Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

and lol at what i think is going on lol i been to that dirty #%! sewer hole u call the dominician republic aint nothing special maybe better than the broke down projects u live in lmaooooooooo

i saw that video with all ur shoes nad that lil small #%! room u got lol pathetic

awww someone's mad

btw....i looks like this post just got REAL good
let's @$@@ on dominicans and call me names because we rather identify with ourselves then da labels imposed on us...nice
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

and lol at what i think is going on lol i been to that dirty #%! sewer hole u call the dominician republic aint nothing special maybe better than the broke down projects u live in lmaooooooooo

i saw that video with all ur shoes nad that lil small #%! room u got lol pathetic

awww someone's mad

btw....i looks like this post just got REAL good
let's @$@@ on dominicans and call me names because we rather identify with ourselves then da labels imposed on us...nice
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

byw if yall didnt want to be white why is skin bleaching , nose surgeries etc so rampant in hispanic countries lol itsl ike they trynig to erase all their ethnic features



oh so plastic surgery in hispanic cultures = trying to be it
dead @ me finding a quick article on the d.r saying the same things ive been saying peopel of color are on the bottom of hte barrel in most of htese countries why am i even arguing with you lol  you a grown %+% man and dont own no property
 but that raggedy little apartment u stay in lol

   As I was awaken from my dormant racial sleep, I began to see the world differently.  The
majority of white collar jobs in D.R. were held by the White educated class. The majority of
street vendors (not store front owners), artist (singing or painting), and field workers were of
color.  The Dominicans of Color were treated as the lower class, socially, morally, and

Another strange thing I encountered, was the Black on Black discrimination.  The lighter you
were, the better off you were socially and economically.  
They judge themselves not only by
their skin color, but by their hair texture as well.  If you fell in the "pelo malo" (kinky hair) group,
you were of "malo clase" (bad genes).  If you fell into the "pelo bueno" (good hair) your genes
weren't so bad.

I also encountered segregation, not by the government (at least I don't think so) but by the
people.  Blacks lived in the poor neighborhoods (compos), sprinkled by a couple of Whites.  
The Whites lived in the very small middle class or rich neighborhoods, sprinkled by a couple
Blacks. The Mestizo's just blended in; just like I would like to call a hypocritical chameleon.  
One day they are White the next day they were Black.  You see they are neither White or Black.  
They have good hair and have a tad bit of color.

I realized that D.R. socially was no different than Newark.  I realized that in the States I was
"primo" (cousin) or "hermano" (brother), back home (Dominican Republic) I was just that little
"prieto" or "tiguere feo".  I realized that common bond of Hispanics only existed in the States.  
Socially we were united, bonded together by the cause of discrimination.  Behind closed
doors, our prejudices ran rampant in our minds.

I was still bewildered and mentally not satisfied with my new social intellect.  In my demented
mind I thought this couldn't be going on anywhere else.  So I confronted some of my distant
cultural cousins, to see if this occurred in their neck of the woods. To my dismay it wasn't just a
Dominican and American past-time. Every Spanish speaking country had their own
discrimination.  If it wasn't against the Blacks it was against the Mestizo.

Today when I am asked what nationality I belong to; I proudly say Hispanic first and Dominican
second.  Here in the States Hispanics form a tight network, with a strong sense of unity.  Color,
origin and personal prejudices are usually put on hold.  It's a community that I proudly belong
to.  We all have our mental faults, we are not perfect.  This racist mentality has been
embedded in us since birth. Generations of social conditioning can not be changed over night.
 Just like a war is won by many battles, we must keep challenging that mental condition called
racism. The minute that we stop the challenges, is the minute that we lose our pride and
self-esteem.  Not only as a group but most important an individual.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

byw if yall didnt want to be white why is skin bleaching , nose surgeries etc so rampant in hispanic countries lol itsl ike they trynig to erase all their ethnic features



oh so plastic surgery in hispanic cultures = trying to be it
dead @ me finding a quick article on the d.r saying the same things ive been saying peopel of color are on the bottom of hte barrel in most of htese countries why am i even arguing with you lol  you a grown %+% man and dont own no property
 but that raggedy little apartment u stay in lol

