Rappers/Singers That You've Met (pics if you got 'em)

star time

Feb 16, 2007
Which rappers/singers have you ever met before? How were they when you met them? Were they down to earth, were they big headed? If you got pics of themalso, post them:

Here's some of the people in the music industry that I've met randomly:

Lord Finesse: He's mad cool. I met him at this diner by Yankee Stadium. Told me he still produces & is working on a mixtape. My Momwas wit' me when I met him & after he posed for the pic, she asked me "You know that homeless guy?"


Tru Life: I met him last year back when I was a manager at the Nike Factory store not far from my crib. He was mad cool too. I asked him aboutthe beef wit' him & Cam & he was like son prolly somewhere holdin' a raw steak over his eye. I asked him when the album was droppin' &he told me that it would be out in a month or so. That was like 5 months ago. He's prolly workin' in the shipping & recieving area at the factorystore now for all I know...


Billy Danze from M.O.P: I met him while coppin' some fitteds at Cap City wit' fellow NT member Flightman4life. He was probably thecoolest & most down to earth brother I met. All 3 of us went outside & spent a good minute just bird watching & stuff. He was like "Ya'llcome all the way out here just for hats?" & we was like "Yeah that's gangsta right" & he was like


Nature: This was back in the beginning of '05. I met him at that mixtape spot on 145th where they sell the bootleg Jordans on the leftside in that glass case & the screenprinted thermals on the right side in the other glass case. He was mad cool & suprised that I even recognized him.I was like "Dun I been a fan since the ol' Clue freestyles that you & Esco used to rip. You still rock wit' homie?" & he was like"Nah I don't get down wit' that dude nomore" I hope Nature drop somethin' for the new year....


Cormega: Mega was probably the most low key dude that I met. He's a cool brother, but he originally didn't want to get in the picture.I met him back in '04 outside the Polo factory store around my way. He was in this big Hummer wit' some chick & when I approached him, he was like"Yo is that Nas on your shirt" & knowing that they had beef wit' each other back then, I was like "Uh.....yes sir Mr Mega Montanasir" & he gave me the
followed by the
. It was his girl that persuaded him to take the pic. Just look at hisface, he's clearly bothered lol...


DMX: this particular picture was taken in the summer of '04. This was the second time I've met X. I met him for the first time acrossthe street from the state office building in Harlem at the 6 dollar sculley spot. He was buying like 48 dollars worth of sculleys from the Nigerians. He wasextremely cool & friendly during that time. When we took this pic, he was still as cool & friendly as he was that first time. He had this doo doo browncustom '64 Impala parked outside of Harlem USA clothing store & there was a crowd of about 25 people there giving him pounds & showin' love. Iapproached him like "Yo X what's good?" & he was like "I'M GOOD DOGG!!!" & I was like "Can I get this pic wit'you?" & he was like "LET'S DO IT DOGG!!" & I've been a fan of his ever since....


Loon: I met Loon back in the winter of '04. I seen him inside of Jacob The Jeweler's & I approached him & he was very cooltoo. We talked about the trail that he had pending at the time & I asked him what was good wit' him & his situation at Bad Boy & he hit me withthe ol "Industry Rule 4080" thing. I gave him a pound with the non sexual embrace like "Keep on keepin' on my dude" Loon was mad cool.I hope that brother gets back into the game. I dunno what he's up to now. Last thing I heard about him was he beat down 40. Cal wit' a metal garbagecan lid inside a barbershop on Amsterdam Avenue


Pharrel: Unlike the story posted in the General forum not long ago, I actually met Pharell for real lol. This was also in the winter of'04 & I also met him inside of Jacob the Jeweler's store. He was with this really cute white girl & this big intimidating black dude. Must havebeen his bodyguard or somethin', son looked like Grape Ape. He didn't do to much of a good job keepin' away regular people though because Iapproached Pharell like I knew him & we spoke briefly. I asked Pharell if he goes on Niketalk & he admitted that he did. I almost asked him if he knewHenz0 but I changed my mind because I didn't want him to know that I know him. I aint proud of that crap. Pharell was mad cool too. All in all, everycelebrity I've met was cool.....

Damn homie. You be all over. I've met a lot, but your list is dope.

Danze is that dude. Finesse, X and Mega as well.

Last couple I met were Fergie (cool chick) and Robin Thicke (got a pic of him with/for my girl) backstage at a show.

Big dude with Pharrell is Big Ben. They don't really play that "keep away" $%%+. You can almost always roll up and kick it with P. But whenit's time to go, Big Ben will make sure it's time to go. That Grape Ape $%%+ was funny.

