Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

However by comments I have seen you make in the past I am convinced you feel blacks are pieces of %!# that "complain too much" That mentality definitely falls in line with the social hierarchy we live in today... *shrug*

I call people out regardless of color, race, creed, religion.

Do I feel blacks are pieces of $%%!? 
  When did I say that?

Do I feel the race card is used too frequently?  Hell yeah.

Do I feel that blacks/African Americans are more sensitive about certain things as opposed to other minorities? Yes

Do I feel it's ironic that African Americans prefer equality for themselves as opposed to unity and equality for all minorities? Yes

Yes, I speak out often here (which I stopped btw) when black people on this board belittle the struggle of other minorities. 

I feel your plight, and can definitely see why you would appoint yourself the black people's race card deflector.  Black folk have had it so great and are on even, if not better footing than other races.  They need to just be quiet and stop being so sensitive.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

However by comments I have seen you make in the past I am convinced you feel blacks are pieces of %!# that "complain too much" That mentality definitely falls in line with the social hierarchy we live in today... *shrug*

I call people out regardless of color, race, creed, religion.

Do I feel blacks are pieces of $%%!? 
  When did I say that?

Do I feel the race card is used too frequently?  Hell yeah.

Do I feel that blacks/African Americans are more sensitive about certain things as opposed to other minorities? Yes

Do I feel it's ironic that African Americans prefer equality for themselves as opposed to unity and equality for all minorities? Yes

Yes, I speak out often here (which I stopped btw) when black people on this board belittle the struggle of other minorities. 

I feel your plight, and can definitely see why you would appoint yourself the black people's race card deflector.  Black folk have had it so great and are on even, if not better footing than other races.  They need to just be quiet and stop being so sensitive.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

However by comments I have seen you make in the past I am convinced you feel blacks are pieces of %!# that "complain too much" That mentality definitely falls in line with the social hierarchy we live in today... *shrug*

I call people out regardless of color, race, creed, religion.

Do I feel blacks are pieces of $%%!? 
  When did I say that?

Do I feel the race card is used too frequently?  Hell yeah.

Do I feel that blacks/African Americans are more sensitive about certain things as opposed to other minorities? Yes

Do I feel it's ironic that African Americans prefer equality for themselves as opposed to unity and equality for all minorities? Yes

Yes, I speak out often here (which I stopped btw) when black people on this board belittle the struggle of other minorities. 

GREAT RESPONSE. A lot of people in here assume being black means you should agree with EVERYTHING black people do or say. The race card distracts people from a lot of the real issues that plague the black community and created a culture of complacency and learned helplessness.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

However by comments I have seen you make in the past I am convinced you feel blacks are pieces of %!# that "complain too much" That mentality definitely falls in line with the social hierarchy we live in today... *shrug*

I call people out regardless of color, race, creed, religion.

Do I feel blacks are pieces of $%%!? 
  When did I say that?

Do I feel the race card is used too frequently?  Hell yeah.

Do I feel that blacks/African Americans are more sensitive about certain things as opposed to other minorities? Yes

Do I feel it's ironic that African Americans prefer equality for themselves as opposed to unity and equality for all minorities? Yes

Yes, I speak out often here (which I stopped btw) when black people on this board belittle the struggle of other minorities. 

GREAT RESPONSE. A lot of people in here assume being black means you should agree with EVERYTHING black people do or say. The race card distracts people from a lot of the real issues that plague the black community and created a culture of complacency and learned helplessness.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Hmm these people from Mexico look very European ninjahood.



Stop tryna push denial of ancestry on other latino people

oh because i photoshopped this map to prove a false point huh anton?

pretend you're back in 3rd grade...use da legend, and see where da spanish territories are sir...

when you do that you're gonna shut da @$%% up about how Mexicans have no euro blood, and Dominicans should "embrace their blackness"
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Hmm these people from Mexico look very European ninjahood.



Stop tryna push denial of ancestry on other latino people

oh because i photoshopped this map to prove a false point huh anton?

pretend you're back in 3rd grade...use da legend, and see where da spanish territories are sir...

when you do that you're gonna shut da @$%% up about how Mexicans have no euro blood, and Dominicans should "embrace their blackness"
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Hmm these people from Mexico look very European ninjahood.



Stop tryna push denial of ancestry on other latino people

oh because i photoshopped this map to prove a false point huh anton?

pretend you're back in 3rd grade...use da legend, and see where da spanish territories are sir...

when you do that you're gonna shut da @$%% up about how Mexicans have no euro blood, and Dominicans should "embrace their blackness"


What's your point? My country was part of the British colonies, does this mean I have European blood?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Hmm these people from Mexico look very European ninjahood.



