RIP George Floyd

ANY of those dudes, a message needs to be sent that abusing innocent people is no longer a slap on the wrist, that if the justice system doesn't the people will.... and if they can't get to the killer then your city economy suffers

He needs to get it. It’s plenty of crummy people out there. But usually when they get off easy, they’re smart enough to dissapear and fade into Bolivian.

That idiot harassing the Martin family on so many levels after the verdict. Selling the gun he used, posting pics of the kids body, trying to sue the family.

I really hope one day he gets caught up and is on the receiving end of some cartel like torture punishment.
Under white supremacy which preserves white privilege YOU ALL are racist due to the color of your skin. Your original post proves this. Nice try in denying it, maybe in another life, you will not be a racist.
I'll spare the thread this discussion.

Me - You should really look up the definition of racist
You - **** your dictionary, here's my made up definition to fit my agenda
Me - You don't get to make up your own definitions
You - Don't tell me what I can't do

The end. Have a good day.
Do you keep it in a safe? ...if so...combination of fingerprint. long does it take you to access?...

I've been looking at a Sig Sauer for the home

Shotgun is the only thing locked up now. Rifle and pistol are accessible before I leave my bedroom. We have plans in place for any disturbance in the house. Layout of the house works very well in my favor from a visibility and perch standpoint.

sincerely hope it never comes to that. Hit the legal weapon thread! Def recommend arming yourself in these times.
I'll spare the thread this discussion.

Me - You should really look up the definition of racist
You - **** your dictionary, here's my made up definition to fit my agenda
Me - You don't get to make up your own definitions
You - Don't tell me what I can't do

The end. Have a good day.
That’s very white of you, then the very reason I judge you upon your whiteness. Have a continued miserable, mediocre life.
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