Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

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Life is crazy man.. best wishes to you and your family..

Your story gave me a reality check, no lie..
Feel you on the parents thing. Never know when somethings gonna happen and they'll be gone.

I miss my Mom so damn much.

Godbless, OP.
I hope you spend the rest of your life being a good guy, and not do bad things like rob people because you think you might pass soon anyway.

Live life to the fullest :pimp:
**** money and insurance, theres gotta be some place out there willing to help you if it meant that it could actually extend your life

im talking non-profit organizations or something, maybe even forprofit

im sure as long as your doctor's office can explain everything, im sure some org out there is willing to help
A week ago, i never thought about death... it hits you pretty hard when the doctor tells you with a striaght face that you hav a month to live. I sat in the room crying for 20 minutes... i saw my life go by in my head,
i remember the 1st day of kindergarden. I got out of bed, gave my mom the biggest hug because she had cinnamon toast crunch ready in the bowl and on the table, and she surprised me with a spiderman schoolbag. What id give to go back and just give her another hug, i cant even say.... id give it all.

ill continue to update, obviously when i stop updating you guys can assume the worst (though you all prob wont be assuming)

its an eerie feeling knowing that your going to die... we all know we will die at some point, but we dont really think about it. Well, try and keep it that way, because when you are facing death, you need to be strong.

Im going to snooze, you guys be good.

And remember, even it last 1 second, giving your mom or dad or loved one a hug just just because you love them is an incredible feeling.

Love and miss you mom
What id give to go back and just give her another hug, i cant even say.... id give it all. And remember, even it last 1 second, giving your mom or dad or loved one a hug just just because you love them is an incredible feeling.
Love and miss you mom

:frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:

All of this.
Go to a non-profit hospital they should treat you even without funds because your life is at stake
i definitely don't condone some of the things you've done, but i guess no one really knows how they would act until they're actually dealing with what you're going through.

do you have any estimated cost of what you need done? i'm sure it's unbelievably expensive, but maybe we can get something started on here and get you what you need in time.
i definitely don't condone some of the things you've done, but i guess no one really knows how they would act until they're actually dealing with what you're going through.
do you have any estimated cost of what you need done? i'm sure it's unbelievably expensive, but maybe we can get something started on here and get you what you need in time.

Im looking at close to 100k for the surgery
Wow, I really don't know what to say. Hoping for a miracle but have faith in God and try to communicate with him. Devote yourself to some good deeds in the time you have left....  That's all I got
I'm speechless. This really put my life into perspective.   I really do need to stop taking even the simplest things, such as life, for granted.

God bless OP and stay strong.
Im looking at close to 100k for the surgery
thats with your current doctor who obviously has no intention of helping you with surgery if youve already told him about current financial and insurance situation and has done nothing

youve got to try and find some other organization or hospital and tell them your story

its great to know that youre enjoying life to the fullest, but i personally think that youve got to try and find somone thats willing to help, lifes worth fighting for
Im looking at close to 100k for the surgery

go to your county hospital ER... tell them you have the worst headache of your life, they will do a catscan of your head thatll show the tumor. get admitted and taken care of. nobody is going to turn you away. i work at a county hospital, trust me on this.
Stay strong man!

This post was hard to read
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