Richest 17 year old on instagram

You know you want the cash 

For the kicks,riiight
Uncontrolled social networking is the bane of this generation's existence.
QFT. too many inflated egos, self importance, attention whoring, all of it. this dude is the definition of all that...the only thing worse is a fat ugly girl posting "s3xxxxi pix" for the "HaTeRrrrrrZ"
Social media caters to users worst traits. Why do you think social media blew up so quick and is so profitable? It's no different than other drugs. 
why are people trying to make themselves feel better by assuming this dude has depression? lol..if he has family money then let him be..dont try and make yourselves feel better by saying.."well at least i have friends, and this guy doesnt"

stop shows your insecurities too..just deal with it..

THIS. If it was ben baller y'all would be on your knees slurping him
Kinda wild that the other profile is exposing his personal info for someone to pop him. I wonder what his dad does.
This kid is the ultimate troll :lol:

7 page thread discussing him? I bet people all over the Internet are talking about him. I really doubt he acts like that all the time but **** I used to like the attention at 17 too
Lol that money isn't going anywhere, I feel bad for the people entering that "contest"
What's this ****** instagram so I can get that 15 or 20 k.
did anyone find out who is parents are yet? surprised we havent heard yet :nerd:
Did he announce who won the 15k giveaway yet. It was supposed to be today
this dude is a fool hahahaha he straight comedy
look at how mad people be gettin at each other and him and he doesnt have to do **** but post pix of money

haters are real on him tho... some dude just made an account to show where he lives and all that.. like damn if the kid was born with it why not he cant help it..
**** is straight comedy tho!!

peep that dudes instagram @lavishleaks 
Hahahahaha!!! Notice that there are no friends in any of those pictures. Lol
Guarantee he is not among the most wealthy of his circle of friends. He's pretty funny though
Dude cant be too rich if he has to floss his lifestyle on IG.

Dude may have money, but he dresses like cats in my local clubs.
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