REAL TALK: I'm about to end my longest friendship over some cash....

sounds like my lil brother.. except he doesn't ask..or tell you he'll pay you back. he just takes and takes and takes.
!++$@@% lame
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Well I have a friend named Franklin he used to be my coolest homey.
We've been cool since Pre-K and lately he's been acting really weird.

So during the summer I bought some Black '08 AF1's (Damn things nearly cost me $99 since it was a mom and pop store they usually get a lot of kicks early so the AF1's were like a month early) they only got about 1 or 2 wears and like 2 weeks later Frank comes along saying he needs some black shoes so I gladly let him borrow my black AF1's....little did I know that was the last time I'll ever have them in my possession.

So then after a month or so he calls me and tells me that he let my homeboy Giovanni use them and he threw up on them and went to jail so he doesn't think he can get them back.Which was all !#+%+%+# now everytime I see him he has em on.So now brings me to a little later on...about 2 or 3 months ago he texts me and tells me that him and my cousin need $20 so I let him borrow the 20.Next day I call my cousin and he tells me he didn't see a damn dime from the 20,so now I'm steamed...I let it go and cool off.2 weeks later he comes over and grabs my brand new red phillies hat and takes it.....I only wore it 1 time to a party....he gets it wet and says he'll pay me back for it....never saw a dime.Fast forward to about a month ago him and my cousin are going to a party and he grabs my favorite Yankees hat....Black with the white NY...My favorite which I wore constantly.He takes it to the party but before they hit the door I tell my cousin to take it away when their on the way home....they leave with different people and my cousin comes home too $+%$ faced to remember anything.

We go play baseball the week after...and what do you know he's wearing my Yankees hat which is now missing the sticker and has shrunk.I tell him why does he still have it so again he hits me with the "I'll pay you back" excuse...I felt like grabbing the bat and knocking his teeth out and beat him continueslly with it.So fast forward to 2 weeks ago...he texts me...."How much do I owe you bro?".I text him back with this list.

Red Phillies hat-$31
Black Yankees-$35
Black AF1's-$100
and the extras...-$20
Which all equals too....=$186
He swears he'll work to get it all together....

Friday...I talked to my homey Giovanni and he tells me that he gave Franklin the AF1's before they took him away and he put on his Aqua 8's and that he never threw up on anything that night.I get steamed and say he has till the end of November till I go knock his door down and beat his face in to pay me back.He laughs and tells me to just talk to him.
He's a lying conning snake and he's taken to much from all of his friends...I recently talked to some chick who would skip with him and his homeys and she said he'd always pull out about $20 or $30 whenever they went.He told my cousin about a party he and his cousin threw last weekend and he dropped 2 bills for beer and $+%$.

So NT what I need help with is this....
Should I go talk to him man to man..or as ya would think (kid to kid) or just get it over with and just knock some sense into him?...

(I know how you guys hate for people to come here for help but sorry.)
Why didn't YOU tell Franklin not to put it on in the first place? That is some passive-aggressive type stuff right there. He sounds likesomeone you can't stand up to. Maybe you are better off not having him as a friend anyway.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

You need to stop being a pushover.

And just because you knew him for so long doesn't mean he's a good friend.
How you let dude "JUST TAKE" your stuff lol
good friends are hard to find. I remember my boy, we went back since elementary and ever since we got to college he's been real shady. I just stop callinghim. It sucks, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Yea, this doesn't sound like a "friendship."

It looks like he bullied stuff from you because he knew you were not going to do anything. It's not like he ganked (do people still used that word?) yourstuff over night. He gradually STOLE your stuff over some months.

And truthfully, if you didn't do anything about the first item he took, you're probably not going to do anything now.

I'm pretty sure fighting him isn't going to get you your money back. So just chalk up your losses and quit being a pushover.
So one of my cousins homey's throws his 17th birthday party and he tels me how they all wore vests and dress shirts that had to beExpress.
He told me dude went to the Express store with him and bought a Dress Shirt,Jeans,Vest,and a Tie which allcame down to $200 and that dude pulls out a wad of cash and pays it.
And later before the party he pays for the beer.

I'm givin dude the business this weekend....#%%* tryin to talk to him
Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

its time for some new friends
Yeah that dude seems like a jerk

you should get your money back and then stop talking to him
Thing is no one can really stand the dude
He thinks just because he's "Built" and he calles himself Frank The Tank he can take down anyone....
We chilled at my homeys house and dude was benchin 125 and strugglin....I put 175 and straight clowned dude...but then my homey Ben put 275 and clowned both ofus
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by DMan14

just curious how old are ya?
time for some real "friends"
Hell I trust all of my new friends alot more than him he lost my trust years ago

you 16 homie, take the L and keep it movin' if he can't pay you back. money shouldn't be the issue is he is a real friend.
what can ya do, if you were really that close you wouldnt let it bother you. i've lost a few padres hats, a couple volcom shirts a few jordan shorts and apair of vans to my friends over the years, i just let it slide cuz i know they're my boys and they got my back.
Talk to him in person about it. Don't text him, but I think you did something to make him do this ? But idk haha
So I just talked to the dude and he tells me he promises he'll pay me before Christmas and that this friendship shouldn't end because one of us owesthe other some cash and then before he hangs up he says "Just think about it bro...f**king Pre-K you've had my back I've had backed meup alot of times,and I came running from home with my knife to help you when those black guys were gonna jump you last year...bye"
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