   As I was awaken from my dormant racial sleep, I began to see the world differently.  The
majority of white collar jobs in D.R. were held by the White educated class. The majority of
street vendors (not store front owners), artist (singing or painting), and field workers were of
color.  The Dominicans of Color were treated as the lower class, socially, morally, and

Another strange thing I encountered, was the Black on Black discrimination.  The lighter you
were, the better off you were socially and economically.  
They judge themselves not only by
their skin color, but by their hair texture as well.  If you fell in the "pelo malo" (kinky hair) group,
you were of "malo clase" (bad genes).  If you fell into the "pelo bueno" (good hair) your genes
weren't so bad.

I also encountered segregation, not by the government (at least I don't think so) but by the
people.  Blacks lived in the poor neighborhoods (compos), sprinkled by a couple of Whites.  
The Whites lived in the very small middle class or rich neighborhoods, sprinkled by a couple
Blacks. The Mestizo's just blended in; just like I would like to call a hypocritical chameleon.  
One day they are White the next day they were Black.  You see they are neither White or Black.  
They have good hair and have a tad bit of color.

I realized that D.R. socially was no different than Newark.  I realized that in the States I was
"primo" (cousin) or "hermano" (brother), back home (Dominican Republic) I was just that little
"prieto" or "tiguere feo".  I realized that common bond of Hispanics only existed in the States.  
Socially we were united, bonded together by the cause of discrimination.  Behind closed
doors, our prejudices ran rampant in our minds.

I was still bewildered and mentally not satisfied with my new social intellect.  In my demented
mind I thought this couldn't be going on anywhere else.  So I confronted some of my distant
cultural cousins, to see if this occurred in their neck of the woods. To my dismay it wasn't just a
Dominican and American past-time. Every Spanish speaking country had their own
discrimination.  If it wasn't against the Blacks it was against the Mestizo.

Today when I am asked what nationality I belong to; I proudly say Hispanic first and Dominican
second.  Here in the States Hispanics form a tight network, with a strong sense of unity.  Color,
origin and personal prejudices are usually put on hold.  It's a community that I proudly belong
to.  We all have our mental faults, we are not perfect.  This racist mentality has been
embedded in us since birth. Generations of social conditioning can not be changed over night.
 Just like a war is won by many battles, we must keep challenging that mental condition called
racism. The minute that we stop the challenges, is the minute that we lose our pride and
self-esteem.  Not only as a group but most important an individual.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

and lol at what i think is going on lol i been to that dirty #%! sewer hole u call the dominician republic aint nothing special maybe better than the broke down projects u live in lmaooooooooo

i saw that video with all ur shoes nad that lil small #%! room u got lol pathetic

awww someone's mad

btw....i looks like this post just got REAL good
let's @$@@ on dominicans and call me names because we rather identify with ourselves then da labels imposed on us...nice

lol from what i seen life %$#+% on yall

lol when you can show me a dominician version of atl , or dc (before crime tookover when there were several black owned buisness , college graduates etc) then *$%! 

lol white men rule over there while yall take the scraps    dead @ living the good life in the heights how typical

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

and lol at what i think is going on lol i been to that dirty #%! sewer hole u call the dominician republic aint nothing special maybe better than the broke down projects u live in lmaooooooooo

i saw that video with all ur shoes nad that lil small #%! room u got lol pathetic

awww someone's mad

btw....i looks like this post just got REAL good
let's @$@@ on dominicans and call me names because we rather identify with ourselves then da labels imposed on us...nice

lol from what i seen life %$#+% on yall

lol when you can show me a dominician version of atl , or dc (before crime tookover when there were several black owned buisness , college graduates etc) then *$%! 

