REAL TALK: I'm about to end my longest friendship over some cash....

These are the only Franklin's you should be friends with
I had a situation like yours, sort of. My 'friend' kept taking stuff from me. Started with an old cell phone I didnt use, but he still stole it. Then ashirt. Kind of blew it off because I never wore it, but now I really want that shirt. Then some more things I dont feel like getting into (no girl problem).Then I have a different friend who's taken stuff of mine, but due to mutual respect he owned up to it and now I let him borrow stuff because I know he willgive it back when I want/need it, and he has given my stuff back.

EDIT: I forgot to say, talking to him will only do so much. Obviously he's lied to you more than once, and he'll continue to do that, making excusesand promises that never come through. I tried the talking route, and nothing happened. Thats when I dropped it all.

My advice: take the losses and cut the friendship right now. This isn't about money between you two, its about respect, and the lack he has for youand your property. I cut that person that didnt respect me, no matter how many times I came through for him, from my life and now I'm doing better thanbefore.
Son, I would go talk to him man to man. Honestly, it is not about the how much debt he owes you. Its the principle of a good friend that he failed tounderstand. SMH.

If he doesn't comply to what you talked to him about, in person. Let loose and show him what's really good.
I'd go straight to his house and knock him the +$*% out. While he's down, go into the house and take all his valuable stuff and run away with it. Thatwill teach him a lesson.
if it's a friend since pre-K, I personally would not mind giving those things to him as a "gift" if he really liked them. But in your caseit's the principal that he keeps breaking his promises. He shouldn't even be considered a friend anymore.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Son, I would go talk to him man to man. Honestly, it is not about the how much debt he owes you. Its the principle of a good friend that he failed to understand. SMH.

If he doesn't comply to what you talked to him about, in person. Let loose and show him what's really good.
this is all you need... now hit us with the *Update* edit once you handle your business.
If he did all that, he's definitely not your friend. Tell him off, let him know what a piece of trash he is, and unless he touches you, I wouldn'tbother kicking his %@%, he's not worth the trip to jail. You can find better friends easily.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

you may look at him as a friend, but I don't think he looks at you as one.

money has ruined a lot of close friendships of mine. and if somebody isn't willing to do what's right for their boy when it comes to money, he's not worth having as a "friend."
man I'm in a similar situation. Thing is, I know my boy since we were kids. I'm very, very close to just severing all ties with the dude. He's doneit already, and I feel like I'm the only one trying to plan and hang out. I think, or I know the reason, is because his girl hates me or thinks thatI'm a bad influence. Now if I was a bad guy, I would put dude on blast on the numerous times he has lied to his girl. I was loyal and never said aword.(even to the point of him cheating a few times) I refuse to snitch, even through all this. But I'm just fed up with this bs. I'm starting torealize that maybe it's time to actually meet new friends.

FK whoever denies this, but it's always the girl fking up friendships. Always. It's always the girl that creates the problems.
Originally Posted by MinGrady

Just cut him off and that's it.

but it sounds like you two aren't friends anymore so all bets are off, go TAKE your money back. maybe you and the dude from the other thread who got jumpedneed to team up and take care of your business

I know what you were initially saying about the whole money thing and the bottom line is the he's not your boy if he's trying to do you like that.
A Bronx Tale - to get that guy out of your life for under $200, you got off cheap.

Stop being a doormat. Let this cat know that you are no longer a source for freebies.

And all this thug-advice is ridiculous. Go smash him up, go take your stuff back.

Try acting like men.
im not the type to fight one of my friends no matter what the situation is
i would either jus still be coo with dude but jus dont lend dude anything again
jus cut dude off
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

You need to stop being a pushover.

And just because you knew him for so long doesn't mean he's a good friend.


As you grow up, you realize how people really are. True colors come out eventually. Time to move on my dude

Oh and ask him 1 more time. If he gives another excuse, throw some knuckles
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