RIP George Floyd

It's not bs, I work with municaplities and I'm telling you from a granular local level and experience. Camden, NJ's police union has turned things around the right way. Learn from examples and implement change locally. Action over words.

They may have turned it around after them cops got assassinated a couple years ago. I'd be willing to bet a lot of house got ckeaned in the process.
Neighborhoods somewhat police themselves in the Philippines. Each local neighborhood has its own members that patrol, know everyone and help their neighborhood. When there is an issue requiring law enforcement, then they go get someone from the police.
I’m not encouraging it but I think it’s bound to happen. This can get real bad. There are a lot of guns in the hood.

I would encourage those folks to hunker down and protect their homes and businesses and each other. If we are at that point where people are invading neighborhoods, please believe “they” will be in our hoods in full force.
Please add to the discussion I have open ears and want to understand better ways because everything is wrong right now

I mean it's pretty self explanatory as to why letting communities police themselves would be a bad idea.

Are you familiar with one, George Zimmerman? Because that would be one of the people eager to help police his own community. Do you remember what happened when he thought he had a badge?

The police don't do a good job but allowing vigilante justice is not the answer either.

Also are you familiar with what the self-policing community did to Ahmaud Arbery?

It's just a really bad idea on all fronts. The fact that it works in the Philippines has no bearing on how it would work here. Apples to oranges if we're being honest.
I would encourage those folks to hunker down and protect their homes and businesses and each other. If we are at that point where people are invading neighborhoods, please believe “they” will be in our hoods in full force.
More of us than them
it needs to be completely abolished but because that wont happen in our lifetimes complete reconstruction is a start. Privatization can’t be worse than what we have now.
Do you want the cops to charge you for the bullets they're gonna use when you call 911?

Come on y'all! Where I grew up, when you call the cops, you both have to take a cab to chase the robbers (cuz they don't have cars), and you get to pay for the ride.

Privatization ensures that only the wealthiest neighborhoods get protection. Doing that will actually legitimize the current system.
They may have turned it around after them cops got assassinated a couple years ago. I'd be willing to bet a lot of house got ckeaned in the process.

Exactly. For example, another large city in NJ, they city manager wanted to increase the quality of new police officer recruits with 2 years of college for new applicants (any college, community, public or private). They wanted recruits that spent time with people of diverse backgrounds. The police union refused and threaten to vote the mayor out next election cycle. That's why to effect change of the system it starts on a local granular level. I would challenge everyone to ask themselves how many city\town hall meetings do you attend, how many emails or letters have you written to your local council people, school board meetings, do you vote on a local meeting on those weird election dates and not just in November. It works, I've gotten my street paved, crossing signs up, playgrounds fixed for children. Gotta be loud and complain on a local level and pressure your mayors. That's how you can directly see feel the impact, on a local level. Pat Council the leader of the NYPD police union is literally the devil. Gotta work smart, and again, actions over sentiments and postings. Clean house in the process and increase the training and quality of police officers. My friend at a tech firm is working on virtual training for law enforcement officers to help deescalate situations with digital training. That's change that can directly impact the system.
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I'm white. I can't say i've ever gone through anything close to what many have gone through in this country. But I do have friends that have. Grown up with african american friends and saw first hand how they were racially profiled. It's disgusting.

Continue the protests and make your voice heard. It's important.

The looting is sad, especially with people going into cities that they don't live in and loot, that **** is getting out of hand. When will it stop? Idk but it doesn't appear anytime soon.

But we have a damn big problem in this country. We have no damn leadership in this country. The WH called Corona Virus a hoax then claimed they did a great job in containing it weeks later.

Now, he hasn't said anything on this topic but a few words and has resorted to his childish trolling on Twitter and went into his little bunker with the lights off.

Another death and we sit here saying "We need to fix this. Things need to change." But they won't. It's a cycle. We will be here 3 years from now if not earlier with a thread on another man killed by police. Why? Because we have no damn leadership in this country. It's sad and **** needs to change. Make your voice heard, especially Nov. 3.
AG Barr announced that he is instructing the Bureau of Prisons to deploy "riot teams" to DC and Miami.
Name them

Im sure there's not many, but to clarify, I meant more so not racist towards their own people. Black Americans are AMERICAN. And we're not talking oh my dad immigrated 20 years ago and I'm american. I'm talking "my great ancestor was dragged to America 380 years ago" American. How many black Americans are first or second generation? I'd say about 20% or less. As opposed to most races that came after and already are more respected by their fellow American.

Was ridin at work today listening to this old favorite flip song. I’m not black so unlike the song title I don’t know “what you’ve been through” other than what I see and hear. Figure this would hit home for some. For those being quite out here ask yourself do you really want to live in a world where everyone’s not treated equal?
I would encourage those folks to hunker down and protect their homes and businesses and each other. If we are at that point where people are invading neighborhoods, please believe “they” will be in our hoods in full force.

This is why we have the 2nd Amendment... You've got to be able to protect yourself and your property in times like these.
More of us than them

and it’s important to keep gaining numbers. home invasions allow them to paint us all as the enemy to the public regardless of affiliation with that element.

people who may have been or could become allies will become afraid and support crushing protests with violent force or civilians gunning down protesters in the streets because they “feared for their life”.

they will smear us with propaganda. we have seen it before. they’ve already tried to do it but everybody noticed it’s white folks causing much of the damage so the narrative changed in a way to deflect blame to groups vs race.

we have to turn the world against them, and turn the money against them. their power lies in propaganda, blackmail, and capital influence.

but in the meantime we gotta start some campfires.
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