Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

And ninjahood, you cool, you crack me up, and you def bring alot of good stuff to NT...but you ain't in a position to talk about latinos as a whole when you have a sheltered East-Coast-centric and dominican-centric view of latinos.

The fact that you think there aren't any "pure" native Americans left shows us just how Dominican your way of viewing things really is
Just cuz the Tainos are NON-EXISTENT and serve as a cultural legend amongst yall doesn't mean the same applies to other groups, nor does your concept of there being no white latinos apply to reality either.

The simple fact that you think like this shows me how little you know about the rest of Latin America and why the Dominican Republic is never gonna work as a realistic representation of the rest of Latin America. The amount of diversity, immigration, and culture there is a percentage of a fraction of what the rest of Latin America has gone through. That's it. No way around that, it just is. Plus, I've seen you type in spanish before on NT, your grammar was off as hell in some cases, I got a feeling you might not be the best hispanoparlante and haven't lived in a fully spanish speaking environment like some of us..

Dominicans don't and can't speak for all latinos. I don't care how much different groups are in NYC, they're still just a small removed sample from a much more heterogeneous greater population.

and PS:


This is a real life Latin American Indian

You can clearly see the African in her

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

And ninjahood, you cool, you crack me up, and you def bring alot of good stuff to NT...but you ain't in a position to talk about latinos as a whole when you have a sheltered East-Coast-centric and dominican-centric view of latinos.

The fact that you think there aren't any "pure" native Americans left shows us just how Dominican your way of viewing things really is
Just cuz the Tainos are NON-EXISTENT and serve as a cultural legend amongst yall doesn't mean the same applies to other groups, nor does your concept of there being no white latinos apply to reality either.

The simple fact that you think like this shows me how little you know about the rest of Latin America and why the Dominican Republic is never gonna work as a realistic representation of the rest of Latin America. The amount of diversity, immigration, and culture there is a percentage of a fraction of what the rest of Latin America has gone through. That's it. No way around that, it just is. Plus, I've seen you type in spanish before on NT, your grammar was off as hell in some cases, I got a feeling you might not be the best hispanoparlante and haven't lived in a fully spanish speaking environment like some of us..

Dominicans don't and can't speak for all latinos. I don't care how much different groups are in NYC, they're still just a small removed sample from a much more heterogeneous greater population.

and PS:


This is a real life Latin American Indian

You can clearly see the African in her

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

And ninjahood, you cool, you crack me up, and you def bring alot of good stuff to NT...but you ain't in a position to talk about latinos as a whole when you have a sheltered East-Coast-centric and dominican-centric view of latinos.

The fact that you think there aren't any "pure" native Americans left shows us just how Dominican your way of viewing things really is
Just cuz the Tainos are NON-EXISTENT and serve as a cultural legend amongst yall doesn't mean the same applies to other groups, nor does your concept of there being no white latinos apply to reality either.

The simple fact that you think like this shows me how little you know about the rest of Latin America and why the Dominican Republic is never gonna work as a realistic representation of the rest of Latin America. The amount of diversity, immigration, and culture there is a percentage of a fraction of what the rest of Latin America has gone through. That's it. No way around that, it just is. Plus, I've seen you type in spanish before on NT, your grammar was off as hell in some cases, I got a feeling you might not be the best hispanoparlante and haven't lived in a fully spanish speaking environment like some of us..

Dominicans don't and can't speak for all latinos. I don't care how much different groups are in NYC, they're still just a small removed sample from a much more heterogeneous greater population.

and PS:


This is a real life Latin American Indian

You can clearly see the African in her

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

I don't get it.

Ninjahood has Black and/or African, Spanish, Latino, plus whatever else DNA in him.
He practices "Black culture" in addition to "Latino Culture."

How is he only Latino, but not Black as well? 
because of born from Dominican parents which makes me 100% hispanic...ask carmelo anthony what he is and he'll say he's black & puerto rican

black people who just happen to be born in hispanic countries are not real latinos and will never get treated as such

if your born dominican your gonna get treated like a dominican....ya sound ridiculous in here

so are you denying racism in alot of hispanic countries lol  lets not go for the evidence lol  cuz there a whole lot to show how blacks get treated like *@++  in these countries and alot of them have a negative view of african americans so of course hte last thnig htey would want to do is identify with peopel they think are below them ironically these same hispanics live in occupy the trashiest neighborhoods in newyork 

byw if yall didnt want to be white why is skin bleaching , nose surgeries etc so rampant in hispanic countries lol itsl ike they trynig to erase all their ethnic features
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

I don't get it.