Yo, where is that Polo Factory store. I kill the outlets. Woodbury Commons and all that. I never seen that one. It's in NY?
i didnt read all the sotries but how have you met so many? wow i saw xzibit at a clippers game and thats about it
Phillip that Polo store is in the Crossings Outlet mall in Tannersville, PA. It's about 90 minutes from NY....

how have you met so many
I guess it's just about being in a certain place at a certain time. Big cities like NY & LA & Miami are breeding grounds for celebs.It's just a matter of recognizing them though because they keep a low profile most of the time. I like it more when I meet rappers that aren'tmainstream like when I met Nature & Lord Finesse because these are dudes I've listened to for years & they aint all glossy & pop & allthat. I could have split an egg sandwich wit' Lord Finesse or rolled dice wit' Nature that afternoon because they were just that real &approachable....
Wasn't there a big thread back in the day, to go along with your run-in with Pharrell....? That pic seems familiar.

Only dude I've really ever met was Kenna. After his concert, he came out and chilled with all his fans. It was dope.
Billy Danze from M.O.P: I met him while coppin' some fitteds at Cap City wit' fellow NT member Flightman4life. He was probably the coolest & most down to earth brother I met. All 3 of us went outside & spent a good minute just bird watching & stuff. He was like "Ya'll come all the way out here just for hats?" & we was like "Yeah that's gangsta right" & he was like

I met Outkast back in 94. They had a show at this club where I stay. Playaball had just dropped and like 10 people were there. They were going to rock itstill. They kept getting feedback from the mics and slammed them out and went to the bus. That was great because we had a cipher with Dre and Ceelo and and gotchoked out. One of the best days of my life. My first cousin is trick daddy if that means anything
Summer of 2000 I met Cappadonna after a Wu concert in S.F....after the show was over I guess he just jumped off the stage and walked outside like everyone elselol. He was mad drunk too I think but real cool when I said what up to him.
i knew Kerry was the starter of this post

i remember when you originally posted almost every single one of those joints in the General forum.
I almost asked him if he knew Henz0 but I changed my mind because I didn't want him to know that I know him. I aint proud of that crap.
Shook George Clinton's hand at the Renaissance Hotel in LA. He was performing at the Kodak Theatre that night, me and the family were just vacationing.Dude's gotta be in his 60's, but he's still all funked out.
I almost asked him if he knew Henz0 but I changed my mind because I didn't want him to know that I know him. I aint proud of that crap.

this is funny b/c the other day i was looking through an old family photo album and there was an autographed picture of yo-yo in there
. alsomet monica circa 93-94.
AZ-he came to a Hip Hop Event @ Baruch...dude was laid back as hell..this was circa AWOL...signed two promo posters for me

Sheek Louch-Hands down the most regular rapper i've seen in person...he was like the older cat in your hood who's just mad cool but you know he'dhandle business if it came to that...dude came to Baruch to preview his album (the one with Kiss Your@**# Goodbye)...cool brotha


Joe Budden-Spring 05. Pep Rally @ Baruch. dude came through playing Gangsta Party. i just approached him with a pound and he agreed to take a pic with me and afriend of mine. we talked about The Growth and he seemed kinda excited about it saying it had Mya,Nate Dogg and some other collabs.dude was mad humble..and itstill aint come out but such is the industry

Black Rob-was a guest @ my school radio show. i aint even know it was him til a dude i know gave him a pound. duke was like 5'5. cool brotha from theinteraction with my mans

Rev Run-didnt meet him face to face, but he was @ a party i was at at Nintendo World.

Lil' Fame-i didnt dap him..but i see him sometimes here in Flatbush by Church and 21st...

Bleek-came to my school but i coulda cared less

Consequence-Met him @ 340 Madison Avenue. i was working secuirty and he went up to Fila's office...i recognized him off bat and he seemed shocked that iwould know who he was. cool brotha...
Nick cannon

Met all those dudes at magic this past year, only ones i really got to talk with were nelly an cannon. Both real chill dudes and showed love (nh)

Cass- my homies boy

Theres more i met in clubs and oter events etc but i dont feel like typin lol
Fall 06, I was in jrotc and our battalion marched for the Howard Homecoming. I saw this one dude who i thought was Jim Jones and i shouted "Ayo JimJones!!!!", and when i looked closer, it was really Prodigy. He just gave me the
but then gave me a deuce. Later in the day during lunch, Havoc came up tomy battalion and was talking with everyone. I asked dude where 50 cent was at, and he got smart with me "50 aint here." Dude was like 3 feettall....
e-a ski - didnt even recognize him, i thought he was a security guard or something

messy marv - dude used to go to oakridge mall in san jose all the time. its like he lived there

del the funky homosapien - i actually got to talk to him for like 20 minutes. hes a real cool dude hella laid back but he was super blunted

j-live - one of the teachers at my high school is part of a hip hop group called lyrical discipline which is a branch of the universal zulunation (check him out here:http://myspace.com/apakalips1. his shhh is real dope) and im real cool with him. his group was having their 7th anniversary party atSan Jose State University and j-live, aesop rock and cali agents. he got me and my boy to help backstage and we got community service hours for it
. i gotto talk to j-live for a while before he cut out. hes real down to earth and seems like one of those father figure type dudes

aesop rock - i met dude twice. the 1st time was in frisco. i was there with a couple dudes buying clothes when when of my boys saw him acrossthe store. i didnt believe it at first but it turned out to be him. hes real low key. all the dudes in the store was givin us
for walkin up to thisseemingly random white dude and showin him love (nh)
. the 2nd time was at that event i met j-live at.