Stop tryna push denial of ancestry on other latino people

oh because i photoshopped this map to prove a false point huh anton?

pretend you're back in 3rd grade...use da legend, and see where da spanish territories are sir...

when you do that you're gonna shut da @$%% up about how Mexicans have no euro blood, and Dominicans should "embrace their blackness"


What's your point? My country was part of the British colonies, does this mean I have European blood?
oh so now we're moving goal post huh anton.....

you still gonna say mexicans have ZERO euro, indian, and blacks in their blood when spanish colonized their land and also brought africans over there too?
oh so now we're moving goal post huh anton.....

you still gonna say mexicans have ZERO euro, indian, and blacks in their blood when spanish colonized their land and also brought africans over there too?
Why is Mexico even being brought up? Every Mexican I have met has had a ridiculously detailed/unabashed story of their lineage...
Why is Mexico even being brought up? Every Mexican I have met has had a ridiculously detailed/unabashed story of their lineage...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

oh so now we're moving goal post huh anton.....

you still gonna say mexicans have ZERO euro, indian, and blacks in their blood when spanish colonized their land and also brought africans over there too?

i apologize for that......that's a very stupid thing to say. i know a redheaded blue eyed mexican. mexicans in general have very little African or European blood. Most mexicans I see today look more similar to indigenous people than Europeans. My point is what makes Dominicans and Mexicans the same is the fact that they were colonized by the spanish, and America has labeled them "hispanic" or "latino".
Originally Posted by ninjahood

oh so now we're moving goal post huh anton.....

you still gonna say mexicans have ZERO euro, indian, and blacks in their blood when spanish colonized their land and also brought africans over there too?

i apologize for that......that's a very stupid thing to say. i know a redheaded blue eyed mexican. mexicans in general have very little African or European blood. Most mexicans I see today look more similar to indigenous people than Europeans. My point is what makes Dominicans and Mexicans the same is the fact that they were colonized by the spanish, and America has labeled them "hispanic" or "latino".
the thread title is flawed
Dark Dominicans don't refuse their Blackness........ the ones in America do, because Black Americans is something else
the thread title is flawed
Dark Dominicans don't refuse their Blackness........ the ones in America do, because Black Americans is something else
Originally Posted by 0cks

Why is Mexico even being brought up? Every Mexican I have met has had a ridiculously detailed/unabashed story of their lineage...

[h2]Demographics[/h2][h3]The role of epidemics[/h3]
Spanish settlers brought to the American continent smallpox, typhoid fever, and other diseases. Most of the Spanish settlers had developed an immunity to these diseases from childhood, but the indigenous peoples lacked the needed antibodies since these diseases were totally alien to the native population at the time. There were at least three, separate, major epidemics that decimated the population: smallpox (1520 to 1521), measles (1545 to 1548) and typhus (1576 to 1581). In the course of the 16th century, the native population in Mexico went an estimated pre-Columbian population of 8 to 20 million to less than two million. Therefore, at the start of the 17th century, continental New Spain was a depopulated country with abandoned cities and maize fields. These diseases would not have a similar impact in the Philippines because they were already present there.
[h3]The role of interracial mixing[/h3]
Main article: Casta

Following the Spanish conquests, new ethnic groups were created, primary among them the Mestizo. The Mestizo population emerged as a result of the Spanish colonizers having children with indigenous women, both within and outside of wedlock, which brought about the mixing of both cultures. Many of the Spanish colonists were either men or women with no wives or husbands and took partners from the indigenous population.

Initially, if a child was born in wedlock, the child was considered, and raised as, a member of the prominent parent's ethnicity. (See Hyperdescent and Hypodescent.) Because of this, the term "Mestizo" was associated with illegitimacy. Mestizos do not appear in large numbers in official censuses until the second half of the 17th century, when a sizable and stable community of mixed-race people with no claims to being either Indian or Spanish appeared, although, of course, a large population of biological Mestizos had already existed for over a century in Mexico.

