RIP George Floyd

**** your good officers too. When they stand up to their misbehaving officers in the heat of the moment, my tune will change.

A bad apple spoils the bunch.

I disagree, but do you fam
Where are they?
Look for yourself if you’re that interested. You typed this response I’m sure you’re more than capable of looking for yourself if you thought it was of importance that is. There have been accounts of even blacks infiltrating the KKk to expose them or even change racist hearts.
I just don’t believe more hatred will fix the root of our problem.
I need proof of this before we start throwing folks under the bus..
I'm 50/50 on looting. It's fine and dandy the big box stores get hit but the family owned and small businesses isn't cool. And after all these big money businesses are all looted where do you think looters will target next? Like the dude from Seattle said they are starting to loot neighborhoods. Your stance will be different when it hits home (literally).

Agreed & let's be serious, the majority of people looting the small businesses are out-of-towners/people will no connection to that neighborhood.
Forgot where I read it, but someone pointed out that white people who use the "bad apples" saying always conveniently leave out the "spoil the whole bunch" part
Spend enough time listening to them and other folks leaning on the right of the political spectrum, and you realize that they are the most double-faced, dishonest, bad faith actors out there. Always changing language conventions on the fly to fit their point of view. BLM was shortened (black lives matter too) to build the main strawman argument against it (all lives matter).
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