planet asia and rasco (cali agents) - i met asia and rasco at the lyrical discipline event. dudes was hella cool. we kicked it with them for afew hours because they stayed after the party was over and watched me and my boy clean
. this one dude wanted an autograph but had no paper so he told asiato sign his shirt. asia was like "you sure man thats a nice shirt" the fan was like "%!+! it, i have no paper". asia said hold up andripped all the KMEL posters off the wall and started signing those instead. at the end we even walked over to the mcdonalds across from the school with them.rasco started rolling a blunt and offered some to me and my boys but we said no because we dont smoke and a teacher from my school was there
I met chris brown at flight club la around the time Jim Jones Ballin' was jumpin' off. I didnt say wasup to him or ask for a picture or nothin. Sonwent in, I heard him ask dude "Hey what are those nikes people be skatin in'? I heard they hot now"...looked at him and gave him the

But I did KICK IT (nh) with Lupe Fiasco at a local college show. I live in the bay so everyone who was there looked like this
. I was the only dude who knew ALL his words. The show was bout to end, I yelledout "DO HE SAY SHE SAY!" he did it. My patna yelled out a track and lupe clowned n said he looked like pharrell lol. Then during the signing I wasstandin' in line and security pulls me out and says lupe wants to see me. I got to chill in the signing booth with him for a good hour or so. Dude was madchill (doesnt really skate tho
) and his sister was
I've kicked it bizzy bone, dude is cracked out for real...he would freestyle for 10 minutes and not make any sense

hes wack
Lupe(dont like him tho)
chilled with Slug(Atmosphere) a few times a few years back
Aesop Rock
Method Man(didn't really meet him but I shook his hand
Mr. Lif
I know I'm forgetting a few
Let's see...

I talked to Murphy Lee on the phone when he was in my city back in 2004.

He was supposed to go to the local "Lim's" clothing store for an autograph signing, after he left a local cd store, but never showed up. He wentto the radio station instead...

My mom called up the station and asked if "that rapper guy was still there",

They were like "Murphy Lee", she was like whoever he is, "if it's not teddy p, marvin gaye, gerald levert, or any other old school singer, Idon't know him"

They put him on the phone, and we talked for about 5-10 minutes, he was really cool, just a real down to earth, humble dude.

I chilled with Nick Cannon and Jason Weaver in their hotel room's when I was on the set of Drumline with mymom's bf (J. Anthony Brown). My brother and I were just chillin' in the lobby, because we got to ATL around 11-12midnight, so we were just up,chillin' checking out the hotel. We saw Nick and Jason, then started talking to them, and they were like "since yall aren't doing anything, wannacome chill with us." We were like "yeah, that's cool with us" We went up to their room since we were on the floor below them and justchilled, ate a few chicken wings, and fries, played dominos and all...they were cool as hell.

Orlando Jones - The old 7up guy (with the short twists in his hair)...my mom's bf was in Drumline, so we basicallymet everybody who was in that movie, we chilled in his trailer for a bit, started talking about him not doing the 7up thing anymore, he told us "Hell, youcould be the next 7up guy if you wanted to be."...cool dude.

Envouge - I met all 3 of them back in 2004, my mom's bf does a morning talk show, with Tom Joyner, and they havesky shows, every Friday all over the US. Went backstage with my mom, and I have pics with them!

George Clinton - ^ same as above, chilled with him in the backroom, they were
all you could smell was weed, he was a cool dude, real chill.

Saw Master P and Lil' Romeo - Both in ATL and Orlando, with mom's bf. Romeo was real cool, took a few pics.

LL Cool J - In Orlando back in 2004. Cool dude.

Blu Cantrell - On the set of Drumline, chilled with her, got a few pics, she is

Peaty Pablo - Same hotel we stayed in during the Drumline shooting, he was riding in a Excursion, my bro and I saw him,got a few pics with him, he was humble as hell!

I saw Stone Cold Steve Austin when I went to Boston for the first time back in '99 at the Galleria Mall by theCharles River.. I was really into wrestling back then, so that was huge for me.

I've lived with Teddy Pendergrass back in 2005 for about 4 months- won't go into details, but I'll postpics of the inside of his crib.

I'll post more when I think of them.
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