REAL TALK: I'm about to end my longest friendship over some cash....

Feb 8, 2008
Well I have a friend named Franklin he used to be my coolest homey.
We've been cool since Pre-K and lately he's been acting really weird.

So during the summer I bought some Black '08 AF1's (Damn things nearly cost me $99 since it was a mom and pop store they usually get a lot of kicks early so the AF1's were like a month early) they only got about 1 or 2 wears and like 2 weeks later Frank comes along saying he needs some black shoes so I gladly let him borrow my black AF1's....little did I know that was the last time I'll ever have them in my possession.

So then after a month or so he calls me and tells me that he let my homeboy Giovanni use them and he threw up on them and went to jail so he doesn't think he can get them back.Which was all !#+%+%+# now everytime I see him he has em on.So now brings me to a little later on...about 2 or 3 months ago he texts me and tells me that him and my cousin need $20 so I let him borrow the 20.Next day I call my cousin and he tells me he didn't see a damn dime from the 20,so now I'm steamed...I let it go and cool off.2 weeks later he comes over and grabs my brand new red phillies hat and takes it.....I only wore it 1 time to a party....he gets it wet and says he'll pay me back for it....never saw a dime.Fast forward to about a month ago him and my cousin are going to a party and he grabs my favorite Yankees hat....Black with the white NY...My favorite which I wore constantly.He takes it to the party but before they hit the door I tell my cousin to take it away when their on the way home....they leave with different people and my cousin comes home too $+%$ faced to remember anything.

We go play baseball the week after...and what do you know he's wearing my Yankees hat which is now missing the sticker and has shrunk.I tell him why does he still have it so again he hits me with the "I'll pay you back" excuse...I felt like grabbing the bat and knocking his teeth out and beat him continueslly with it.So fast forward to 2 weeks ago...he texts me...."How much do I owe you bro?".I text him back with this list.

Red Phillies hat-$31
Black Yankees-$35
Black AF1's-$100
and the extras...-$20
Which all equals too....=$186
He swears he'll work to get it all together....

Friday...I talked to my homey Giovanni and he tells me that he gave Franklin the AF1's before they took him away and he put on his Aqua 8's and that he never threw up on anything that night.I get steamed and say he has till the end of November till I go knock his door down and beat his face in to pay me back.He laughs and tells me to just talk to him.
He's a lying conning snake and he's taken to much from all of his friends...I recently talked to some chick who would skip with him and his homeys and she said he'd always pull out about $20 or $30 whenever they went.He told my cousin about a party he and his cousin threw last weekend and he dropped 2 bills for beer and $+%$.

So NT what I need help with is this....
Should I go talk to him man to man..or as ya would think (kid to kid) or just get it over with and just knock some sense into him?...

(I know how you guys hate for people to come here for help but sorry.)
You should probably just tell him he sucks at being a friend, remind him of all the things he owes you for and to tell him to holla at you when he gets thecake, and not a day sooner. Tell him it would suck to throw a friendship away over a few bucks so he should get his game right and come correct with yourmoney.
i didn't read it.
cliff notes and whats the center alignment?

oh, ducktales.
Originally Posted by DMan14

just curious how old are ya?
time for some real "friends"
Hell I trust all of my new friends alot more than him he lost my trust years ago
friendships are hard to come by. like any needs to be worked on. try and communicate with dude, if he doesn't respond, at leastget ya money back
Originally Posted by eckels

i didn't read it.
cliff notes and whats the center alignment?

oh, ducktales.
Center alignment cause my rough draft looked like %%@*
FeelMode wrote:.
You should probably just tell him he sucks at being a friend, remind him of all the things he owes you for and to tell him to holla at you when he gets the cake, and not a day sooner. Tell him it would suck to throw a friendship away over a few bucks so he should get his game right and come correct with your money.
maybe if son hadnt been lying to him about everything he borrowed. Son straight been stealing from dude. Stole them shoes, made up some story tokeep em, stole 2 of ya hats, been takin money from u when he has his own bread. Na bruh that aint okay. i think its time for you to go knock on dudes door& have a heart to heart with him. And if he doesnt get you ya money within a week you gon come back 2 mash dudes face in.
you may look at him as a friend, but I don't think he looks at you as one.

money has ruined a lot of close friendships of mine. and if somebody isn't willing to do what's right for their boy when it comes to money, he'snot worth having as a "friend."
Originally Posted by One Love

Man i swear you always got some lame %+% threads, youre worse than me
No one can get lamer than you. You're posing as a chick.

