RIP George Floyd

All lives matter is a bunch of BS. Only created to negate BLM. Almost as stupid as Blue lives edition

That’s exactly what both of those are. You’re supposedly not uploaded to just a book by it’s cover, but I already 100% know what I need to know about somebody with ones of those blue lives shirts and/or those same flags on their jacked up Dodge Rams or F-150s. Same thing with a MAGA hat, no explanation needed.
Naw a lot of these kids hate cops because they’ve been terrorized their whole life. They’re tired of the police and white supremacy.

No, specially in New York it's not. It's about getting a lick and targeting specific stores. It's not random and it's somewhat organized. It's not walking down the block and we happen to see a Footlocker. I've seen lookouts for the cops.
No, specially in New York it's not. It's about getting a lick and targeting specific stores. It's not random and it's somewhat organized. It's not walking down the block and we happen to see a Footlocker. I've seen lookouts for the cops.
Naw I was just watching a live stream in NYC. You can check back a few pages. Girl who was recording and talking to dudes looting said that dudes are legit fed up. She said their out their to take ****, and cause chaos for the cops. It def is well organized.
They’re doing it smart. Hit one city up, hit the stores up and dip. By the time the cops respond they’re on their way to the next city they’re targeting.
but here is the tacit the cops will use they will let them loot and in the morning they will swarm the area and close off the area for who didnt get home

thats what they did last night
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