RIP George Floyd

SpittaJetLife SpittaJetLife what are you gonna say when a black family in the burbs gets their house torn apart by some white kids that really don't care about black lives but just want to **** some **** up?

What are you gonna say when kids swept up in the moment get murked by home owners with guns?

I understand the frustration, but advocating for widespread home invasions is not the ******* move.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that Virgil would donate $50 to black lives

Ol' sunken place lookin ***
That’s very white of you, then the very reason I judge you upon your whiteness. Have a continued miserable, mediocre life.
Giving a summary instead of going through the same discussion again is a white thing?

My life is far from miserable and far from mediocre. Weird assumptions on your part.
and it’s important to keep gaining numbers. home invasions allow them to paint us all as the enemy to the public regardless of affiliation with that element.

people who may have been or could become allies will become afraid and support crushing protests with violent force or civilians gunning down protesters in the streets because they “feared for their life”.

they will smear us with propaganda. we have seen it before. they’ve already tried to do it but everybody noticed it’s white folks causing much of the damage so the narrative changed in a way to deflect blame to groups vs race.

we have to turn the world against them, and turn the money against them. their power lies in propaganda, blackmail, and capital influence.

but in the meantime we gotta start some campfires.
None of this will matter if they burn the White House down.
Just a matter of time before y’all see dudes wearing shirts that day “Academi” on them...
Giving a summary instead of going through the same discussion again is a white thing?

My life is far from miserable and far from mediocre. Weird assumptions on your part.
Giving a summary based upon your perspective, which is indeed white, is nothing but the truth. If you are having such a hard time understanding why you are being judged by the color of your skin? Then try being Black. It must be hard living with such privilege, right? Miserable and mediocre life indeed.
Trump just said "The whole world was laughing at Minneapolis when they saw the police station set on fire"

...boy, what are you saying? Countries all over the world are protesting against American police. Shut your goofy *** up
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