lol white men rule over there while yall take the scraps    dead @ living the good life in the heights how typical

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

l  you a grown %+% man and dont own no property
 but that raggedy little apartment u stay in lol
you keep thinking that....

btw...since you wanna know a lil bit about Ninjahood makes assumptions about me living in da "projects" imma give u a lil peak into what kinda paper my fams in dealing with

you know that Trujillo guy? da one that evil dictator? grandfather was his right hand man, i actually have pictures of my grandfather

in uniform chillin with da man himself...and for being such such a loyal right hand man in his empire he made him a

Mayor of a town in da Dominican Republic and gave him and my whole bloodline tons upon tons of acres of land all across da island..god bless him he's gonna be 99 years old

this anywho, do you really think i would spend my money on all these sneakers, chains, etc without some sort of hard bank behind it? you must think im one of these garden

variety hicks off da yola boats huh

its ok.i forgive your ignorance, as much as NT thinks they know about me i only let em know what i decide they need to know..but thats for another thread.

bottomline sir is dominicans ain't gonna claim we're black because quite frankly we feel it doesn't represent who we are. period...ya wanna *+%%$, cry, moan about "wahh wahhhh everyone is disassociating

with being black" well thats not really our problem now is it....ya have to deal with ya problems within ya own African American communities before ya even think of trying to step into our hispanic cultures

trying to tell us what we should feel we are and how should we view ourselves.
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

l  you a grown %+% man and dont own no property
 but that raggedy little apartment u stay in lol
you keep thinking that....

btw...since you wanna know a lil bit about Ninjahood makes assumptions about me living in da "projects" imma give u a lil peak into what kinda paper my fams in dealing with

you know that Trujillo guy? da one that evil dictator? grandfather was his right hand man, i actually have pictures of my grandfather

in uniform chillin with da man himself...and for being such such a loyal right hand man in his empire he made him a

Mayor of a town in da Dominican Republic and gave him and my whole bloodline tons upon tons of acres of land all across da island..god bless him he's gonna be 99 years old

this anywho, do you really think i would spend my money on all these sneakers, chains, etc without some sort of hard bank behind it? you must think im one of these garden

variety hicks off da yola boats huh

its ok.i forgive your ignorance, as much as NT thinks they know about me i only let em know what i decide they need to know..but thats for another thread.

bottomline sir is dominicans ain't gonna claim we're black because quite frankly we feel it doesn't represent who we are. period...ya wanna *+%%$, cry, moan about "wahh wahhhh everyone is disassociating

with being black" well thats not really our problem now is it....ya have to deal with ya problems within ya own African American communities before ya even think of trying to step into our hispanic cultures

trying to tell us what we should feel we are and how should we view ourselves.
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

lol when you can show me a dominician version of atl , or dc (before crime tookover when there were several black owned buisness , college graduates etc) then *$%! 

lol white men rule over there while yall take the scraps    dead @ living the good life in the heights how typical

thats da best trolling you can do?

clearly you dunno squat about afluent rich neighborhoods in da Dominican Republic that have light skin

and dark skin Dominicans alike  (la romana, punta cana, sarasota, etc)  so you're just trying to get a rise outta me....good luck with that champ.

im comfy in my skin just looking tired trying to divide Dominicans by color when we dont do it to ourselves.
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

lol when you can show me a dominician version of atl , or dc (before crime tookover when there were several black owned buisness , college graduates etc) then *$%! 

lol white men rule over there while yall take the scraps    dead @ living the good life in the heights how typical

thats da best trolling you can do?

clearly you dunno squat about afluent rich neighborhoods in da Dominican Republic that have light skin

and dark skin Dominicans alike  (la romana, punta cana, sarasota, etc)  so you're just trying to get a rise outta me....good luck with that champ.

im comfy in my skin just looking tired trying to divide Dominicans by color when we dont do it to ourselves.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

bumped so he notices.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

bumped so he notices.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

lol his poor +## cant afford to step foot outside the us lmaoooo

bum %$@ talking out his %$@ in the raggedy +## apartment
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

lol his poor +## cant afford to step foot outside the us lmaoooo

bum %$@ talking out his %$@ in the raggedy +## apartment
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

i haven't answered because its pretty irelevant to da topic but since you insist....

