clothes makes you femine? Because I ain’t wearing no PURSE or coloring my hair??? You sound silly AF.

That purse s*** sissy af. I don’t care what anyone says. But this the generation that let 69 wear rainbow hair and think he was a G. :lol: :lol:


it was a buncha untapped talent in state prop.

like, fr.

it theyre run was longer, some of these conversations would play out different. Ijs…
Why are you typing about another dudes **** near my mouth. Leave me outta your gay fantasies. Tf you on? You wear cheetah print. They only ppl I see wearing cheetah print is women. You telling me ya fashion ain't bend hand worthy w/ ya wishy washy *** principles, and "SUS" b/c of dudes like you that try make everything seem gay. You gay.

:lol: :lol: hell going on
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