Ninjahood has Black and/or African, Spanish, Latino, plus whatever else DNA in him.
He practices "Black culture" in addition to "Latino Culture."

How is he only Latino, but not Black as well? 
because of born from Dominican parents which makes me 100% hispanic...ask carmelo anthony what he is and he'll say he's black & puerto rican

black people who just happen to be born in hispanic countries are not real latinos and will never get treated as such

if your born dominican your gonna get treated like a dominican....ya sound ridiculous in here

so are you denying racism in alot of hispanic countries lol  lets not go for the evidence lol  cuz there a whole lot to show how blacks get treated like *@++  in these countries and alot of them have a negative view of african americans so of course hte last thnig htey would want to do is identify with peopel they think are below them ironically these same hispanics live in occupy the trashiest neighborhoods in newyork 

byw if yall didnt want to be white why is skin bleaching , nose surgeries etc so rampant in hispanic countries lol itsl ike they trynig to erase all their ethnic features
Originally Posted by ninjahood

so now people are mad because i never experienced racism as a Dominican from my own people and "deserve all da harassment i should get"

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
so this topic has gone from "why dominicans don't claim they're black" to "ninjahood's acumen on da entire latin American western hemisphere"


all because a couple of idiots fail to understand that Dominicans feel and are counted has part of da whole latin/hispanic and wont accept da "black" label from US racial ideologies...

People always change the subject or deflect when they know they cant win.....answer the question
Originally Posted by ninjahood

so now people are mad because i never experienced racism as a Dominican from my own people and "deserve all da harassment i should get"

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
so this topic has gone from "why dominicans don't claim they're black" to "ninjahood's acumen on da entire latin American western hemisphere"


all because a couple of idiots fail to understand that Dominicans feel and are counted has part of da whole latin/hispanic and wont accept da "black" label from US racial ideologies...

People always change the subject or deflect when they know they cant win.....answer the question
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

oh yeah? keep clickin them links b...find out how mexico, cuba, and all of central america had colonies, african slaves, and indians... 
@ not all hispanics are mixed src="">

ninja... not every indigenous person or slave got raped.  not every single person in latin america is interbred with other races.  just cuz conquistadors were there doesn't mean every single person got knocked up by them.  not all slaves brought over mixed.  there are still 100% indigenous people in those countries.  Hispanic countries.

dude is acting like all the Europeans were going around having intercultural orgies and breeding one monotonous group of people. There is a reason color discrimination happens in many Latin American countries. Look at telemundo, you're telling me everyone in south america looks like that.
Not everyone in spanish america has the same genetic/racial compostion.

lol this dude is dumb no wonder he lives in the projects lmaooo

like really every hispanic is mixed
 see he is in denial  ican tell he didnt actually grow up on the islands  lol  i've been there ,  stayed with fam over there etc  there is rampant racism , discrimination etc in alot of thoes hispanic countries

like i said before the treatment of blacks in thoes countries make me laugh lol they got blacks in certain countries living like we still in the civil rights era 
  now if everyone was mixed race like you said there would be know need for that plus 90% of hispnic racial classifications were created during slavery and was used to divide people  of color   
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

oh yeah? keep clickin them links b...find out how mexico, cuba, and all of central america had colonies, african slaves, and indians... 
@ not all hispanics are mixed src="">

ninja... not every indigenous person or slave got raped.  not every single person in latin america is interbred with other races.  just cuz conquistadors were there doesn't mean every single person got knocked up by them.  not all slaves brought over mixed.  there are still 100% indigenous people in those countries.  Hispanic countries.

dude is acting like all the Europeans were going around having intercultural orgies and breeding one monotonous group of people. There is a reason color discrimination happens in many Latin American countries. Look at telemundo, you're telling me everyone in south america looks like that.
Not everyone in spanish america has the same genetic/racial compostion.

lol this dude is dumb no wonder he lives in the projects lmaooo

like really every hispanic is mixed
 see he is in denial  ican tell he didnt actually grow up on the islands  lol  i've been there ,  stayed with fam over there etc  there is rampant racism , discrimination etc in alot of thoes hispanic countries

like i said before the treatment of blacks in thoes countries make me laugh lol they got blacks in certain countries living like we still in the civil rights era 
  now if everyone was mixed race like you said there would be know need for that plus 90% of hispnic racial classifications were created during slavery and was used to divide people  of color   
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

byw if yall didnt want to be white why is skin bleaching , nose surgeries etc so rampant in hispanic countries lol itsl ike they trynig to erase all their ethnic features



oh so plastic surgery in hispanic cultures = trying to be it
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

byw if yall didnt want to be white why is skin bleaching , nose surgeries etc so rampant in hispanic countries lol itsl ike they trynig to erase all their ethnic features



oh so plastic surgery in hispanic cultures = trying to be it
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.

