Real Discussion: Whats your relationship with your father like?

Jan 2, 2009
My scenario is interesting. I met my biological father at 24 so my stepfather is who I call my "dad" We were cool, had our bouts in myteenage years but he pretty much kept me disciplined and made me the man I am today. I'm also never late because of him.....Military family.

My biological father is immature as @%+% sometimes. Real talk. He always falling inlove with women and quick to wanna get married, and I find myself telling him, "You moving too fast." "Thats probably not the best thing todo" all types of advice on women
Its almost like I'm his ol' dude

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What are y'all relationships like?[/color]
its aight... when I was younger I hated him for being an ahole.. but now I learned to appreciate him more..
Dad's not the best communicator in the world. At least he tries. Criticized me a lot word to Ebert & Roper.
Dad is sorta distant. Don't really communicate much unless he is telling me something. Like we never just sit and have convo's about anything. I doknow that he loves me and my siblings though, and has sacrificed a lot for us. I can't really criticize him though, because I know I'm prolly a rotten!## kid
typical relationship growing up. he was cool.
ages 15-20 barely spoke to him. typical teenager stuff..
21-now, we get progressively cooler with each other each year.
especially once I became a father. it's a revelation as to what he did for me growing up.

My dad has been in and out of my life. He's an alcholic and a deceiving bastard. Too many times in my life growing up he just straight lied to me.Definitely learned my lesson. If I ever see that dude ever again, I swear I'm gonna be leaving with braclets.
I haven't talk with my dad since like 2003 divorce with my mom
Now I live with my mom and now she is struggling
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Dad is sorta distant. Don't really communicate much unless he is telling me something. Like we never just sit and have convo's about anything. I do know that he loves me and my siblings though, and has sacrificed a lot for us.
Pretty much. Living on separate coasts doesn't help, but we both try. Like we'll go weeks without talking, minus e-mails, but it doesntreally strain the relationship at all. When I visit him we mostly talk about sports, school, politics, but never really get into personal stuff. Thats probablymy fault, since I dont like talking to anyone about my life and whats going on.
Originally Posted by KoolKatz

I haven't talk with my dad since like 2003 divorce with my mom
Now I live with my mom and now she is struggling
Yeah that's how it was for me when my parents divorced. I started talking to my dad again because I realized it is what it is.
My pops lives out of state and our relationship is so-so. He was always more of a friend then a dad, he's never disciplined me or anything but he alwaystaught me about the real world, how to save money, and how you make it in the business world. I saw my dad go from eatin pb and j sandwiches everyday to ballinstatus where money wasn't a thing to him back down to average. Overall I don't think he could havee done a better job parenting me, as I'm acollege student who saved up enough of my own cash to pay for my first year w/o financial aid. But I never did have that typical father/son personalrelationship.
i was never really close with my father... he's a great guy and everything but his entire family is cold and distant and opposed to my mother... but on my18th bday he almost died and we've been closer now... it's weird

thats one of the important things to me i want my kids to be close to both of their parents
Non-existant...single mom. I'm supposed to be visiting dude in Nigeria this summer tho. Should be interesting, I aint seen him in like 10 years.
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