I ended a "friendship" just like this when I was in high school. It would be your best interests to part ways with someone who doesn't view youthe same as you view them.
one of my longest friends owe me about 2K. differnt situation but still he owes me the money and blows money right in front of me all the time. we had a fightabout it and didn;t speak for about 3 months. a mutual friend got us to talk again but I still aint got the money and prolly never will but he dosent buyanything in front of me now not a pack of gum or nothin. just got to let em know your serious about your cash. I'll get my money one way or the other Idoubt it will be cash but I'll make sure I get my money.
I 'broke up' with my best friend last week.

Long story short : He's my best friend, his baby momma is my best friend. They fight all the time, and I BEEN made it a rule that when I chill with eitherone, the other one's name/problems will not come up. Dude texts me on some 'it's either me or her' and I call him a "im not lookin at youim lookin past you !%@ _ " dude is like "nah ima make it easy for u, we not cool nomore" im like "derp derp derp w/e _" and that'sit.

The way I see it, you can be my bestfriend but the second you start acting like a lil +%### you finna get left behind like one. Dudes like that will just dragyou down. I mean dude is under stress cuz he's going on trial soon [also goin bald cuz of that], but he's just smoking weed with loser skater kids and'finding himself' instead of getting a job and taking care of his kid, and he wouldnt let me tell him to improve himself. !%#$ outta here

The thing that most pissed me off about it is the fact that it's a MAN giving another man ultimatums and **#% .. the first person I'd expect to maybepull that is his babymomma not him

Dudes act like straight vaginas nowadays
You need to stop being a pushover.

And just because you knew him for so long doesn't mean he's a good friend.
props on the center allign...i think that's the only reason i read that whole thing

i'd go talk to the dude man-to-man, but you have to remember not to keep letting him borrow your stuff...seems like he's walking all over you.
You have a bum as a friend. Drop him, before he brings you down with him...

Good thing its only 100+ just dead it or you gotta stop bending over backwards before it hits the big numbers
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I 'broke up' with my best friend last week.

Long story short : He's my best friend, his baby momma is my best friend. They fight all the time, and I BEEN made it a rule that when I chill with either one, the other one's name/problems will not come up. Dude texts me on some 'it's either me or her' and I call him a "im not lookin at you im lookin past you !%@ _ " dude is like "nah ima make it easy for u, we not cool nomore" im like "derp derp derp w/e _" and that's it.

The way I see it, you can be my bestfriend but the second you start acting like a lil +%### you finna get left behind like one. Dudes like that will just drag you down. I mean dude is under stress cuz he's going on trial soon [also goin bald cuz of that], but he's just smoking weed with loser skater kids and 'finding himself' instead of getting a job and taking care of his kid, and he wouldnt let me tell him to improve himself. !%#$ outta here

The thing that most pissed me off about it is the fact that it's a MAN giving another man ultimatums and **#% .. the first person I'd expect to maybe pull that is his babymomma not him

Dudes act like straight vaginas nowadays
He started chillin with drunkies and mad tobacco junkies around the time my stuff came up missing and they dragged him in there too.
One night dude was too *%%@+@ up to go home and face his parents...dude was drunk and high off his %++....I regret letting him crash on my couch because now hethinks he can just stroll into my house and act like I'm the type of dude who runs the whole "My home is your home" %@***##%
go get your money back now and teach him that your not playing anymore. I'll be
if somebody did that to me too.
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