Puerto rico


Dominican republic (obviously)

so da what are you tryin to prove? once i say im dominican other latino/hispanic cultures address me in spanish...ya swear latinos are hung up about

skin color as da folks are here in da states.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

i haven't answered because its pretty irelevant to da topic but since you insist....

Puerto rico


Dominican republic (obviously)

so da what are you tryin to prove? once i say im dominican other latino/hispanic cultures address me in spanish...ya swear latinos are hung up about

skin color as da folks are here in da states.
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

lol his poor +## cant afford to step foot outside the us lmaoooo

bum %$@ talking out his %$@ in the raggedy +## apartment

you embarrssing yourself

ever since i was born i've flown outside da US to DR for da summer for about 20 years, da passport is tatted up sir, all ya doing is making yaselves

like EXTRA salty tryin to kick dirt on me

i ain't even gonna snitch on da mods for **!+$%#@ on my dominican people, cuz quite frankly i like when people come out of they face and show that

true blue hate they got inside
let's keep it all da way real..i like when people know and can see da scumbagz crawl from under da floorboards like

da roaches...
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Question: what Latin American countries have you been to or lived in? (dont lie).

I ask because you sound like someone who doesnt know about Latin America without having to google. Try going El Salvador and saying that you're 'hispanic'.
Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

lol his poor +## cant afford to step foot outside the us lmaoooo

bum %$@ talking out his %$@ in the raggedy +## apartment

you embarrssing yourself

ever since i was born i've flown outside da US to DR for da summer for about 20 years, da passport is tatted up sir, all ya doing is making yaselves

like EXTRA salty tryin to kick dirt on me

i ain't even gonna snitch on da mods for **!+$%#@ on my dominican people, cuz quite frankly i like when people come out of they face and show that

true blue hate they got inside
let's keep it all da way real..i like when people know and can see da scumbagz crawl from under da floorboards like

da roaches...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

l  you a grown %+% man and dont own no property
 but that raggedy little apartment u stay in lol
you keep thinking that....

btw...since you wanna know a lil bit about Ninjahood makes assumptions about me living in da "projects" imma give u a lil peak into what kinda paper my fams in dealing with

you know that Trujillo guy? da one that evil dictator? grandfather was his right hand man, i actually have pictures of my grandfather

in uniform chillin with da man himself...and for being such such a loyal right hand man in his empire he made him a

Mayor of a town in da Dominican Republic and gave him and my whole bloodline tons upon tons of acres of land all across da island..god bless him he's gonna be 99 years old

this anywho, do you really think i would spend my money on all these sneakers, chains, etc without some sort of hard bank behind it? you must think im one of these garden

variety hicks off da yola boats huh

its ok.i forgive your ignorance, as much as NT thinks they know about me i only let em know what i decide they need to know..but thats for another thread.

bottomline sir is dominicans ain't gonna claim we're black because quite frankly we feel it doesn't represent who we are. period...ya wanna *+%%$, cry, moan about "wahh wahhhh everyone is disassociating

with being black" well thats not really our problem now is it....ya have to deal with ya problems within ya own African American communities before ya even think of trying to step into our hispanic cultures

trying to tell us what we should feel we are and how should we view ourselves.