The Spanish conquest also brought the migration of people of African descent to the many regions of the Viceroyalty. Some came as free blacks, but vast majority came because of the introduction of African slavery. As the native population was decimated by epidemics and forced labor, black slaves were imported. Mixes with Europeans and indigenous peoples also occurred, resulting in the creation of new racial categories such as Mulattos and Zambos to account for these offspring. As with the term Mestizo, these other terms were associated with illegitimacy, since a majority—though not all—of these people were born outside of wedlock.

yet anton thinks mexicans are exclusively latino and while he INSISTS that Dominicans wear a "black" label even though Mexicans and Dominicans are both hispanic and come from Latin American countries.
Originally Posted by 0cks

Why is Mexico even being brought up? Every Mexican I have met has had a ridiculously detailed/unabashed story of their lineage...

[h2]Demographics[/h2][h3]The role of epidemics[/h3]
Spanish settlers brought to the American continent smallpox, typhoid fever, and other diseases. Most of the Spanish settlers had developed an immunity to these diseases from childhood, but the indigenous peoples lacked the needed antibodies since these diseases were totally alien to the native population at the time. There were at least three, separate, major epidemics that decimated the population: smallpox (1520 to 1521), measles (1545 to 1548) and typhus (1576 to 1581). In the course of the 16th century, the native population in Mexico went an estimated pre-Columbian population of 8 to 20 million to less than two million. Therefore, at the start of the 17th century, continental New Spain was a depopulated country with abandoned cities and maize fields. These diseases would not have a similar impact in the Philippines because they were already present there.
[h3]The role of interracial mixing[/h3]
Main article: Casta

Following the Spanish conquests, new ethnic groups were created, primary among them the Mestizo. The Mestizo population emerged as a result of the Spanish colonizers having children with indigenous women, both within and outside of wedlock, which brought about the mixing of both cultures. Many of the Spanish colonists were either men or women with no wives or husbands and took partners from the indigenous population.

Initially, if a child was born in wedlock, the child was considered, and raised as, a member of the prominent parent's ethnicity. (See Hyperdescent and Hypodescent.) Because of this, the term "Mestizo" was associated with illegitimacy. Mestizos do not appear in large numbers in official censuses until the second half of the 17th century, when a sizable and stable community of mixed-race people with no claims to being either Indian or Spanish appeared, although, of course, a large population of biological Mestizos had already existed for over a century in Mexico.

The Spanish conquest also brought the migration of people of African descent to the many regions of the Viceroyalty. Some came as free blacks, but vast majority came because of the introduction of African slavery. As the native population was decimated by epidemics and forced labor, black slaves were imported. Mixes with Europeans and indigenous peoples also occurred, resulting in the creation of new racial categories such as Mulattos and Zambos to account for these offspring. As with the term Mestizo, these other terms were associated with illegitimacy, since a majority—though not all—of these people were born outside of wedlock.

yet anton thinks mexicans are exclusively latino and while he INSISTS that Dominicans wear a "black" label even though Mexicans and Dominicans are both hispanic and come from Latin American countries.
The indigenous tribes like arawaks and caribs are brown (moreno) peoples. All brown peoples don't come directly from Africa. There is more genetic diversity and and phenotypes amongst what we all lump under the category "black people" than there are other races in the world.

This entire thread is nothing more than proof of how well imperialism works and for how long it can lock up people's minds.

You are whatever you are, but your culture is how you do it. Culture and race are not the same thing. Once again, vagueness and ambiguity has stirred up and argument word the the math problem thread. Don't ya'll know that the value of ambiguity is what has leveraged the whole world into believing the lies we currently hold as truths now?
The indigenous tribes like arawaks and caribs are brown (moreno) peoples. All brown peoples don't come directly from Africa. There is more genetic diversity and and phenotypes amongst what we all lump under the category "black people" than there are other races in the world.

This entire thread is nothing more than proof of how well imperialism works and for how long it can lock up people's minds.

You are whatever you are, but your culture is how you do it. Culture and race are not the same thing. Once again, vagueness and ambiguity has stirred up and argument word the the math problem thread. Don't ya'll know that the value of ambiguity is what has leveraged the whole world into believing the lies we currently hold as truths now?
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by 0cks

White people made the rules of the game... gave you your language... spawned the hispanic culture... all you do is pay tribute to da whiteman...
and in the case of African Americans? 
its the people didnt know what Christianity was until the white man ....we both losing w/ no control in this game b 
listen send any of you dark skinned latins to spain......they're gonna call you a n' that speak spanish 
roll.gif're not apart of them......their ancestors enslaved yall and raped yall women....the spanish man gave yall their language and taught yall that catholic +!%+ 
roll.gif embrace your country's knocking that but stop putting yourself up there like you're so special and different......cause in this world you're not 
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