RIP George Floyd

Trump just said "The whole world was laughing at Minneapolis when they saw the police station set on fire"

...boy, what are you saying? Countries all over the world are protesting against American police. Shut your goofy *** up
If anyones being "laughed at", its him.

Hiding under the lunch table during a highschool food fight.


Puppeteers put their puppet back in the case
Giving a summary based upon your perspective, which is indeed white, is nothing but the truth. If you are having such a hard time understanding why you are being judged by the color of your skin? Then try being Black. It must be hard living with such privilege, right? Miserable and mediocre life indeed.
Not doing this with you again. If you want to make assumptions about me based on my skin tone, go for it. I hope that one day you can move past that though. I won't make assumptions about you based on your skin tone.
The president indicates support for sending in the military under the Insurrection Act.

So they banned me from the Jordan 13 thread because I was talking about race but didn’t ban the racist white dude that was talking about black on black crime. This is the racist nonsense here on NT that I was talking about Methodical Management Methodical Management SteveSteve72 SteveSteve72
You were banned from that thread because you continued to derail it even after I asked you to please stop. We do have rules on Niketalk that need to be followed.
Not doing this with you again. If you want to make assumptions about me based on my skin tone, go for it. I hope that one day you can move past that though. I won't make assumptions about you based on your skin tone.
You’ve oversimplified it to make it seem as if you are a victim here. Judging you on your skin tone? No, I am judging you through the system that supports you because of your skin tone. Blame that system for making you a racist.
You were banned from that thread because you continued to derail it even after I asked you to please stop. We do have rules on Niketalk that need to be followed.
Did you ban the dude that was talking about black on black crime? Because he was derailing the thread and you never asked him and others to stop. There were several pages of thread derailing with no warnings.
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