dead @ you bringing up trujillo  then talking up we divide yall up by color lol

why am i arguing with a dumbazz who has never set foot in a hispanic country lmaoo , dead  @ all hispanics being united no matter their color only in the u.s  this shows u never been outside the country i would to see how white domincians greet you lol
  smh @ amercian born hispanics who never set in these countries talking out they %#% especially poor %#% dudes from the heights lol

lol  i've been to south america , step foot in the raggedy @%@ d.r and actually viewed the living conditions of  the people u should be able to relate living in the box u live in lmaoo
 bum %#% dude
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

l  you a grown %+% man and dont own no property
 but that raggedy little apartment u stay in lol
you keep thinking that....

btw...since you wanna know a lil bit about Ninjahood makes assumptions about me living in da "projects" imma give u a lil peak into what kinda paper my fams in dealing with

you know that Trujillo guy? da one that evil dictator? grandfather was his right hand man, i actually have pictures of my grandfather

in uniform chillin with da man himself...and for being such such a loyal right hand man in his empire he made him a

Mayor of a town in da Dominican Republic and gave him and my whole bloodline tons upon tons of acres of land all across da island..god bless him he's gonna be 99 years old

this anywho, do you really think i would spend my money on all these sneakers, chains, etc without some sort of hard bank behind it? you must think im one of these garden

variety hicks off da yola boats huh

its ok.i forgive your ignorance, as much as NT thinks they know about me i only let em know what i decide they need to know..but thats for another thread.

bottomline sir is dominicans ain't gonna claim we're black because quite frankly we feel it doesn't represent who we are. period...ya wanna *+%%$, cry, moan about "wahh wahhhh everyone is disassociating

with being black" well thats not really our problem now is it....ya have to deal with ya problems within ya own African American communities before ya even think of trying to step into our hispanic cultures

trying to tell us what we should feel we are and how should we view ourselves.

dead @ you bringing up trujillo  then talking up we divide yall up by color lol

why am i arguing with a dumbazz who has never set foot in a hispanic country lmaoo , dead  @ all hispanics being united no matter their color only in the u.s  this shows u never been outside the country i would to see how white domincians greet you lol
  smh @ amercian born hispanics who never set in these countries talking out they %#% especially poor %#% dudes from the heights lol

lol  i've been to south america , step foot in the raggedy @%@ d.r and actually viewed the living conditions of  the people u should be able to relate living in the box u live in lmaoo
 bum %#% dude
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

lol  i've been to south america , step foot in the raggedy @%@ d.r and actually viewed the living conditions of  the people u should be able to relate living in the box u live in lmaoo
 bum %#% dude
oh you gonna make alot of friends here on NT sir....

let's keep that slander going about how i never been to DR or other hispanic countries

thats all you got b?

"imma bum living in a box with hundreds of boxes of nikes & jordans" sure living da bum life alright
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

lol  i've been to south america , step foot in the raggedy @%@ d.r and actually viewed the living conditions of  the people u should be able to relate living in the box u live in lmaoo
 bum %#% dude
oh you gonna make alot of friends here on NT sir....

let's keep that slander going about how i never been to DR or other hispanic countries

thats all you got b?

"imma bum living in a box with hundreds of boxes of nikes & jordans" sure living da bum life alright
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Notice folks that he still hasnt answered my question

lol his poor +## cant afford to step foot outside the us lmaoooo

bum %$@ talking out his %$@ in the raggedy +## apartment

true blue hate they got inside
let's keep it all da way real..i like when people know and can see da scumbagz crawl from under da floorboards like

da roaches...
reminds you of your apartment rite

awww mane that must suck lol  dead @ you sleeping with roaches mane dont lie you haven't stepped foot out the u.s typical poor !%$ dominican from the heights nothing special here lol

dead @ you living in that small !%$ room ,   dead @ the houses in your home country being smaller than your room
  dead @ you having a passport knowing good in well u have never left them dirty @+$ projects you stay in

dead @ you having all them shoes but nothing else to show for it lol

dead @ you learning all hispanics are mixed race from the projects dammit i feel sorry u and ur fam been reglated to the slums were none of the white peopel want to live
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