dude you officially have proved your dumb there are several afro hispanics and white hispanics even a couple of asian hispanics

lol btw carmelo anthony is one  lol  saying someone is puerto rican doesnt mean #!## if his dad was a afro puertorican and his mom was an african american that still two black people having a child together dumbazz lol since when is puerto rican ,cuban or dominican a race

lol at hte lengths some hispanics go to seperate themselves from blacks and it be liek the poorest ones lmaoooooo

i wish the rich upper class white hispanics did thsi much but naw its the negroes who are at the bottom of hte barrel in most of there countries
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.

dude you officially have proved your dumb there are several afro hispanics and white hispanics even a couple of asian hispanics

lol btw carmelo anthony is one  lol  saying someone is puerto rican doesnt mean #!## if his dad was a afro puertorican and his mom was an african american that still two black people having a child together dumbazz lol since when is puerto rican ,cuban or dominican a race

lol at hte lengths some hispanics go to seperate themselves from blacks and it be liek the poorest ones lmaoooooo

i wish the rich upper class white hispanics did thsi much but naw its the negroes who are at the bottom of hte barrel in most of there countries
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.

dude you officially have proved your dumb there are several afro hispanics and white hispanics even a couple of asian hispanics

lol btw carmelo anthony is one  lol  saying someone is puerto rican doesnt mean %@!% if his dad was a afro puertorican and his mom was an african american that still two black people having a child together dumbazz lol since when is puerto rican ,cuban or dominican a race

lol at hte lengths some hispanics go to seperate themselves from blacks and it be liek the poorest ones lmaoooooo

i wish the rich upper class white hispanics did thsi much but naw its the negroes who are at the bottom of hte barrel in most of there countries
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.

dude you officially have proved your dumb there are several afro hispanics and white hispanics even a couple of asian hispanics

lol btw carmelo anthony is one  lol  saying someone is puerto rican doesnt mean %@!% if his dad was a afro puertorican and his mom was an african american that still two black people having a child together dumbazz lol since when is puerto rican ,cuban or dominican a race

lol at hte lengths some hispanics go to seperate themselves from blacks and it be liek the poorest ones lmaoooooo

i wish the rich upper class white hispanics did thsi much but naw its the negroes who are at the bottom of hte barrel in most of there countries
da more ya babble on about what ya THINK goes on in da Dominican republic da more i just laugh at ya...

this thread is just gonna have to live on page 1 forever then, cuz until ya get that United States racial ideologies =/= da rest of da world imposing labels

on other people is just gonna piss em off then ya not gonna learn.
da more ya babble on about what ya THINK goes on in da Dominican republic da more i just laugh at ya...

this thread is just gonna have to live on page 1 forever then, cuz until ya get that United States racial ideologies =/= da rest of da world imposing labels

on other people is just gonna piss em off then ya not gonna learn.
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

 saying someone is puerto rican doesnt mean #!## if his dad was a afro puertorican and his mom was an african american that still two black people having a child together
oh yeah? go to da puerto rican parade spewing that
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

 saying someone is puerto rican doesnt mean #!## if his dad was a afro puertorican and his mom was an african american that still two black people having a child together
oh yeah? go to da puerto rican parade spewing that
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

 saying someone is puerto rican doesnt mean #!## if his dad was a afro puertorican and his mom was an african american that still two black people having a child together
oh yeah? go to da puerto rican parade spewing that

so are u saying a person born of african blood in puerto rico is a different race than african born in america  ??

really please explain that lol

only hispanics lol thats liek a black man born in france ahving a baby with a black women in america then trying to call the baby white its still a negro and it will get labeled as such by majoprity of society  no matter how much u argue

so i take society opinon of your's lol i cant even tell majority of you so called hispanics apart from regualr blacks nad whites yet all of yall are mixed

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

 saying someone is puerto rican doesnt mean #!## if his dad was a afro puertorican and his mom was an african american that still two black people having a child together
oh yeah? go to da puerto rican parade spewing that

so are u saying a person born of african blood in puerto rico is a different race than african born in america  ??

really please explain that lol

only hispanics lol thats liek a black man born in france ahving a baby with a black women in america then trying to call the baby white its still a negro and it will get labeled as such by majoprity of society  no matter how much u argue

so i take society opinon of your's lol i cant even tell majority of you so called hispanics apart from regualr blacks nad whites yet all of yall are mixed

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